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Psyche 9:69, 1900.
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June 1900.1 PSYCHE. 6 9
cated veins and a fuscous costal margin. Hind femora cinereous, banded in the middle of the apical half with fuscous, followed by a subflavous pregcniciilar band ; hind tibiae pale greenish yellow, sometimes with a gcn- icular fuscous maculation or cloud.
Length of body, <?,a5 mm., 9,31 mm.;
ant.ennae, 8, 12.5 mm., 9, 14 mm.; teg-
~nina, $,25 mm., ?,zq.s mm. ; hind femora, 8, 13 mm., 9, 16.5 mm.
16 (T , 16 9 .
California, at Gaxclle,
Scpt. 4-5, Tchama, Aug. 28, and Tu-
lare, Aug. 5, A. P. Morse.
Hadrotettix nebulosus sp. nov.
Moderately stout; pale cinereous, more or less albescent.
Head well rounclcd, 1101 very
prominent, the fastigium of vertex very ob- scure with no median carinn, the frontal costa not very broad, feebly siilcate, punctate above; antennae a little shorter than the hind femora (2 ), testsiceous, infuscated in apical half by alternating bi~ncls of obscure fuscous. Pronoturn brownish fuscous on metazona,
pale cinereous on prozoria, the lateral carinae bluntly rounded on metazona and hardly
prominent; process of metazona rounded ob- tusangulsite. Tegmina densely reticulated except the apical fourth, brownish fuscous at base, beyond dull cinereous, twice not very conspicuously banded with dull fuscous, with signs of a third band, and with obscure fus- cous apical n~aculations; wings pellucid, fuliginous in a moderately broad band just beyond the middle, which is feeble in front, more marked behind, where
it follows the
hind border a short way toward the anal
angle. Hind femora flavo-testaceow, twice banded interiorly with black or blackish fuscous, showing also above somewhat; hind tibiae pale reddish yellow, ringed at base with black and again obscurely in the middle of the basal half.
Length of body, 29 mm. ; antennae, 13
mm. ; teg~nina, 27 mm. ; hind femora, 15.5 mm.
a 9 .
Sinaloa, Mex., Keels (Behr-
Mecowas uitocris Cram. The larva has
not been previously described.
Drucc gives
full references in the Biologia Cent.-Am., Lep. Het., ii, 94.
Cylindrical, the cnils rounded, one
end a little more taperingly so than the other; a scarcely perceptible flattening of the cylin- der, parallel to the leaf as laid. Twelve neat low ribs, reaching almost to the smaller end, becoming dotted at termination; stopping abruptly at the larger (micropylar) end in a circle of large, quadrangular, indistinctly edged cells, at the inner angles of which are a circle of white dots, one for each rib. Within this the rnicropyle is somewhat coarsely 'e- ticulate. Ribs thickly crested with a double alternating row of while dots.
fine, parallel, faint.. Fine dark green; the ribs and circle of dots appear white. Size -65 X .55 X -50 mm.
Stage I. Head rounded, not bilobed,
brown-black, not shining; width .3 mm.
Body cylindrical, slender, feet normal; cen- tral parts of segments bearing tubercles i and ii larger, collared, 2-annulate, the interscg. mental parts smooth; ends shrunken. Dark vinous, almost blackish, the slender, inter- segmental parts of joints 5 to g pale, sordid whitish with dorsal and subdorsal vinous lines, so that the body looks obscurely dark vinous banded. Tubercles small ; setae black, stiff, iv behind the spiracle; on tliora~ ia t~ Pachc 9 069-70 (pre.1903) hfp //psyche aitclub orgBN-COSSI htd
70 PSYCHE. [June qoo.
iib all separate, no subprin~aries. A small trapezoidal cervical shield and rounded anal plate.
Sfage II.
Head broad, the lobesproduced
with short points directed forward; sutures impressed; dull, dark black-brown, a little mottled; secondary hairs present, short, black; width .5 mm. Body slender, the cen- ters of the segments a little swollen ; all dark blackish vinous with an olivaceous tint, under the lens obscurely finely lined longitudinally with darker ventrallv. In the position of tubercle iv an elevated rounded dark spol. Segments centrally dorsally shaded with
dark. Skin covered with fine, short, dark, secondary hairarising from black tubercles. Venter of joint 10 protruded, the segmentb finely annulate, all essentiiilly as in the ma- ture larva, though darker.
Siqe III. With the characters of the ina- tnre larva. Head .7 mm. The black rounded stigmata1 lumps and the paired posteribr dor- sal ones present on joints 8 and 9, the IaLLcr one smaller. Dark, blackish, brown, a little lighter and greenish ventvally, peppered by the dark secondary tubercles. The fine sec- ondary setae black. Head points distinct. The ends, joints 2 to 4 and IU to 13, are nearly black. No marks nor lines.
Stag8 IV. Head bilobed, the lobes pro-
duced into cones with sharp tips curved for- ward, not long but pointingobliqnely forward and outward; clypeus as high iis two thirds of thefront; cheeks rounded, quadratebelow, month projecting. Blackish, dotted with
pale, an irregular white fleck on the face of tlic lobe below the horn; densely covered with short, hlack, secondary pile; width 1.4 mm. Body as in the next stage, the color darker, less green, the prominences a little less pronounced.
Sfage V.
Head bilobed, the former points
represented by slight elevations on the upper front side; color as before; width 2.1 mm. Body nearly cylindrical, the subvent.ra-1 fold distinct and arched on the segments; a puir of short, erect, black lumps on joints 8 and 9 in the position of tubercle ii, those of joint 8 the larger; aslight elevated hlack spot in the position of tubercle iv on joints 5 to 9; venter of joint 10 protiuded. Body all densely cov- ered with line, black, secondary pile from small black tubercles, almost spiny on the dorsal elevations. Dull oli?aceonsgreen, the green predominating' with growth, though some examples remain vinous to the last, shaded with brown, especially in the centers of the segments dorsally and on the posterior rims, darkest on the contracted end parts; a series of fine medio-ventral dashes; seginetils very obscurely 8-aninilate ; spiracles white, black rimmcd; feet brown.
The larva pupates in the sand, spinning a very slight cocoon of silk. The slender light brown pupa Ims long projecting leg' cases. Food plant, Corcolobafiorida'aa, only the young leaves being eaten, Larvae from Palm Beach. Florida.
SOME COCCIDAE QUARANTINED AT SAN FRANCISCO. Mr. A. Craw has recently sent me a fvesh the absence of an insect in the past proving lot of Coccidae, which he detected on plants nothing in regard to the future. = --
about to be landed at San Francisco; and it I. Antonina crawi, n. sp. - 2 in a closely is interesting to note that, even after so felted white sac, about 4 mm. long, with a many years of horticultural quarantine, new long, white, brittle, glassy tail projecting species are met with. Thus we can never
from the hind end; $ removed from sac, fi knowwhat new pest may arrive at our ports, mm. long, I; broad, subcylindrical, MI\O~~I~I,
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