Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

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Guy L. Bush.
The Genus Zomosemata, with Notes on the Cytology of Two Species (Diptera—tephritidae).
Psyche 72:307-?, 1965.

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Department of Biology, Harvard University The genus Zonosemata (Trypetinae, Trypetini) was established by Benjamin (1934) to include the type, Trypeta electa Say, and Zonosema vittigera Coquillett. The latter species he considered as possibly only a western race of electa. Both are recognized as distinct in this revision and two new species from Mexico and one from Jamaica are described.
Zonosemata is closely related to the Holarctic and Neotropical Rhagolefis Loew (including Zonosema Loew) , the monotypic Nearctic Rhagoletoides Foote, the Neotropical Rhagoletotrypeta Aczil, and the Palearctic and Indian Carpomyia Rondani2. It shows particularly close affinities in habitus to certain Mexican and Neo- tropical Rhagoletis, such as R. striatella, R. ferrugineus, R. lyco- persella, R. ochraspis, and others, some of which infest solanaceous fruits as do at least two species of Zonosemata. Cytologically the chromosomes of Zonosemata also bear some resemblance to those of R. striatella.
Furthermore, unlike other Rhagoletis species, the egg of strktella is stalked and somewhat like those of 2. electa (Fig. 26) and Z. vittiaera. These similarities, coupled with the fact that four of the five species are from Mexico and Jamaica, suggest that Zono- semata probably originated in Central or possibly South America from some common ancestor with Rhagoletis. Further field work in these regions may therefore eventually clarify the relationships between these two genera.
The biology of 2. vittigera and Z. electa has been discussed in some detail by several authors (Peterson 1923, Benjamin 1934, Bur- dette 1935, Cazier 1962, and Foott 1963). Both species normally infest certain native species of horsenettle (Solanum spp., Solanacece) . 'Published with the aid of a grant from the Committee on Evolutionary Biology, Department of Biology, Harvard University. Manuscript received by the editor, August 30, 1965.
The presence of minute ocellar bristles in Carfomyia is the only character that effectively separates this genus from Rhagoletk This character is of doubtful importance and Rhagoletis may eventually fall into synonymy with Carpomyia (for detailed discussion see Bush 1966).


308 Psyche [December
Since 192 I, however, electa has become a serious pest of peppers and eggplants in the eastern United States. Recently it was found attack- ing these plants as far north as southwestern Ontario (Foott 1963). The hosts of the three new species are not known, but they may also be expected to infest the fruits of solanaceous plants. There is evidence that the pepper and horsenettle populations, at least in Ontario, have become somewhat ecologically isolated from each other. Foott (1963) noted that larvae from horsenettle emerge later and are considerably smaller than those emerging from peppers. He offered three possible explanations for this observation: micro- climatic conditions were different for the two hosts; nutritive quali- ties of the fruits varied; earlier availability of pepper fruits allowed expansion of the early emerging fly population. As pointed out by Bush (1966), the third possibility would establish allochronically isolated populations on different hosts and permit divergence to prog- ress rapidly in the absence of gene flow from the parent population. This could result in the formation of two distinct host races. A careful study of these populations would be extremely interesting as little is known about the formation of host races and species in phytophagous insects.
Mitotic configurations in the larval brain and adult testes were examined in Z. electa and Z. vittigera. Tissue was pretreated in a saturated aqueous solution of coumarin for 5 - 8 minutes, fixed and stained in proprionic orcein for 5 minutes, and squashed in a drop of stain following the method of Bush (1962). Pretreatment of the tissue with coumarin was necessary to produce well flattened meta- phase plates and to locate the kinetichores. The karyotypes of both species are indistinguishable. In the male there are five pairs of very small metakinetic autosomes and a heteromorphic pair of extremely long acrokinetic and hetero- chromatic sex chromosomes (Fig. I ) . Following co'umarin pretreat- ment the chromatids of the X chromosome at metaphase are usually joined only at their extreme ends forming an oblong ring (Fig. I, X). The chromatids of the shorter Y chromosome are usually closely approximated over much of their length and form a figure EXPLANATION OF PLATE 22
Figs. 1-3. Mitosis in neuroblast cells of Zonosemata electa: (1) meta- phase ; (2) prophase ; (3) anaphase.
Figs. 4-8. Right wings of Zonosemata spp.: (4) electa, N. J., U. S. A.; (5) vittigera, Texas, U. S. A,; (6) cocoyoc, paratype, Morelos, Mex.; (7)
m'.nuta, type, Jamaica, W. I.; (8) vidrafennis, paratype, Mexico, Mex.



