Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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William L. Brown, Jr.
The Ant Aphaenogaster gatesi Transferred to Pheidole.
Psyche 73:283, 1966.

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(a) The basal part of the receptaculum does not bear an apical ap- pendix as in the other species of the genus known to me. DOBZHANSKY, T.
1941. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 106 (6): 1-9+, 6 plate;.. KORSCHEFSKY, R.
1931. Coleop. Catalogus (Junk), pars 118: 176-209. SCHWARZ, E, A.
1890. Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, 1 (4) : 237-247. SILVESTRI, F.
1903. Ann. Mus. 2001. R. Univ. Napoli, N.S., 1 (13): 3. SMITH, J. B.
1886. Amer. Nat., 20: 679-687.
1911. Journ. New York Ent. Soc., 19 (3): 169-174. THE ANT APHAENOGASTER GATESI TRANS-
FERRED TO PI3EIDOLE.- Pheidole gat& is the necessarj NEW CON RINATION for Aphaenogaster (Atto?tzy~r?71a) gatesi Wheeler, 1927, Psyche, 34: 44, worker (minor) ; type locality Rangoon, Burma. The types of A. gatpsi are really minors of some species of the
Pheidole stnythiesi group (=subgenus Ceratopheidole) . When com- pared directly with types of P. smythiesi, the gatesi cotypes showed differences in head shape and in details of the n~esonotun~ and post- petiole that are strong enough to indicate distinctness at the species level, at least until we have further knowledge of intraspecific varia- tion in this group. The type comparison was incidental to work done in European museums during 1963 under National Science Founda- tion Grant 0-23680. -W. L. Brown, TI-. Department of Enton~ology, Cornell University.
Ps~cht 73:283 IJ966), hup //psych enkliib ore/73/71-2BJ him1


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