Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 116.
Psyche 9:116-117, 1900.

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116 PSYCHE. [Octobel, tyoo.
A single mature and one or two im-
mature specimens of a Leptysma taken
July 13 by Mr. A. P. Morse at Palm
Springs in Southern California (on
bunch grass in Palm Canon), and a
single specimen from the Colorado
Desert, Aug. 13, sent me by the Stan-
ford Univctsity, had the pale lateral
stripe so faint and were found so far
west of the regions from which our only
known species, L, marginicollis (Serv.), had been reported, that 1 at first thought I had an undcscribcd species before
me. Comparison, however, showed
that there was no other mark of distinc- tion ancl this mark was absent from
several other specimens I found in. my
collection, collected by Crotch about
San Diego, Cal., that is, in the same
or adjoining counties. This greatly
extends the published distribution of the species. In my recent Catalogue I gave
this as the " Southern States east of
Mississippi." If I had gone over my
collection carefully, I should have found specimens from the above localities and
also from northeast Ha., Feb. (May-
nard), Ft. Reed, Fla., April (Cornstock) Appalachicola, Fla. (Thaxter) , Georgia
(Morrison), North Carolina (Shute) ,
Sinithville, N. C., Nov. z 2 (Maynard) , Vigo Co., 111~1. (Blatchley) , Auburn, Ala. (Baker), Houston, Tex., on water plants
Belfrage) , Dallas, Tex., March 6 (Boll) , Kansas (Ulder) , and Nebraska (Miss
Walker). liruner does not give it in his list of Nebraska insects. It has also
been reported from South Carolina
(Stal) and Tennessee (Ile Haan), and
1 have received it from Biscayne Bay
Ha. (Slosson) . The range should there-
fore have been stated as Southern
States from Atlantic to Pacific.
All of the Coccids cited below were
considerably to our already large list,
collected in the vicinity of Springfield, and many new food plants are here
Mass. (Hampclen County), by Dr. listed for the first time. George Dimmock, who sent them to me (I) Lecanium perci/ronis Fitch. for study, ancl the following records add Several lots of this have been received,


infesting various species of oaks, and
one lot from
Ulmus amerimna; this was
also infested with Chionaspis americana
Jolinson. L. percitronis is new to Mass. (2)
Lecanium laurz Boiscl. on Lau-
ms nobilis, new to Mass.. on a plant in
the Springfield Natural History Mu-
(3) Lecanium ttilipiferae Cook on
Liriodendron fzdififera, new to Mass. ;
this is probably L. ZiriodenSri Gmel.,
1788. Although his description is very
poor, Prof. Cook's is not very much
bcttcr and the insect should be rede-
Lecaniwn canaliens8 Ckll. was re-
ceived on elm twigs.
(5) Lecanium cockerelli Hunter was
found on Populus sp.
(6) Lecaniizm armeniacum Craw. on
black cherry {Prumts seroii'nd} . I find the same individual variation of the an- termal segments as did Mr. Hunter in
his Kansas specimens ; it is new to
Mass. Dr. Dimmock intonns me that
the dates of hatching were from 26 June
to 8 July, 1898.
Lecanium percifex Fitch on va-
rious species of oak twigs, and Rhus
g/hz a new food plant, and a very
common species.
(8) Lecanium coryhfex Fitch. on
Corylus americana.
(9) Lecaniunt antennatum Sign. on
black oak; only two examples of this
were found, but Prof. Cockerell's notes
are so clear on this species, that there is no doubt as to thc identity of the spc- (10)
A species very much like LC-
canhw Ifititberculaium Sign. new to
Mass., and needing further study, was
found on oak.
(I I) Lecanium hemi@haericum Targ.
on Cyas revalufa in the Springfield
natural history museum.
(I 2) Pulvinaria innumer&hiZis Ra-
thv. on Quercus ilicifolia, Ezionymus
amwicana, and Viturmmt denfafum.
(13) Plih'ina-ria macZiwae Kenn. in
fitch on Ampelopsis quinquefolia, a new
food plant.
P'ulviniwia acericola W. and R.
on sugar maple in deep woods, new to
Kermes kingii Ckll. one exam-
ple on oak.
(I 6) Dactylofius longisfinus Targ.
on Cycas revoluta in the Springfield
natural history museum.
(I 7) Chionaspis americana Johnson
on Uhus americann with L. quwcitronis.
(18) Chionaspis ortholobis Comst. on
Popuhts grandidtnfata ; this seems to be quite common at Springfield as I have
received several lots.
(19) Chionaspis furfurus Fitch on
AmeIt7nchier canadensis, P,å´)$zdu grandi- dentata and apple ; P. grandiilentata is a new food plant.
(20) Chionasfis pimfoliae Fitch on
Pinus sp.
(2 I) Mytilaspis uimi L. ; this is very
common on ash (Baxinzts americana)
Acer rzd~zi?~, willow, PopuZus tremuloiiin, P. grana'identata, red root or New Jersey tea plant (Ceanotfws americanus) Sassa-
October, iqoo.1 PSYCHE. 117
ties sent me; it is new to Mass.
fias offidnale, and Ohio buckeye (Aesczt-


