Thomas Eisner and Phillip Adams.
Startle Behavior in an Ascalaphid.
Psyche 82:304-305, 1975.
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According to van der Week (1908), male Ascala~hidae of the genera Byas and 33apIoglenlus have a peculiar hinged flap covering the pronotum. The flap is more or less developed in different spe- cies, and in some conceals a bright pronotal patch. No mobility or function was ascribed to the flap. On November 17, 1968, while blacklighting at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Station, Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, one of us (T.E.) had occasion to observe the response to manipulation of a male of Haploglenius luteus that had come to rest at the light. Every time the insect was poked or seized, it abruptly exposed its patch, which in this species is brilliantly white-pruinose and contrasts sharply with the drab remainder of the body (Figs. 1-3). Wte suggest that this "flashing" behavior is defensive in function. Whether it merely startles nreda- tors or serves also as reinforcement of distastefulness cannot be said, since nothing is known about the palatability of Haploglenius (some ascalaphids have a bad stench and may be distasteful). The startling function need not be the only, or for that matter primary, function of the flap. Since the device is restricted to one sex, it probably serves also for signalling purposes in courtship. VAN DER WEELE, H. W.
1908. Ascalaphiden: Monographisch Bearbeitet Coll. Zml. Selys Longchamps Fasc. VIII: 1-326 (2 Plates). Section of Neurobiology and Behavior, Division of Biological Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853. department of Biology, California State University, Fullerton, California 92634.
Manuscript received by the editor February 10, 1976. Pu&e Μφ2:304-31 t 1975). http:llpsyche cnlclub orBig1Μφ1- html
19751 Eisner and Adam - Startle Behavior 305 Fig$. 1-3.
Hafhgl~nins Ivteus [S ), with the thoracic patch exposed as in the startle display (fig. 1, 3), and concealed beneath the pronotal flap as it ordinarily is in the undisturbed animal (fig. 2).
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