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Psyche 9:70-71, 1900.
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7 0 PSYCHE. [June moo.
iib all separate, no subprin~aries.
A small
trapezoidal cervical shield and rounded anal plate.
Stays II. Head broad, the lobes produced with short points directed forward; sutures impressed; dull, dark black-brown, a little mottled; secondary hairs present, short, black; width .5 mm. Body slender, the cen- ters of the segments a little swollen ; all dark blackish vinous with an olivaceous tint, under the lens obscurely finely lined longitudinally with darker ventrally. In the position of tubercle iv an elevated rounded dark spot. Segments centrally dorsally shaded with
dark. Skin covered with fine, short, dark, secondary hair arising from black tubercles. Venter of joinl: in protruded, the segments finely annulate, all essentially as in the ma- ture larva, though darker.
Stage III.
With the characters of the ma-
ture larva. Head .7 mm. The black rounded stigmata1 lumps and the paired posteribr dor- sal ones present on joints 8 and 9, the latlcr one smaller. Dark, blackish brown, a little lighter and greenish ventrally, peppered by the dark secondary tubercles. The fine sec- ondary setae black. Head points distinct. The ends, johts 2 to 4 and 10 to 13, are nearly black. No marks nor lines.
Stag6 IV, Head bilobed, the lobes pro-
duced into cones with sharp tips curved for- ward, not long but pointingobliquefy forward and outward; clypeus as high us two thirds of the front; cheeks rounded, quadrate below, mouth projecting. Blackish, dotted with
pale, an irregular white fleck on the face of tlic lobe below the horn; densely covered with short, hlack, secondary pile; width 1.4 mm. Body as in the next stage, the color darker, less green, the prominences a little less pronounced.
Stuge V.
Head bilobed, the former points
represented by slight elevations on the upper front side; color as before; width 2.1
Body nearly cylindrical, the subventral fold distinct and arched on the segments; a pair of short, erect, black lumps on joints 8 and 9 in the position of tubercle ii, those of joint 8 the larger ; a slight elevated hlack spot in the position of tubercle iv on joints 5 to p ; venter oFjoint 10 protruded. Body all densely cov- ered with fine, black, secondary pile from small black tubercles, almost spiny on the dorsal elevations. Dull olivaceous green, the green predominating with growth, though
some examples remain vinous to the last, shaded with brown, especially in the centers of the segments dorsally and on the posterior rims, darkest on the contracted end parts; a series of fine inedio-ventral dashes ; segmenb very obscurely 8-annulate ; spiracles white, black rimmed ; feet brown.
The larva pupates in the sand, spinning a very slight cocoon of silk. The slender light brown pupa has long projecting leg cases. Food plant, Coccoloba floridcr1ia, only the young leaves being eaten. Larvae from Pidm Beach, Florida.
SOME COCCIDAE QUARANTINED AT SAN FRANCISCO. BY T. D. A. COCKERELL, N. M. AGR. EXP. STA. Mr. A. Craw has recently sent me a fresh the absence of an insectin the past proving lot of Coccidae, which he detected on plants nothing in regard to the future. .: -w
about to be landed at San Francisco; and it I. Anionina wawi, n. 6p. - 2 in a closely is interesting to note that, even after so felted white sac/about 4 mm. long, with a many years of horticultural quarantine, new long, white, brittle, glassy tail projecting species are met with. Thus we can never
from the hind end; ,? removed from sac, 3: knowwhat new pest may arrive at our ports, mm. long, ti broad, s~~bcjlindrical, snio~~lti, Psirhe 9 070-72 (pre.1903) hfp //psyche aitclub orgBN-OO7O html
June qoo.1 PSYCHE. 7 1
purple-black, with much the color and sur- face ofa prune; abdomen segmented, cephalic end truiiClUe, &ubcinarginate ; boiled in liquor putassae, it turns the liquid a beautiful deep reddish-purple, or plum color. Skin hyaline after boiling, with very numerous round
glands of two sizes; antennae coniciil, rudi- mentary, obscurely 4-jointed, about 54 p long; no legs; spiracles moderate; anal tube about 180 p. long, sind 105 p bro~id, at its mouth very thickly beset with round glands, and having short, stout spines at its sides; anal ring with six long, stout bristles ex- tending the whole length of the anal tube. flab. - Japan, on bamboo, at sheathing
bases of leaves. Very close indeed Lo A.pur- $urea Signoret, but larger; I am not sui-c it is more than a subspecies ofpm-purea, which, however, lives at the other end of the palae- arctic region.
2. Psercdolecanittm tvkionis (Ckil.'). - Ja- pan, on bamboo.
Females, 6 mn?. long, are
~cllowish white, which appears to be the color of the insect until the lsitest stage. Mr. S. I. Kuvi'ana Ims recently found this hpecies on bamboo at Stanford University, California.
3. Asteroleca'uiwn vnrioZosum (Ratz.) var. ja'pcnicum, n. var, -9. Scale only about I mm. diiini., greenish or pallid; fringe very short, pinki5h; $ pinkish when alive, turn- ing orange in liquor potassae; margin with two rows of glands, one minute, simple, the other ti~nre-of-8, tlii~teen. figure-of-8 glands in 150p; scattered Lubuhir glands.