118 l's ~~~. [October, qoo.
Ins glabra) ; the last four are new food plants. Mytilaspis nlmi L. (Syn. M.
fornorum Bouch.4) has now been recorded
throughout the world from 46 different
food plants. 1 have it from 22 in
Mass. Chionaspis fu~fzwus Fitch is
found on 14 different food plants in
(22) Aulacaspis elcgaw Leon, on
Cycas remihtta; this together with Leca- nium hemisphaericum Targ. and Dactylo-
pim longispimis, were on the same plant
in the Springfield natural history mu-
seum. Previously recorded Coccids
found at Springfield are Gossypariu
tihni, Phenacoccus aceris, Ripersia kingii, Lecanium nigrofasdafum and Mytilasfiis
ulm i.
RacAeos$iZa saltusaria Hul~t.
Effg (dissected from moth). Ellipticiil- strongly flattened above and below, but
rounded, one end depressed -from side view ; shagreened, scarcely reticulate; size .6 X -5 X .3 mm.
Color, orange red.
Stage T, Head round, slightly bllobed,
pale brownish ; width -2s mm. Joint 2 high, collurcd in front, the collar notched centrally ; otherwise cylindrical, smooth, slender, the segments bent angularly when walking; pale yellowish, shining"; feet normal, short. Skin rather sparsely minutely granular. No tuber- cles or setae except on the anal feel mid a pair on anal plate, pale, slightly enlarged at tips. Anal plate long, pointed behind, round
before with two conical, thick, subanal
prongs, approximate and longer than the
Sfa,p II. Head rounded, the lobes
bluntly highly produced, a wide notch be- tween; yellowish, sutures and mouth brown, ocelli black; width .33 mm. Body cylindrical, joint 2 with two high cones In front; anal plate long, rounded, the thick subanal prongs projecting beyond. Greenish yellow, smooth, no marks, minutely frosted. Later an inter- rupted dorsal brown line appears.
Siag-e ZII.
Head lobes sharply conically
produced; gcen, shaded with brown over the sicks; width .55 mm. A high double point on joint 2; anal piale elliptical, pointed, the thick s~dmial prongs reddish. All else
smooth, suhgrannlar frosted, green, a brown dorsal line represented by dashes in the in- cisiires.
^face TV.
Head Hat before, the lobes pro-
duced into thick coiiical horns, slightly con- stricted centrally; clypeus rather high ; dark brown, face frosted with whitish, and with frosted streaks over the lobes especially be- hind; mouth black brown; width I mm.
Body slender, uniform, a large single green hump on joint 2 with h o approximate, dark brown liorns on the summit, a little recurved outwardly. Anal plate long, pointed behind, excavate before; shields of anal feet large, triangular, excavate below posteriorly. Feet of joint 10 small, approxim4e to the anal ones. Body still, angular when walking,
dark green, very faintly frosted with white granules posteriorly; a series of dark vinons- brown intcrsegmental dashes, frosty edged, connected by a darker green stripe; on joints 10 to 12 these are contracted to a contin~ious line. Anal plate green ; thick prong's vinous,


Volume 9 table of contents