Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 75.
Psyche 9:75, 1900.

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In my recent Catalogue of the Oi-thop-
tera of the United States 1 havc given,
p. 36, thrce species of Leprus as fo~~nd in the west : L. cor&uZe~~tws Sauss.)
L. z'zz!e~medias Saws , and L. wheel-
er; Thorn. sp.
L. cor$zlen~zcs was given on acco~mt
of a single specimen from Texas in my
collection, wl~icl~ I had sef'crrecl to that species. A clotxr st~~cly of nly material, mainly from Mexico, leads me to the
conclt~sion that Saussure's two species
L. eZe$?za~ and L. co?~de~~tus a]-e the
same, my specimens) twenty-six in
numbes, varying considerably in all the
points on which hc relies to separate the two forms, and by no possibility resolv- able into two series. The name L,
cor~5~Zerzhs of my catalogue sl~ould
therefore be replaced by the older nanle L. eZe#has Saws. My males vary in
length of tegmina from 25 to 29 min.,
my females from 26 to 43 rnm., the
sindl fc~nale {a singIe specimen) com-
ing from Arizona. My United States
specimens COITI~ from Fort Whipple,
Ariz. {E. l'almer), forty miles east of
Tncson, Asiz. (Palmer), and Kinggold
Barracks on the lower Rio Gsande,
Tex. {Schott) . My Mexican speci-
mens come from Soncra {schott), San
Luis Potosi (OcL. $5, E. Palmer; Oct. 6, G. Basroeta), Mountains twelve leagues
east of Sm Luis Potosi (Palmer), and
Sierra Nola, Dec. 3-6 (Palmer).
L. iateiwdius, described from one
sex ( 9
by Saussure as coming from
California, I had not recognized when
my Catalogue was printed. My only
Californian specimens of Leprus belong
to a speciw, noted below, allied to L.
whede~i, wit11 blue 11ird wings, and
wl~icll do not clifles from L. ele$has in the way L. izfevmediw is said to differ
from it. Latterly 1 hve ~~ecognized L.
z'nte~-r~zedim in specimens from British Columbia collectecl by Crotch, wl~icl~
are somewl~at smaller il~:m Sa~~ss~~re's speci~ncn, a feinale llaving the length of the teg~nina only ZS mm.
L. wAeeZe~i has 1)een determined both
by Prof. L. Bmner and myself from
Thoma's type, and in life has the disk
of the hitd whgs blue and not yellow
as heretofore describctl. Sa~~ssure evi- dently never saw it, as he reclescribcs it from Tl~omas's description, which was
based on alcol~olic speci~nens. It varies hut little in size, the kpim of the
male varying from 26 to 28,s mrn. in
length, and of the female from 32 to
35.5 nlm. My specimens come from
Hu~nboIclt Station, Sevada, July zg,
Salt Lalie Vnlley, Utah (Brunes) , P~leb- lo, Col., Aug. 30-31 and Dripping
Springs, &gan Mk.) N. Mex. (Cocke-
rell) . It was originally c?escribed 11y Tho~nas as taken bjr IVl~eeIet's cxpedi- tions in lhc west without specification of locality. Sa~~ssure gives it as from New


76 J'S YCHE.
Mexico, but with no apparent reason,
t110~1gh it is fo~~nd tl~erc as stated above and indeed has been drc& credited to
Grant Co., by '~o~~~nsencl.
As T 11avc said above, there is a Cali-
fornian species, hitherto ~~ndesc~~ilxcl, allied to L. wheelevi by its lesser size, 11i11d wings blue at lmsc and liin(1 tibiae mostly blue, ins~ca(l of, as ill the larger fu~ms and in L. z'ntcrmediz~s as wcll,
having the disk of the wings yellow m(~l the hind tibiae yellow or rc~l. It 111aj7 be called L. ~Zaxcz'+mi.~ and diKess
from L. wheeLeri in that it is slightly
sn~alks, tlic wings are of a paler bhe
(of the ti11t found in blne specirnc~~s of De~dmema smm~t~~cam~m Bru~i. j ,
the hind process of the n~ctazona is dis- tinctly acute z1nc1, cxccpt sonieti~ixs in the fcn~ale, 11ot s~~l~rcc~~~ig~~l~~te,-tl~o~~g~~ bd11 specics are variable in this respcct the psonotuni are also more sl~asply
angnlate, especially in the female, tllc median carina a little Inow pro~ninent,
and the grani~lations or the pl-onotal disk III~I-e pro~ninenl and sl~arpes. It varies little in size, and the following nleasnre- tnents are txken from average in~livid-
uals: Le11gt11 of body, 3, 19 mm.,
9 , 33 mm. ; :tntennzie, 3, 8.5 mm., 9,
12 mn.; tegmi~~a, 3, 22 nim., 9 34
mtn. ; bird femora, 8, 12.5 mnx, 9,
21 Inm.
I 11:1ve seen specimens from
the following California localities:
Point lo ma^ July 23, Los Atigcles,
J~ily 25, mid Kubio J,Vasli, Altadena,
July 29, all collected by A. P. Morse ;
and Smta Rosa Island, 11. Ed~vasds ;
also from D~trango, Alex.: E.
and San Lnis Potosi, Mex., G. hrro-
114. Zahim~s Sc~~dcler.- Antennae a
little ~ ~ r c (male), or a 1itLIc lcss
(fe~nalej tlian two thirds thc Icngt11 of t11c hind femora. costa varia-
bly sulcate. FosLerios expansion of the
pronot~~~n variable, in two specimens
(males) si~bcqual, prozona elongate in
fe~nalc ~IKI longer t11m rnetazona. In
these cl~aracteristics it wries so~nedat from Scudder's description and fa\:ors
118. sono~ae bnt is exc111(1cd f1-ot11 that species by i~s b111c hi~d tibiae. On the hind femora there is 21 basal fuscons
spot on the upper inner SLI~~~CC.
We Imve one fenmle fl-om Hamilton
co~~nty whic11 agrees with the speci-
mens above clescribed in general but
has a broader interspace between the
n~csosternal lobcs wl~icl~ forms L11e
c!iief distinguishing cl~amcte~.istic of flF. marc~~levtz~s. Being an ~11~01101ic specimen in this case the color mark-
ings distinguisl~i~ig Lakz'm/s fhtn ma+,- czdevfz~s are not to be iniplicitly rclicd upon, t11ercfo1-e, the exact position of tlie insect renxtins in doubt.
Two fen~ales from Ford county,


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