Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Centennial Issue.
Psyche 81:1-2, 1974.

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Vol. 81 MARCH, 1974 NO. I
The Cambridge Entomological Club, the second oldest of the entomological societies existing in the United States, was founded on January 8, 1874. A few months later, on May 8, the first issue of its journal, Psyche, was published. In recognition of this anni- versary, the Editorial Board of Psyche has designated this number of the journal, March, 1974, as the Centennial Issue. The leading article is a history of the Club, prepared by Janice R. Matthews and based on her careful study of the historical documents in the Club's archives. The members of the Cambridge Entomological Club are indebted to Mrs. Matthews for making her manuscript available to the editorial board and for her permission to publish it in Psyche.
The other articles in this issue are not directly related to the Centennial but it is worthy of note that all of them are authored, at least jointly, by members of the Cambridge Entomological Club. We are indebted to Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Rochester, New York, for a helpful contribution towards the cost of printing this issue of Psyche.


Vol. I.] Cambridge, Mass., May, 1874. [No. 1. Introductory.
THE CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB was formed January 9,1874, by the following persons, who met at Dr. Hagen's house, No. 7 Putnam Street, Cambridge, Massachu- setts, namely: Messrs. E. P. Austin, Edward Burgess, G. R. Crotch, of Cambridge, England, George Dimmock, J. H. Emerton, Dr. 13. A. Hagen, Messrs. Samuel Henshaw, B, P. Mann, H. K. Morrison, J. 0. Munro, of Lexington; Dr. A. S. Packard, of Salem, Messrs. Eugene Schwarz, and S. H. Scud- der. It has since added to its number Messrs. J. A. Allen, Walter Faxon, A. W. Gonld, Prof. 0. E. Hamlin, Messrs. Holmes Hinkley, H. G. Hubbard, Baron C. R. Osten Sacken, Messrs. F. G. Sanborn, G. D. Sniit,h, P. S. Sprague, Roland Thaxter, of Newtonville, and C. P. Whitney, of Milford, N. H. At the fourth monthly meethg, held April 10,1874, the Club decided to undertake the publication of a monthly organ, to be called. PSYCHE. This organ will contain such parts of the proceedings of the Club as seem to be of general interest, biological contributions upon Arthropocla from any competent person, lists of captures, with time and locality, miscellaneous ent,omological information, and especidly a BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD, in which last a list will be given of all writings upon Entomology published-in North America, and of all foreign writings upon North American Entomology, from the beginning of the year 1874, with a brief note of the contents of each. For the greater perfection of this list, authors and societies are requested to forward their works to the editor at the earliest date possible. Each number will contain at least four pages, and as soon as the returns are sufficient to make it possible, a greater number of pages will be given. The subscription price in FRONTISPIECE: Facsimile of page one of the first issue of Psyche, May, 18 74.


Volume 81 table of contents