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Psyche 9:90-92, 1900.
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PSYCHE. [August, igoo.
differentialis passes through the last
P. ~trbrascendis Thos.- Four speci-
mens from Fold county- two 01' each
variety (P. n. ncbrascencis and P. n.
vdncris). Structural chsiracteristics
conform well with the description,
excrpt thnt in llirce of' Hie four cases the fastig'ium is plainly suloalo. The
other specimen - P. n. nehrmcencis
corroborated the description of Scud-
cler. Fro'i1eni:il spine not "å erect''
hut slightly recumbent. Extremity of
male abdomen only feebly clavnte.
In the short winged variety P. n.
nebrascenc& the two specimens at
hi~ild show marked variation in teg-
mina ; alike in width, they differ in
length, and in the foi m of distal exh'cm- ity. The specimens agree in size,
but tegmina sire six and nine mm. in
length respectively. The shoi ter teg-
mina end more abiuptly and the apex
is more acute Ilia11 in the longer wii~g. Two males of each vaiiety from Ford
Co., Jllly.
Most of the described species of the
genus Mcstobregrna, like the type of the genus, have the wings distinctly crossed mesially by a fuscous band of greater or less width. In one species, however, M
kiowa Thoin,, the wings are pellucid,
except for the fuscous veins and for the occasional faint clouding of the wings at the normal point for the band, or the
heavier infuscation of the cross veins in this region.
In the collections brought from the
Pacific coast by Mr. A. P. Morse, arc
three species of the genus with wings
showing at most no greater indication of a cross-band than in the species men-
tioned ; indeed one of them is that spe- cies, which has never before been recorcl- ed from west of Utah. They wet e found
in successively more southern regions.
The broad-winged form, M. /'/m~a, was
obtained only in northern Califoi nia neai Mt. Shasta. The narrow-winged species
occurred, one, M. hynlinum, in the San
Joachin valley from the latitude oC San
Francisco to that of Los Angeles, the
other, M rosacetm, from the southern
edge of the San Joachin valley to Yuma,
The species may be separated as fol-
lows :
01. Median carina of pronotnm nearly
obliterated between the sulci, here no
Pu&e 9 090.93 (pre. 1903) hfp //psyche aitclub orgWJ-OOSN htd
~ugust, ~~o0.1 PSYCHE. 91
more prominent than the lateral canthi
ot the scutellate disk beside it ; process of metazona a little obtusangulate, rarely 1-ectangulate ; contrasted markings of
tegmina confined to the costal field;
wings relatively narrow, t ~ ' we or more than twice as long as broad ; hind tibiae yellow, occasionally faintly tinged with P. Front lobe of median carina of pro-
notun1 not prominent ; lower posterior
corner of lateral lobes distinctly angu- late in female: wings pellucid, but
with the basal half or less roseate,
soinctimes wit11 feeble inclications of a transverse band beyond by the broad-
er infuscatioii of the cross-veins.
1^. Front lobe of median carina of
pronotnm distinctly cristate ; lower
posterior corner of lateral lobes well
rounded in both sexes ; wings wholly
pellucid except for the apical infusca-
tion of some of the anterior veins, with no signs of a transverse band.
ift. Median carina of pronotum crested
between the sulci, here forming a dis-
tinctly rounded lobe; process of met-
azona rectangnlate or subrecta~igulate ; contrasted markings of tegmina crossing
the discoiclal as well as the costal field ; wings relatively broad, distinctly less
than twice as Iong as broad ; hind tibiae blue. kiowa.
Mestobregma rosaceum sp. nov.
