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Psyche 9:64-66, 1900.
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[June TQOO.
the last ecdysis were taken. These
closely resembled the adult in form and
ground color, but differed in having no
red or roseate markings whatever.
Labrum marked as in adult, but anten-
nae green instead of pink; and each
segment margined with piceous.
This species feeds largely upon
lamb's-quarter, Cheno&xiium ahm,
and furnishes an interesting example
of protective coloration, in that green
and roseate markings of plant and
insect are almost identical. The in-
sect, therefore, is not readily perceived at rest upon this weed.
Two males, three females (Ford
county) one male, two females (IIarn-
ilton county) one female (Russell
A, regalis Dodge.- The variation
among the specimens before us is very
slight, being limited to shades of color- ation, and the markings of hind femora.
They conform with Sc~idder's dcscrip-
tion. The range of coloration was
noticeable, the green varying from
light to dark grccn. One exceedingly
light colored female had do~ibtless been taken soon after last moult. The
ground color varies from testaceous to
greenish ycllow.
Of the femur Scuclzler says I' testaee-
ous yellow with two broad iingulate
and sagittate bands darkest above i7' our specimens present these features and in
addition a bns~il spot which sometimes
takes the form of a third oblique stripe. In some these angular bands fuse so as
to cover almost the entire siiiface of
the femur. The pallid base of hind
tibiae mentioned by Scudder takes in
our specimens the form of a clearly
defined ann~~lus.
Fourteen males, four females (Ford
county) one female (Russell county).
July; common both in pastures and
cultivated crops, a rather late species
being most abundant in August.
I have been greatly interested in At best the Scolyticlae are a trouble- studying the tertiary Scolytids and some lot to study, even with a large the work of a prehistoric beetle in series of perfect specimens, and it is wood from interglacial cliiys,f which often quite difficult satisfactoiily to rc- you so kindly intrusted to me for that fer the species to their natural position. purpose. Therefore when we come to deal
- -
- -. - .- with partially preserved remains and .3 ..
^In a communication to S. 11. Scudder.
iixpressiuns of forms which were
t The results of She examination of the fossil Scolytid borings will be published elsewliere. - S. H. s., buried in the mud of tertiary hikes, it
Pwhs 9 064-67 (pre.1903) hfp //psyche aitclub orgBN-OOM html
lime iqoo.1 PSYCHE. 65
is not to be expected that anything very definite can he determined regarding
their specific, generic, or even group
positions. At first glance it seemed a
hopeless task to even approximate an
opinion wliicli would have any value.
Yet, with a certain familiarity coming
from a specid study of existing forms,
it is remarkable what one of these little dark spots and fragmentary impressions
in the rocks will reveal. The outlined
form, distorted as it may be, suggests
a possible affinity. A peculiar asrange- merit of elevations (representiiig punc- tures or depressions in the prothorax
or elytra), and depressions, repre-
senting in a like manner elevations,
give a clue to some general cliarac-
ters; obscure lines become distinct
and represent the position of sutures,
and Hie comparative length of seg-
ments ; faint symmetrical depressions
indicate the form of the eyes; finer
details, as punctures, rugosities, striae, and interspaces become more and more
distinct, and we are reminded of similar characters in existing forms. After
measuring, inagnilying, sketching, and
comparing, the perfect form is resur-
rected in our mind, and we have a
b;isis upon which to form an approxi-
male hypothesis of the position the in-
dividnal would hold among the living
descendants of the primitive division it represents.
The results of my studies of tlie five
specimens of fossil beetles, including
lie types of your D}"yocoetes carbo-
narins, Dryocoetcs inipressus, and
liylesinus cxtractzis, may be indicated
as follows :
No. 3999. Dryocoetes cartonar'ms
ScudiL Type : from " Crossing Green
Riv. Un. Pac. R. R." This seems to
me not to belong to Dryocoetes, but to
represent an cxtincl genus of doubtful
group or even fun~ily position, although it appears to come closer to the Scoly-
tidae than to the Curculionid~te or
Ptiniclac, to both of which there is some suggestion of affinity.
The absence of antennae, legs, tib-
doniiunl segments, and tlie tip of the
elytra leave only the evident double or
divided eve, the longitudinal rugosities and puncLnres of the prothorax, the
faintly defined punctures of the elytra, and the obscurely outlined form, to
suggest its family, group, or generic
The longitudinal rugosities of the
thorax suggests an affinity to some
Botlirosterni (Cncsiu~~s) , while the di- vided eyes would place it in either
Hylcsinides near Polygraplius, or Cor-
thylides near Trypodendron (Xylo-
term). This combination of cliaractcrs
would certainly cxclude it from any
SCOT-yticl genus known to me.
No. 11. (1 5218) Dryococtes impres-
sus Scudil., Trypodcndron 'tmpresstis,
(Type), and the attending series,
4048, 4009, under the same name, and
all from " Crossing Green River,U. P.
