Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 42.
Psyche 9:42-43, 1900.

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[April i
The curious TeNigian here de-
scribed from South America ~ndo~bt-
eclly belongs to the subfamily Batra-
chiclinae or Section VI of Professor
Bolivar. From the group of which
Tettigidea Scudder, and Paxilla Bolivar, form a part it is distinguished by the
absence on the vertex of the frontal
carina; the latter structure is repre-
sented, however, as a rudiment in the
form of very small abbreviated lateral
elevated ridges a little anterior to the supra ocular lobes of the head. It is
the peculiar shortening of the last
article of the posterior tarsus coincident with a lengthening of the first article
which is specially characteristic in this new genus. These differences will neces- sitate a slight modification of existing tables of genera to receive it.
PAUR.OTARSUS gen. nov.
Body moderately long, slender, rugose.
Face distinctly rounded anteriorly, slightly ileclined below. Vertex wide, considerably broader than one of the eyes; with a very small supra ocular lobe, on each side, sep- arated behind from the broadened occiput by a little oblique fissure, front incompletely carinated; on each side close to the anterior inner border of the eyes, is a minute abbre- viated, slightly converging carina, the space between these little lateso-frontal carinae of the vertex obtusely sloping off in front; mid-casina abbreviated and very thin,
slightly protuberant above, fusing with the smooth frontal costa.
In profile the head presents a distinctly rounded protuberant outline; :is seen
front the frontal costa is strongly furc: the branches widely and evenly diver"
in their descension to the mcdiiin occl
Eyes of moderate size, compresso-snbtri
gular in outline; ocelli distinctly sliow in front of and a little above the iniddie the eyes. Antennae (incomplete) slenc
filiform, inserted in front of the eyes betw the superior ocelli and the anterior infel border of the eyes; apical strticlc of maxi11 palpi strongly ampliato-compressed. I
notum scarcely convexed between the she
dei-s, anteriorly truncnte, posteriorly
subulate, the pronotal process extending yond the posterior femora ; posterior bor of lateral lobes feebly sinuate, the sub ineral sinus for
the insertion of the CIJ
shallow. Elytra narrow; wings complel
developed, extending beyond the proci
Anterior femora slender, sulcate abo
middle femoral cftrinae straight ; exter pagina of posterior femora
rather rug(
the third article of the posterior tarsus v smsill, being less than one half the len of the first article, pulvilli subequal
length, straight below.
Pu~c~ptiirsus czmazanns sp, nov. Fig.
ib, IC, id, re.
Body rugose, fuscous, first and seci
femora clouded with fuscous, tibiae annula with fuscous. Vertex slightly tumid, nes twice the breadth of one of the eyes, on e: side provided with a small supra oci
lobe, dividcil behind from the broadel
occiput by a minute oblique fissure, and j anterior to the supra ocular lobes are li nbbrevinled, slightly converging late
frontal carinae which are separated
orly, apart about the width of one of
eyes, here the front is obtusely sloped
and not transversely carinated, mid-car
abbreviated, a little produced above, cod6 Ps\chr 9 042-43 (pro. 1903). hfp //psyche aitclub orgEX9-OW htd


ing anteriorly with the frontal costa; fron- tal costn strongly compresso-protuberant, advanced in front of the eyes nbont three fourths the length of one of them, presenting ulh the vertex a distinctly rounded outline in profile; viewed in front the frontal
costa is quite widely fnrcate, starting oppo- site the upper margin of the eyes, the
branches are evenly divergent and straight in their descension to the median ocellus. Eyes compresso-subtriiingular in outline, the posterior ocelli are conspicuous midway between the anterior margins of the frontal knee of hind femora; lateral lobes of the pronotuin very little diverging below, the inferior margin scarcely reflected, the poste- rior inargin feebly sinuate, the posterior inferior angle nearly straight, huperior or suhli~~meral sinus for the insertion of the elytra shallow. Elytra slendei, apiciilly obtusely rounded, externally punctate ; wing's fully developed extending beyond the pro- natal process. Anterior femora sulcate
above; middle femoral carinae straight,
posterior fernorn quite slender, the tibia inultispinose, first article of posterior tarsus Fig. la, Paurotarsus amazonus sp. n. rb, same, front view of face and pronotum. ic, same, profile of body, greatly enlarged. id, same, tarsus of posterior leg,
enlarged. ie, same, dorsal view of head, enlarged. Original, from nature by Dr.
H ancock.
costa and the eyes, on a plane a little above their middle. Antennae filiform, maxillary palpi apically ampliato-compressed. Pro- notum with the dorsal front margin truncate, posteriorly long and subulate, between the shoulders transversely scarcely convexed, strongly rugose; median carina distinctly elevated, nearly straight, interrupted near the front margin by a transverse suture, anterior lateral carinae short, subparallel; humeral angles strongly obtuse, apical
process of pronoturn extending beyond the a little more than twice as long as the third, the pulvilli subequally long, straight below. The subgenital plate of male as viewed from above itcute conical, bifurcated at the ex- tremity.
Length Body, 8, pronotum 13.5 mm.
post. fern. 7.5 mm. Entire length of body to apex of wings 16.5 millimeters.
Locality, Manaos, Amazon, South
America. 0. Staudinger.
Labelled Hedoteftix,


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