Ferrugineo-testaceoils, much maiked wit11 Cuscous. Head salient, ferrugineo-testaceous, in the male paler than in the female and also often marked above with longitudinal fuscous stripes, and with a slender transverse line between the eyes, also found in the female; fi~stigi~~n~ of vertex brief, deeply silicate, par- ticularly in the male, with a distinct median carina, the sharp margins of the fastigiiun contini~ous with the margins of the deeply siilc'ate frontalcosta, which is narrow, slightly expanded at the ocellus, and broadens EL littlc below; eyes prominent, parlicularly in the male; antennae a little (a) or considerably ( 9) shorter than the liiiid feinorii, Lchtaceons anniilate with f~iscous or the reverse. Pro- uotuin hardly longer than broad, mesifilly a little constricted, above of the color of the head, the lower portions of the lateral lobcs dc~y-yellow,inargined above with black failing into fuscous or ferrugino~is, the cli& more or leus (in the mcde conspicuously) liiiirkcd with short longitndinal fuscous stripes, often with flavous interspaces; me- dian carina no more ctcviite~l on the prozuna than on the melazona or 1ha1-i the c?intlii of the scuteHum, å´whic isnot atall pronounced; process of metazona a littlc obtiisrtiig~ilrite; lower i~i~irgin of lateral lobes with adistinct posterior depending clentic~iliition in the fe- male, the angle snl~iecta~~gnlatc niul rounded in the male. Tegmina very long and sub-
eqnal, feebly maculate 1111-oiigho~~t, but with the contrasted markings nut very niiirkcd and confined to the costal field, which is mostly f~~sco~is with a pnle cinereous spot just beyond the widest part; wine fully twice as Iong as bi'owl, pcllucid with fuscous veins and the hiisfil half or less tinned with rosa- ceous, the costal margin infuscated beyond the middle, and sometimes the indications of a mesial cross-band in the deepei- infiibca- tion of the c~oss-veins. Hind femora cincrc- 011s marked wit11 fuscous, andespecially with two f~~scous spots above, at find beyond the middle; hind tibiae pale yellow, occasionally I little embrowned, esp~-ciiilly beneath. 1.engtli of body, 8, 16 mm., 9, 25 mm.;
antennae, $1 9 mn., 9, 10 mm.; legmiria,
92 PSYCHE. [~ugust, 1900.
8, 19.5 mm., 9, 27 mm.; hind femora, 8,
10 mm., 9, ij mm.
19 3, I I 9 . Tehachapi, Cal., Aug.
2 ; Palm Springs, Cal., July 13 ; and
Yuma, Ark, July 7 (Morse).
Mestobregma hyalinum sp. nov.
Cinereo-testaceous, lieiivily m;il-licd with fuscous, occitsiuniilly wholly embrowned. I-1e:ul s;ilient, dull testaceous, more or less infuscated or punctate with fuscous above, especially in the female, and ii~ially with a transverse fnscons line between the eyes; fastigiurn of vertex as in the last ^ipecies 2nd connected as there with the deeply snlcnte frontal costa, which broadens gradually below Lhc ocellus find is there treqiiently punctate witli 11l:lck on the niiirgiiis ; eyes prominent, especially in the male; iintennae somewhat (8) or considerably (?) shorter llinii the Elitid femorii, testii-ceons hast~lly, hecornin: feri'ns.'ineo-fuscous apically with obscure an- l~iliitioiis. Pronotuni a little longer tliiin broad, somewl~at conslrielcii incsially, ferru- ~ineotestiiceous, more or less and irregularly blotched with f~tscmit;, the lateral lubes tnsirlwd ;is in the last species; median carina somewhat crisliitc on the forrmost lobe, but othei wise not higher than on the metiimna, the sci~tellniii moderately pronounced, and the disk of the inetazunii with sharp but not high clcviitions, 1x11 ticiilni'ly in the female; process of metiizona usually a little obtusii.ngn- late, but sometimes rccLsiiig~ili~te; lower pos- terior ai~glc of lateral lobes somewhat retro- arc~in-te, well rounded, nowhere nniyiilale i x ~ either sex. Tegmitiii moderately slender, cspccitilly in the male, thediscoidal field free of markings, the costal ;zrea daik fuscous, with a pallid patcli n little beyond its widest part; wings twice as long as broad, wholly pellucid except lhat the costal wargin is infviscated heyokid the middle and the veins and cross- veins in the apical region are somewhat
heavily infnscn-teci. Hind femora testaceous, apically inftocated and with a median and postinediaii fuscuus patch above; hind tibiae pale yellow with the slightest possible glan- cous tinge, occasioiially levy faiiilly infus- caled.
Length of body, a, 16 mm., 9, 35 mm.;
antennae, 8,8 inm., 9, g mm. ; teginina, 8, 17.,5 mm.,
9, 22 mm.; hind femora, (T, 10
I 9 , 12 mm,
24 3, 25 9 .
Latlirop, Cal., Aug. I 7 ;
Tulare, CaL, Aug. c;; Kcrn City, Cal.,
Aug. 4; and Lancaster, Cal., July 31,
Mestobregma kiowa.
Oeiiipoda kioTaa Tliom., Ann. rep. U.
