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Psyche 8:252, 1897.
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252 PSYCHE. [August 1898.
Hemileuca sororia, race divine, n. race. $ Expanse of wings 52 mm.
Upper part
ot head and thorax densely covered with pale yellowish gray hair; abdomen above entirely covered with bright crimson hair. Under
side of abdomen with yellowish white hair, except apex, where it is ferruginous.
with pinkish ferruginous hair. Legs with appressed bright ferruginous hair in front, and long dirty white hair behind, except on tarsi. Antennae very bright ferruginous. Primaries above very pale ochreous, with an indistinct discai spot, slightly outlined in orange, situated on a broad transverse band of a deeper shade than the rest of the wing. No dark marks of any sort. Secondaries of the same shade, but still paler, with the nervures more or less pale orange. Beneath, the secondaries are as above, but the primaries have an orange costa and orange nervures, and a rosy s~ibcostal shade.
Hab. - Santa F6, N. M., 7000 ft., autumn of 1897. Type in U. S. Natl. Museum. This
beautiful moth is closely allied to soruria Hy. Edw., from La Paz, Lower California, and H. kwalafai Neum., from S. W. Arizona, both known as yet only in the 9.
Dr. H. G.
Dyar is of the opinion that all three belong to one species ; but since olivine comes from a different life-zone from the others, and differs from them in many particulars, it seems best to regard it as a distinct race, at least, until the contrary is proven.
I will take this opportunity of referring to a Scejsis which I took last year at Albuque- rque, N. M., September 16, on a purple aster. Dr. Dyar identifies it as 5. ftt/vIcollis I-lbn. The collar is quite red, not pale as in the race fallens I-Iy. Edw., which is supposed to occupy the Rocky Mountain region to
the exclusion of the type.
T. B. A. Cockerel!,
N. M Ayr. Ex$. Sta.
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