3 10 Psyche [December
eight (Fig. I, Y). At prophase (Fig. 2) the X chromosomes are greatly elongated and are associated with a nucleolar organizer. At late anaphase (Fig. 3) the chromatids of the sex chromosomes are still in contact on the metaphase plate while the fully disjoined autosomes have reached the poles. In both sexes a large heterochro- matic irregular-shaped body is always visible in the nucleus during interphase. However, it is not clear whether this represents only one 01- both sex chromosomes. Both the autosomes and the sex chromo- somes have a fuzzy appearance during all stages of division, suggesting that some genetic activity may be in progress even during cell division. The polytene chromosomes of the salivary gland, gut, and Malpighian tubules were checked and found unsuitable for detailed analysis. Zonosemata Benjamin
Spilographa Loew (in part), 1873, Smith. Misc. Coll. 256: 244, 336. Zonosema Coquillett, 1899, Jour. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 7: 261. Phorellia Hendel
(in part),
1914, Abh. u. Ber. 2001. Mus. Dresden (1912) 14: 28.
Zonosemata Benjamin, 1934, U.S. Dept. Agri. Tech. Bull. 401: 17-18. [Type of genus, Trypeta electa Say, location unknown, apparently lost3; type locality: Indiana]. - Aczdl,
1951, Acta zool. Lilloana 9 : 214. -Aczil, 1954, Dusenia 5: 152-153.
Further details on the nomenclatorial history of this genus may be found in Benjamin (1934) and Stone (1951). GENERIC DIAGNOSIS. Zonosemata may be distinguished from other members of the tribe Trypetini by the
following combination of
characters :
I. Predominantly yellow with black maculations, a cream colored notopleural stripe and brown crossbands on the wing. 2. Dorsocentrals located closer to a line drawn between postalars than to anterior supraalars.
3. One pair of well developed outer scapular bristles, inner pair absent or if present (rarely) then minute. 4. Sex chromosomes diffuse, much elongated, heterochromatic and hetei-opycnotic; autosomes very small and diffuse. 5. S~mtyli blunt, short and broad; not greatly elongated beyond prensisetae.
6. Usually four pairs of lower fronto-orbital bristles. 7. Dorsum lacking pollinose microtrichia. 8. Larvae with minute poorly sclerotized stoma1 guard hooks. 'Although no type could be located for electa, Say's original description is clear enough to leave no doubt as to the identification of the type species. A neotype was not designated pending a more thorough search for the type.


19651 Bush - Zonosernata 31 1
GENERIC DESCRIPTION. Head (Fig. 30) : subquadrate in profile ; about 1.1 times wider than high; all regions, including palps and mentum, light yellow to yellowish-orange; ocellar triangle light brown to brownish-black; vertex measured across anterior margin of ocellar plate, narrower than maximum width of eye; eye about 1.5 times higher than wide; frons convex in profile, prominent at antennae, slightly wider at vertex than at antennae; antennae .5 - .6 length of face; third segment with sharp awl-shaped tip, more than twice length of second; artista black or dark brown, pubescent, grading to yellow at base; face minutely pubescent. Genae moderately narrow, 23-26 height of head. Postcranial region and head slightly concave ; foveae and carina moderately developed ; epistome slightly upturned; postgenae bulging. Usually four pairs convergent black fronto-orbitals, occasionally only three pairs or with one or two extra bristles on one side or both; two pairs black reclinate divergent upper fronto-orbitals, upper approximately two-thirds length of lower; ocellars strongly proclinate, divergent, approximately same length as upper fronto-orbitals. Comb translucent yellow. Outer verticals black, about two-thirds length black inner verticals; post- orbitals yellow, short ; genal bristles variable, yellow or black when present, occasionally undifferentiated; yellow gular bristle weak or undifferentiated. Thorax: entirely yellow or with brown and black maculations; halteres yellow. Dorsum and scutellum covered with short decumbent yellow or black setae, lacking any trace of pollinose microtrichia. Normally one pair outer scutellars, rarely one or two minute scapulars present; dorsocentrals in line or slightly before line drawn between posterior supraalars ; two mesopleurals ; all other bristles normal for Trypetinae. Legs: all segments yellow except for black shading along posterior surface of metathoracic tibia. Prothoracic femur with one posterior-ventral and two dorsal rows of stout bristles. Mesothoracic tibia with row of three to five short semierect bristles on posterior surface. Metathoracic tibia with row of short semierect bristles along posterior-lateral surface. Wing: pattern consisting of transverse brown crossbands; Ri setulose over entire length including node ; R4 + 5 setulose ; usually one to three setae dorsally at junction of R4-t 5 and R2 + 3 ; anal cell drawn out to point along Cu2 +2nd A. Abdomen: tergites covered with fine long decumbent setae; long black bristles along posterior and lateral margins of tergites 111-V in male and 111-VI in female (Fig. 24) with well developed internal apodemes. Sternite VI about .55 length of ovipositor sheath.
sternitis of male (Fig. 23) without well developed internal apodemes. Genitalia: male --epandrium globose,