S. geol. surv. terr, v, 461 ( 1872 ).
Psiniiiia kiowa. Thorn., Rep. U. S. geol. surv. w. 100 mer., v, 885 (1871;).
Mestobreyma hiowa- Thorn., I'roc. Dav.
acad. nat. sc., i, 256 ( 1876 ) .
Psinidia ( Trachy/mh/s) kioiua Sauss.,
Proclr. Oeclip., 164 ( 1884).
Trachyrachis kiowa- Sanss., Add. proclr, Oeclip., 59, 168 ( 1888).
I have specimens before me from
Sioux City, Iowa (Whitman ), Neb
rash ( Dodge), Kansas ( Uhler ) ,
Colorado, 7 ooo', ( Mon-ison ) , Ft. Col- lins and vicinity, Col., July, Aug. ( Hak- er ) , Morrison, Col., Aug. 9 ( Scuclder ) , Manitou, Col., Aug. 24-25 ( Scudd~l~ ),
Pueblo, Col., Aug. 30-3 I ( Scudder ) ,
Canon City, Col. ( Uhler ) , mountains
of Larimer Co., Col., July I r ( Baker ) , Garland, Col., Ang. 28-29 ( Scud~lcr),
Roan Mts., Col., Aug. 15-17 (Scudder ),
White River, Col., at Utah boundary,
July z4-Aug. 13 ( Scuclcler ) , Salt Lake
August, IQOO.] Psych%. 93
Valley, Aug. 1-4 (Scudder), Spring Of the spread specimens I have seen, Lake Villa, Utah Co., Utah, Aug. 1-4
all from east of the continental divide, ( Palmer ), and Gazelle, Cal., Sept. 4
have the base of the wings as pellucid
( Morse). Besides these slates, it has as the distal half ; while in all from been reported from the Yellowstone re- west of this line, the base of the wings is gion ( Brunei-), Dakota (Thomas, washed with. pale citron. Bniner ) , and Montana ( Thomas ).
Syncklora ~'laitcaria Guen.
The larva has
been described (as nibivora Rilcy) by Riley, Saundera and French but not in much de-
Elliptical, strongly flattened on two
sides, thefliit faces concave, sunken, the edps well marked but a little rounded; side view slightly wedge shaped, the broader end trnn- cate roundly, elevated in its center so as to be almost quite round like the narrower end, and is so except for a slight annular flatten- ing, noticcable from side view. Surface all finely hexagonally reticulate, the reticulations not strongly raised. Pale, slightly greenish yclluw, shiiiing. Size .6 X -5 X -3 mm.
Later turns pale red.
Staye I. Head round, slightly bilobed,
pale brown, mottled with pier, with shorL, white, glandiilar setac; width ahout .3 mm. Body cylindrical, smooth, tubercles rather large, especially iv, which is cylindrical and produced with a conicsil tip. Setac white ; on abdomen short with flattened enlarged tips, except iii (of joint 5) and iv (joints 6 to 9) which is very long and has a bulbous tip. This seta is sticky and bears, on its base principally, the fragments which adhere to ihe larva. Snbdorsal setae of thorax and joint 12 also prolonged, but much shorter than the long lateral ones. Dark brown-black mot- tled with ocherous, especially on joints 12 and 13, which look lighter; traces of a dark dorsal line.
Stage IT.
Head rounded, slightly bilobed,
of the colorof the body; width .4 mm.
as before, the setae glandular but much
shorter, iv still the longest and arisisig from a son~ewhat produced base. Color dull
brown, a whitish ground speckled with brown. Skin p~ui~ilarly roughened. Lwva rat.lier short and thick. It becomes entirely covered with fragments of the flowers it feeds on, which adhere to the sticky setac.
Siage Z/Z.
Head rounded bilobed, clypeus
rather high; shagreened, setae ob&cure; lu- teous whitish, speckled with brown, heaviest near tlic suture and on the sides of the lobes; width .8 mm. Body thick and robust, dor- sum slightly flattened; tubercles angularly elevated; hctae small except iv, which is large and arises from an elongated tubercle. No marked lateral projections, the slight angular projections nearly alike for all the tubercles. Gray brown, densely frosted with white gt-arniles, an obscure, double, white dorsal line, divided by brown; traces of a white lateral band on the angular elevations poste- riorly, on anal plate and anal feet. Tuber- cles pale, setae white. All the dorsnm except thorsix and joints 12-13 covered with frag- ments of flowers which adhere to the spiny base of the short stiff seta iii.
Feet pale.
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