Article beginning on page 85.
Psyche 9:85, 1900.
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[Established in 18741
Vol. 9, No. 292
NOTES ON TWO CAMAUIAN BUTTERFLIES-Napier A< Durand . . . . . TUB; MIILAKOPLI OF KANSAS -111-S.J. Htiutfr, W. S. Sutton . . . . THE CLBAR-WINGED SPECIES Oil- THE ~EDIPODINE GENUS MESTOBREGMA- S~t/i2UC/ Ji. Scndder . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LIFE HISTORIES or NORTH AMERICAN GEOMETRIDAE -XIXI - f-/a~*j-ison G. Dyar NOTES on THE NESTING OF AKTHIDIUM PAROSELAE-~~/~~'C JVevberry, T. I). A. Cockerell . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
LOCALITIES FOR WBSTERK TRYXALINAE - Sninnci II. Sciidder . . . . . OCCURRENCE or MYLZMELICON IMMACULATUM DEGEER IK MAIKIC-A. S.Packard. PROCBEDIUGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CI.UB (Election of members; Ortboptera ui' New England; development of the wings in the potato beetle) .
YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS, $2. VOLUME, $;, MONTHLY NUMBERS, 20c [Entered as second class mail matter]
Volume 9 table of contents