19651 Bush - zonosenzata 313
usually black, covered with long bristles; surstyli short with prensi- setae (or spurs) subterminal (Fig. 25) ; genital ring circular, without apodemes ( Fig. 27) ; ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped ( Fig. I 9) . Vesica of aedeagus (Fig. 2 I ) tubular, without convolutions or appen- dages. Female - ovipositor sheath approximately same length as tergite IV in dorsal view. Ovipositor (Fig. 17) short, margins slightly convex with minute ti-ifurcate tip and two pairs of sub- terminal minute setae (Fig. 18) ; two elongate cylindrical spermathe- cae covered with irregularly shaped minute scale-like papillae (Fig. 22) ; two elongate accessory glands. Ventral receptacle as in Fig. 20, without central spine as in Rhagoletis. Egg: micropyle end elongated into stalk (Fig. 26).
The characters most readily used to distinguish the various species in this genus are found in the wing pattern and distribution of black maculations on the body. Other than size, little variation was noted in such structural characters as the male and female genitalia and the number, color, and position of major chaetae. I. A pair of black presutural spots on the dorsum (Fig. 36) and a black spot 01- stripe on the sternopleuron ( Fig. 3 5 ) . Host :
Solanurn eleagnifolium ................................ vittigera Coquillett (SW U.S.A., N Cent. Mex.)
No distinct black spots before the transverse suture or on the sternopleuron .......................................................................... 2 2. Last three segments of the abdo'men each with large, irregularly shaped dark brown to black spots (Figs. I 5- d, 16-9) ; dorsum with broad U-shaped maculation with unforked arms (Fig. 33). ...................................................... Host unknown minuta n. sp.
Pair of well developed spots on last one or two segments (i.e., Figs. 9-10) ; black U-shaped maculation on do,rsum reduced 01- EXPLANATION OF PLATE 23
Figs. 9-16. Abdomen of Zonosemata spp., dorsal view: (9) $ electa, N. J., U. S. A.; (10) Q electa, N. J., U. S. A,; (11) Q vittigera, Texas, U. S. A.; (12) $ vittigera, Texas, U. S. A.; (13) 9 cocoyoc, Morelos, Mex.; (14) $ vidrapennis, type, Mexico, Mex.; (15) $ minuta, type, Jamaica, W. I.; (16) Q minuta, paratype, Jamaica, W. I. Figs. 17-27. Zonosemata electa, N. J., U. S. A.: (17) ovipositor; (18) detail of ovipositor tip ;
(19) ejaculatory apodeme ; (20) ventral receptacle ; (21) aedeagus; (22) spermatheca; (23) $ sternites of abdomen; (24) 9 sternites of abdomen; (25) posterior view of $ genitalia; (26) egg; (27) lateral view of $ genitalia showing details of fultella and genital ring.


