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Psyche 9:41, 1900.
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April 19oo.J PLY I‰Û÷cEf 41
branched) second longitudinal vein,
iincl eyes separated by n broad front.
Within the genus, the new form agrees
with bilohata Low and yosemite 0. S.
in possessing a cross vein between
veins 4 and 5, and finally resembles
f>ilof>uta in having the sub-marginal
cell sessile. But it differs from biZobata (as from all other Blepliaroceridne) in
having the radial sector springing from
two roots (the base of the second longi- tudiiiiil vein forked) so that a small tri- angular cell is formed behind R, (first
longitudinal vein).
The only other Blepharoceridae so
fill- known from the Pacific Coast arc
Blepharocera anciZZa 0. S. (Cali-
fornia) and Lifoneura yosemite 0, S.
(Yosemite Canon, California), from
both of which the new species differs
sharply in the character of the eyes and venation.
Unfortunately I have not been able
vet to find the immature stages of the
new species, so can add nothing to our
incomplete knowledge of the interest-
ing life-history of the 1ne1n11e1-s of the family.
One of the moot points regarding
the biology of the Blepharoceridae is
that of the dimorpl~isin of the female.
I have elsewhere* referred to Fritz
Mtiller's statement that there are two
kinds of females of Paltostoma town-
tiurn (Brazil), one kind possessing
mandibles and being blood-sucking,
the other kind having no mandibles
and being nectar-sucld~~g. Osten
Sacken deems the evidence of dimor-
phism insufficient. Of twenty-three
females of BIefharoceru capitata
Low taken by me at Ithaca, N. Y.,
no one was without mandibles, nor
was there any other difference appar-
ent. Most of these specimens were
taken just as they were issuing from
the pupal skins on various days, in
various parts of the stream, so the crit- icism that one kind of female might
possess habits rendering it more likely
to be caught than the other, will not
hold in this instance. It seems to me
probable that there is no dimorphism
of the females of Blepharoceru ca+
fata Low. In the case of the new
Californian species I can only say that
both females (the only ones so far
taken) agree in possessing mandibles,
and in all other characters.
12 JANUARY, 1900. The 211th regular and
23d annual meeting (since incorporation) was held at 156 Brattle St., Mr. W. L. W. Field in the chair.
Reports from the several officers were
received and the following officers elected for the ensuing year :-President, J. W.
Folsom ; secretary, Roland Hayward ; treas- LISW, Samuel Hens haw ; librarian, Samuel H. Sciidder; members at large of the executive committee, A. S. Hewins and A. P. Morse. The address' of the retiring president,
A. G. Mayer, on the mating instinct in
moths was next read. (See Psyche for Feb- ruary.) Much discussion followed, in'which all present participated.
Mr. W. L. W. Field spoke of a cocoon of
S d a cyuthia winch he had seen contain- ing two pupae. In outward appearance,
however, it showed no apparent difference from a normal cocoon of that species.
Volume 9 table of contents