Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 351.
Psyche 8:351-352, 1897.

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April ~bg.] PSYCHE. 351
9 December, 1898. The 20,jtli ~neeting was held at 156 Brattle St., Mr. J. W. Folsom in the chair.
Mr. S. H. Scudder gave a brief account of Iecent studies in the orthopteran genus
Mr. C. C. Adams showed a male and two
females of TriLhemis umbrafa in which one of the latter showed the secondary characters of the male. This led to ageneral discussion of cases in which either sex tends to assume the secondary characters of the other. Cases were mentioned in the Orthoptera, Cole-
optera and especially Lepidoptera.
q JA's-L-ARY, 1899. The 206th regular
and 22d annual meeting (ĺ´sinc incorporation) was held at I 56 Brattle street, the President, Mr. A. P. Morse, in the C~EI~T.
Mr. C. C. Adam of Urbann, Ill., was
elected a member.
Reports from the several officers were re- ceived and the following officers elected for the ensuing year : -President, A. G. Mayer ; secretary, Roland Hay ward; treasurer, Samuel Henshaw ; librarian, S. H. Scudder ; mem- bers at large of the executive committee, J. W. Folsoin and A. P. Morse.
The address of the retiring president, on the Distribution of New England locusts, Wa6 next read. (See Psyche for February.) General discussion followed its presentation, in which comparison was made of the dis- tribution of locusts with that of other insects, especially Lepidoptera.
With regard to Juumzia coenia, Mr. W. L. W. Field stated that he had arrived at the conclusion from observations made some
years ago that in Connecticut there are two sets, a migratory and a resident one.
Mr. Field exhibited a very pretty series of the Caliiornian Lycaeua xerces, at one time supposed to have become extinct.
In conncctioii with remarks made at the
last meeting with regard to the assumption by one sex of the secondary sexual characters of the other, Mr. R. Hayward showed two
males of Leftura laetijica, in which the elytra were partially - red, together with normal examples ot both sexes.
The Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada. With special reference to Nrw England. By SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. Illustrated with 96 plates of Butterflies, Caterpillars, Chrysalids, etc. (of which 41 are colored) which include about 2,000 Figures besides Maps and portraits. 19-78 Pages of Text.
Vol. I. Introduction ; Nymphalidae.
Vol. a. Remaining Families of Butterflies. Vol. 3.
Appendix, Plates s.nd Index.
The set, 3 vols., rov:i1 Svu. half levant, $75.00 net- HOIJGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., 4 Park St., Boston, Mass. - -
Guide to the Genera and Classilicntion of the Orthoptera of North America north of Mexico. By SAMUEL H. SCUDDER.
go pp. , 8'.
Contains keys for the detennin:ition of the higher groups as well as the (nearly 200) genera of our Orthopi.eni, with full bibliographical aids to further study.
Sent by mail on receipt of price ($K,oo), E. W. WHKELER,. 30 BOYLSTON STRBET, CAMBRIDGE, MASS.


PS YCm [April ~899.
began in January, 1897, andwill continue through three years. The subscription price (payable in advance) is $5.00 per volume, or $2.00 per year, postpaid. Numbers are issued on the first day of each month. Libraries and individuals generally ordering thiough subscription agencies (which only take annual sub- scriptions) will please notice that it is cheaper to subscribe for the entire volume at once directly of us.- Any eaily volume can he had for $5.00, unbound. Address Psyche, Cambridge, Mass.
Vok. 1-7, Complete, Unbound - - - - - - $33.00. Vols. 1-7, and Subscription to Volume 8 - - - - $37.00. Vol. 7 contains over 500 pp. and 10 plates, besides other illustrations. Published by Henry Holt & Co., New York. Scudder's Brief Guide to the Com-
moner Butterflies.
By SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. xi -f- 206 pp.
izmo. $1.2';.
An introduction, for the young student, to the names and something of the relationship and lives of our commoner butterflies. The author has selected for treatment the butter- flies, less t,han one hundred in number, which would be almost surely met with by an in- dustrious collector in a course of a year's or two year's work in our Northern States east of the Great Plains, and in Canada. While all the apparatus necessary to identify these butterflies, in their earlier as well as perfect stage, is supplied, it is far from the author's puipose to treat them as if they wereso many mere postage-stamps to he classified and ar- ranged in a cabinet. He has accordingly
added to the descriptions of the different spe- cies, their most obvious stapes, some of the curious facts concerningthe& periodicity and their habits of life.
Scudder's The Life of a Butterfly.
A Chapter in Natural History for
the General Reader.
By SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. 186 pp. 16mo.
In this book the author has tried to present in untechnical language the story of the life of one of our most conspicuous American
butterflies. At the same time, by introduc- ing into the account of its anatomy, devel- opment, distribution, enemies, and seasonal changes some comparisons with the more or less dissimilar structure and life of other but- terflies, and particularly of our native forms, he has endeavored to give, in some fashion and in brief s ace a general account of the lives of the wholetribe. By using a single butterfly as a special text, one may discourse at pleasure of many: and in the limited field which our native butterflies cover, this meth- od has a certain advantage from its simplicity and directness.
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, Setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Ek. Othsr articles ai~ being added, Sendfor List.


Volume 8 table of contents