F. M. Carpenter.
Note on Bittacus validus in Baltic Amber.
Psyche 82:303, 1975.
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19751 Forsyth - Metapolybia cingulata 303 TAYLOR, L. H.
1939. Observations on social parasitism in the genus Vespula. Ann. Entomol. SOC. Amer. 32: 304-315.
1971. The Insect Societies. Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass. 548 pp.
1955. A polistine colony usurped by a foreign queen: ecological studies of Palistes wasps 11. Insectes Sociaux 2: 255-260. NOTE ON BITTACUS VALIDUS IN BALTIC AMBER. In my reviews of Tertiary Mecoptera (1931, 1954), I expressed doubt that Bittacus validus, preserved in Baltic amber and described by Hagen in 1856, was actually a mecopteron. Recently, Dr. Her- mann Jaeger, of the Palaontologisches Museum (Humboldt-Uni- versitat)
in Berlin, sent me Hagen's type specimen for study, It turns out to be a caddisfly, showing clearly the characteristic mouth- parts, hairy wings, and looped anal veins. Unfortunately, other structural features are so poorly preserved in the specimen that generic determination within the Trichoptera will probably prove impossible. For the present, at any rate, it seems advisable to list the insect as (Trichopteron) validus Hagen. [Reference : Carpenter, F. M., 1931, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 39: 412; 1954, Psyche, 61: 36. Hagen, H. A., 1856, Berendt, Bernst. befindl. organ. reste vorw., 2 ( I ) :9 I j - I?. M. Carpenter, Harvard University.
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