Hab. -Japan, on @errus ,&'a.d'u-lifere
Blume, inhabiting the barkof the twigs, with As/id/otits c~å´)If/ovdnthus Perhaps a distinct species, but the tangible differential charac- ters are few. as usual in the gcnus.
4. Lecanium cerasorum, n. sp.- 9. Glo-
bose, very convex, 5; mm. long and wide, about 4 mm. high, shiny, pale ochreous,
soft, with scattered pits, having much the color and texture of a ripe berry of MeZia med(irarh; anal region suffused with reddish brown; a good deal ofwhite cottony secretion inside (beneath) the bcnle, not visible on the outside. Skin with tubular glands; anal
plates ordiiiiiry; ;irc;i around ansil plates for quite a distance strongly tessellate in Saz's- <;efz'a-fashion; marginal spines small and simple; and ring wit11 about seven stout bristles, abuut 210 p long; mouth-parts small, transverse diameter aboiit 210 u,; legs and antennae small; coxa about 75 p long, femur stout, with trochanter about 140 p, tibia about 90 pi tarsus about 75 p, claw large; au- tennae 6-jointed, 3 very long (about go p.), the others all abont 30 p, except 5, which ih abollt 24 p..
Hab. -Jå£ipii.n on bark of twig of cherry tree. In color and shape it resemblebL. glob- å´alosu Maskell, but differs a-t once by the strong te&sellation of Llie anal area.
5. Aybidiutus (DiasficZ/ot~~s) +tom-nikus, n. sp. - ?. Scale on bark of twigs, almost invisible, its color being Llttit of the bark, about I- inin. diameter: circular to suboval, often massed, very slightly convex, with covered deep orange red exuviae, very cun- spicuous when exposed by rubbing-; young scales with a dot and ring; scales removed from the bark leave a whitish paLch. 9
bright orange wlicn alive; five groups of cir- cumgenital glands. median of 4 to 5,anterior latemi6 of 10, posterior laterals of 7 to 8; two pairs of lobes; median lubeti contiguous in the middle line, large. produced, broadly rounded at ends, with the long outer slope crennliif-e; second lobes similarly formed but much smaller, sepiii-ated by an a-ppreciable interval from the first; thild lobes repre- sented by a small nodnle; squinneb short ;ind pointed, dagger like, incn~ispic~.ioi~s, the best developed are a pair at the second interlobu- lar incision; spines quite large; interlobular incisions with chitinous thickenings, the inner one of tbe first incision nearly straight but greatly swollen; anal orifice small and round, very near to hind end.
Hab. - On bark of twigs of J^ae/'cu.cglan- d~Z'/era^ in Japan. Differs from the Euro- pean A. zonatus by the longer median lobes,
1 .? PSYCHE. [June 1900.
creriulate on outer side; inox produced sec- ond lobes, also c~-eni~~titc; longer spines, etc. 6, Asf~fiotuslataniae Sign. -On a cocoa- nut palm froin Central America.. The living 2 is bright lemon yellow; the second and third lobes are represented by little spear- head sliapcd lobules, as Green figures in A. cainclliac.
7. S$athea^-pis sewcia (Ckll.) -Japan,
on baniboo. The living 9 is psilc pinkish lilac, with the caudal parts brown; caufctic piash tui ns the $ bright apple green. Egg5 pale lilac.
8. Sfatkeasfis liamli~s~ii'xm (Ckll.). - pipan, on bamboo. I am willing to recog- nize S$ai/ieasfs's (or Odonasfis) as a valid genus, and Froggattiella Leonardi (type
S'f'at-keas$ts initsz'faia) as a good subgenus of it; but it seems to me tliat Aisoflu~fi.~ Leonardi (type S. bawbusoi-rim') is scarcely to be separated from FroyfaftieZZa.
9. Ckrysomfikalus scut^formis (Ckll.). - On leavcs ot cocoanut palm from Cenlral
SOME MATING XOTES.-In the summer of
1899 several larvae of D. rubicwnfa were brought me. They were nearly full fed and soon pupated. On Aug. 3rd a 9 moth
emerged and began ovipositing before her wings were fully developed, mid before 3 p.m. The next day two males emerged in the
same cage, and one must have muted with
the female, although I did not see them in coition.
The sixty eggs laid before the males
emerged remained uncl'ninged, while those liiid later become oriu~gc, then greeni&li, then almost colorless, and hatched on Aug- ust 20th.
This is the first instance I have had of a ? nioth's mating idter ovipositing had
On April loth, IQOO, a 8 A, cecrqiia
emerged in one of my cages. Next chiy a
9 and a second 8 emerged, find after mid- night the ? and the first $ mated. The
following night the ? laid 31 eggs.
On the
iext night she laid 64 eggs. on the next 48 eggs, and on thisyight she mated with the second male, remaining in coition from a little after midnight until 6.15 p. m.
On lljis night she laid 71 eggs,
iind con-
tinued ovipositing for two nights, laving 269 eggs in all, then died next day. The two males died on the day following their mating. Caroline G. Sode.
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, Setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other prticles are being added, Send for List. --
Imp. Svo., Pp. xx+38'2.
48 colored plates with over
i,uou fia:m'es representinuzs species.
183 figures in text.
Indispenstible to collectors and
shdenfcs of entomology.
$3.00 net, sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Address: W. J. HOLLABLI, LL. ll., Pitteburg. Pa. Subscribers to Psyche in arrears will confer a favor by prompt payment of I,I//sm
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