K. R., Wyoming," eviclcnlly represent
one species, which is distinct. from, and apparently allied to the preceding.
The longitudinal rugosities of the
prothorax are ni~iclt stronger and the
punctures of the elytra, striae, am1 inter- spaces* (represented by elevations) are
of equal size, much more clistinct, and
66 PSYCHE. [June IQOO.
arranged in approximate rows, while
the elytra (type) are plainly narrowed
towards the tip. These characters
seem to be sufficient to exclude it from the Scolytidae, am1 to point to the
Ptinidae as the family to which it may
more properly belong. If so, it would
come close to your Anotium ovale and
Anob'hi-m dece$ttim (Figs. I and 18,
PI. 8, Tcrt. Ins. N. A.) with which the
elytral punctures agrce almost exactly.
By reference to the descriptions and
figure of Polygmphzis wort/ieni
Scudd. (Tert. Rhynch. Col. p. 158,
PI. XIT, Fig. IS), it would seem that
this, too, would belong lo the same
division of the Ptinidae. since the elyf-ra narrowing towards the tip, the form of
Hie prothorax, and the rather coarse,
confused punctures of the elytra would
remove it from Polygraphus.
5647. fileybms exhachis Scndd.,
Type. Florissant, Col." This is
a true Scolytid, and belongs in the
Hylesizides, which, according to my
present arrangement includes sub-
groups PJzloeotriG Pnlygm$hi, Hy-
lurgi and Hylcsini.
The granulated surface of the pro-
thorax, referred to in the description,
evidently represents slightly rugose
dense punctures, especially on the side. The elytral sculpture is obscurc, yet it plainly indicates an elevated rugose
base coni~mon to the Hylesinides. The
first four abcloininal segments are, upon close examination under tlie n~icroscope (4 inch objective), quife clcarly de-
fined, and show that they gradually
decrease in length from tlie the fourth, as in Polygraphus, but quite
different from Hylesinus, in which the
first and second are longer, the third
and fourth short. Upon careful exam-
ination, it is also noted that the eyes
arc divided and close to the base of the Hylesinus extraclus Scudd.
mandibles, as in Polygrapl~us. It,
therefore, appears to belong near Poly-
griiphus, but probably represents an ex- tinct or undiscovered genus.
Your (8068) Cyiiizts dormiscms,
Plate I, Fig. I, Tert. Rhynch. Col.,
~iine iqm.1 PSYCHE. 67
seems from llie figure to come very No. 185) resembles somewhat Phloe- close lo 1,Ihis species, especially in the osimis as does fig, 4, pi. ix. (Bxomias
form of the prothorax and the divided
obdzrrefact7~s~ No. 1005), except that
I might also add that fig. 11 of
in the latter the eycs are divided.
Hadrotettix was established in 1876,
on ci clumsy, strikiiigly banded Oedipo- dine with long and rather coarse antcn-
nae, from the Arkansas River, described
by Say as Gå´~'yZZzt trifasciatus and fig- ured in 1828 111 his American Ento~nol-
ogy. No species has since been added
to the group,* although one from Ne-
braska has been catalogucil by Jjr~iiier on several occasions. I have for some
time had in my collection a Mexican
species of very different appearance, so far as the markings of Hie wings go, ;ind recently Mr. Morse has broiiglit fiom
California still another widely diflcrcnt species. Accordingly I append clescrip-
ions of tlie two addition:il species, leav- ing that named by Brnner to be described hy him. The four species known to me
may be separated by the following
table : -
^'able of the. species of Hadrotettix.
a'. Wings crossed by a broad fuscous
band, as broad as the inetazona, and
following tlie hind border nearly to the and angle ; hind tibiae con11 red.
^Thoniiis, however, twice described The original species mder nem namrz.
b1. Band of wings with no taenia
di~ecled toward the base in the h~i-
moral field . . tr1j5asciatzts.
P. Band of wings sending a himier-
a1 taenia at least one third Hie
distance toward the base of the
wings . gracilis.
2. Wings crossed by a narrow hand
not following the liiiitl border toward
the anal angle, or by a mere cloudy in-
il. Nearly the whole apical half of
tepina iiiernbranaceo~~s. the dense
retic~ilation of the base exlemling hut
little beyond the middle ; wings
crossed by a distinct narrow fuscous
hnd with a humeral tiienia ; bind
tibixe greenish yellow . mu?zdt;s.
6s. Only the apical of legmina
~nembranaceous, the rest densely re-
ticulated ; wings merely obscured wit11
fuscous clouds just beyond the middle
and on the hind border; hind tibiae
reddish yellow . . ~zebzdos?;~.
Hadrotettix trifasciatus.
Gryllus trifascutfus Say, Anicr.
ent., iii., pi. 34 (18~8).
Oedifoda trifasciata Walk., Cat.
Derm. sail. Brit. Mus., iv, 729 (1870).
Volume 9 table of contents