Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
January 2008: Psyche has a new publisher, Hindawi Publishing, and is accepting submissions

Volume 87 (1980)

Alfred Buschinger, André Francoeur, and Karl Fischer.

Charles C. Horton.

Alan W. Hook and Robert W. Matthews.

William R. Morris, Dwight L. Chaffee, and Donald C. Tarter.

David C. Post and Robert L. Jeanne.

William J. Tietjen.

Lynn S. Kimsey and Richard M. Bohart.

Jonathan Coddington and Carlos E. Valerio.

Frank M. Carpenter.

Annette Aiello.

Stefano Turillazzi.

William G. Eberhard.

Annette Aiello.

Herbert W. Levi.

Victor Johnson.

C. D. Dondale and J. H. Redner.

R. J. Stuart and P. D. Bell.

Robert R. Jackson.

Howard E. Evans, Robert W. Matthews, and Allan Hook.

Alan B. Cady, William J. Tietjen, and George W. Uetz.

Barbara L. Thorne.

Norman E. Woodley.

F. D. Parker, V. J. Tepedino, and D. L. Vincent.

Victor Johnson.

Thomas D. Seeley and Robin Hadlock Seeley.

Raymond J. Pupedis.

George C. Eickwort.

D. Kelly McLain.

John Sivinski and Mark Stowe.

Deborah Smith Trail.

Front and back matter for issue 1+2

Front and back matter for issue 3+4

Index to volume 87

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