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Psyche 9:44, 1900.
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44 p.? YUfE. [April 1900.
BY T. D. A. COCKERELL, MESILLA PARK, N. MEX. Not entirely covered with wax, nor pubescent, nor covered with a white powder . . I
Covered all over with dull white wax. (Arizona) . cerzferus Eli rhorn . Covered with snow-white powder, except on the midclle of the back. (Mass.) . . . nivalis King & Clill.
Small, thinly pubescent. (IGms., Mass.) . . pubescens Bogue. I. Convex, without a median longitudinal constriction . 3 With a more or less distinct median longitudinal constriction . . 6 2. Large, with transverse sulci, the segments snore or less gibbous, with three gibbosities (one median) in each transverse series. (Colo., N. M.) gillettei CklL
Segments not at all gibbous . 3
3. Very large (10 mm. diam.), rather rough, marbled with brown and dull white, the white with brown specks. (Mexico.) . . grandis Ckll. Not so large, species of the U. S. . 4
4. Extremely convex, red brown with distinct dark fenuginons transverse bands. (Mass.) . andrci King.
Ormge-brown, marbled with dull white, the white with fulvous points; younger individuals with a broken waxy coating. (Calif.) az1~//niE11rl1. Larger than ausfini, nearly globular, marbled with white, black and reddish, or black iind reddish, covered with waxy secretion, which is divided into small portions separated by smooth (wax-free) lines; the minute points on the white are intensely black. (Okla.) . . bogzw' Ckll. Pale ochreous, or 1-etldish, with small blackspots, and minute black points, usually distinctly mi-ieg'iited with irregular pale bands . 5 5. Broader than long, the pale bands running in a transverse direction, panillel with the rows of black spots. (Bl~ifl'ton, S. C,, etc.) ga/lå´~~o~-mz'. Riley. Longer than broad, the pale bands running longitudinally, at right angles to the rows of spots. (Mass., Del.) . king-is Ckll. 6. Segmentation distinct, segments very strongly gibbous. (Calif.) cockerel& Ehrh.
Segmentation distinct, but segments not gibbous ; surface not speckled with black. (Kansas.) . . concinnulus Ckll.
Segment.ation not distinct, nor the segments gibbous ; surface speckled with bl~cli os dark (lots , . .. . 7
Pachc 9 044-45 (pre.1903). hfp //psyche aitclub orgEX9-OCkM htd
~pril qoi.) PSYCHE. 45
7. B1:ick spots conspicuous, an'anged in transverse rows ; black specks not always conspicuous. (N. Y., Mass. ; also collected by Flctcher in Canada, on Quercus rubra.) . pettiti E11r11.
Bliick spots minute, not definitely anangei.l in transverse rows; black specks very distinct ; ground color pale ochrcoiis. (Calif., Mexico.)
nigrofiritctahis EItrli. & Ckll.
I have taken as typical of gaZlsfor??zis a specimen from the Riley collection, collected by 1. H. Mellichamp a1 Bluffton, S. C. Riley's description shows that
lie it160 included f<. $&titi under Hie same name. Mr. G. B. King has collected
å´pet///? iii Massachusetts
I1eli;istus was founded by Saussure in
1884 on some Mcxic:in and Central
American Oedipodinae. It was first
wcognixeci as occurring in the United
States three years ago, when I referred
to it two insects which I-iad been
described as species of Thrincus. Both
of these species also occur in Mexico,
but were unknown to Saussure. I can
now add smother ;ind undescribed
species, known to me from only 21
single locality in California, and col-
lected by Mr. A. P. Morse. All these
northern species belong- to Saussure's
second division of the group in which
the lower posterior angle of the Literal lobes is not produced into a distinct
process. They are all of a light gray
color, more or less irregularly spotted
with brown, sometimes forming brief
transverse in'itrkings when the insect is alighted ; the wings are glazed, often
iridescent, and generally, at least in
part, weakly tinted. The males arc
considerably smaller than the females.
The species may be separsited as iiil-
lows : -
Table of our species of He7iastzis.
a. Of large size.
Antennae at least
two thirds as long ns hind femora;
posterior process of nietazona weakly
obt~isangulate, often almost rectangu-
late ; descending lobes of pronotnm
apically well rounded, falling distinctly below the level of the pleural lobe an-
terior to them.
V. Larger. Descending lobes of
pronoturn ang~lhito-rotundate below ;
wings hyalino-citron b:tsally, weekly
infuscated apically . . &&s.
h2. Smaller. Descending lobes of
pronotum regularly rotundate below ;
wings pellucid, or faintly violaceous.
only the veins fuscous.
2. Of small size.
Antennae only half
as long as hind femora ; posterior pro-
Volume 9 table of contents