314 Psyche
absent; if present then usually with forked arms (i.e., Figs.
37-38) ...................................................................................... 3 3. Apical wing band recurved along R4 + 5 but not reaching sub- apical band, forming the letter P (Fig. 6) ; last two segments of abdomen each with pair of black spots (Fig. 13). Host unknown .............................................................. cocoyoc n. sp. (Mexico)
Apical crossband forming the letter V; not recurved along R4+ 5 ; a single pair of black spots on last segment ............ 4 4. Crossbands of wing narrow
(Fig. 8) ; microtrichia lacking be-
tween medial and subapical crossbands in cells Ri, Rs, Ro and 1st M2; spot on last abdominal segment large, triangular shaped (Fig. 14). Host unknown ................ vidrapennis n. sp. ( Mexico)
Crossbands of wing broad (Fig. 4) ; microtrichia present in all cells between medial and subapical crossbands; spot on last abdominal segment small, round (Figs. 9-10). Host: Solanum
spp. ........................................................................ electa (Say) (E. U.S.A., SE Canada)
Zonosenzata electa (Say)
Trypeta clecta Say, 1829-30, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 6: 185-186. [Type not examined, apparently lost4; type locality: Indiana]. - Osten Sacken, 1858, Smith. Misc. Coll., Art. 1, 3: 79. -Loew, 1862, Smith. Misc. Coll., Art. 1, 6: 58, 71. Stone, 1951, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 53: 45-46. Tephritis ftavonotata Macquart, 1855, Dipt. Exot. Suppl. 5: 125. [Type not examined"; type locality: De 1'Amerique septintrionale. Baltimore (in collection of 1. E. Collin, Newmarket, England)]. Zonosema electa Coquillett, 1899, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 7: 261. -Phillips,
1923, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 31: 127-128, fig. 8. Spilographa electa Loew,
1873, Smith. Misc. Coll. 256: 244, 336.
1903, Kans. Univ. Quart. 11: 161. -Williston, 1905, Kans. Univ. Quart. 13: 307. -Peterson, 1923, N. J. Expt. Sta. Bull. 373: 1-23, pi. 1-3
Zonosemata electa Benjamin, 1934, U. S. Dept. Agri. Tech. Bull. 401: 19-20, fig. IS. -Burdette, 1935, N. J. Expt. Sta. Bull. 585: 3-24, pi. 1-3. -Phillips, 1946, Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12: 96-98, 129, figs. 44, 89, 93, 191. -Anonymous, 1959, U. S. Dept. Agri., Agri. Res. Serv., Copp. Econ. Insect Kept. 9: 721-722. - Foote, 1960, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 73: 114-116.
DIAGNOSIS. Excellent detailed descriptions of both larval and adult stages have been presented by Peterson ( 1923 ) , Benjamin ( 1g34), *See foot-note, p. 310.
'"'Macquart's type has been discussed by Stone (1951) who has established its identity with certainty with the help of Mr. J. E. Collin.


19651 Bush - Zonose/neita 3 15
and Phillips (1946) and will not be repeated here. Body and wing measurements are presented in Table I. This predominantly yellow species can be distinguished by the following combination of charac- ters : ( I ) large body size (Table I ) ; (2) absence of black markings before the transverse suture on the dorsum and on the sternopleuron (Figs. 29, 37) ;
(3) yellow postscutellum; (4) presence of only a single pair of spots on the last segment of the preabdornen (Figs. 9-10) ;
(5) crossbands of wing broad with medial and subapical bands joined along the posterior margin (Fig. 4) ; (6) ~nicrotrichia present between medial and subapical bands in cells Ri, Rs, R;, and 1st Up. Other
follows : genital
head (Fig. 30).
morphological features of electa are illustrated as ia (Figs. 17-22, 25, 27) ; sternites (Figs. 23-24) ; VARIATION. There is a great deal of individual variation in this species, particularly in the extent of black shading on the thorax and hind femora. Figs. 29 and 37 therefore represent only the most frequently encountered pattern in well-aged specimens whose color has had time to develop fully. The U-shaped pattern of the dorsum, for example, is often reduced to a small region along the sulcus between the dorsum and scutellu~n, or is entirely absent. There is also a tendency for individuals from Florida to be somewhat smaller than those from either the North or Texas. A few of the Florida specimens were as small as the average sized vittigera. Although most specimens had four pairs of lower fsonto-orbitals, numbers ranging from three to as many as seven on one or both sides of the frons were not uncommon.
HOSTS. Solanum carol'znense Linn., S. aculeatissimum Jacq., S. nzelongena Linn., Capsicum annum Linn., and infrequently Lyco- persicum esculentum Mill. (Peterson 1932, Benjamin 1934). PARASITE. Opius sanguineus (Ashmead) ( Cazier I 962). DISTRIBUTION (Map I). This species ranges from central Florida north to Massachusetts, southern Ontario, southern Illinois, eastern Kansas, and northeastern Texas. The range of electa apparently overlaps that of vittigera in the transition zone of eastern Texas as far south as Brownsville (see also Foote 1960). Zonosemata vittigera (Coquillett)
Zonoscma vittigera Coquillett, 1899, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 7: 261. [Lectotype by present designation; locality: Eagle Pass, Texas; (J. Cram coll.) (USNM, type no. 4398)].
Spilographa vittigera Aldrich, 1905, Smith. Misc. Coll. 46: 604. Zonosemata vittiigera Benjamin, 1934, U. S. Dept. Agri. Tech. Bull. 401: 18, fig. 15. -Phillips, 1946, Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12: 100-101, figs.



19651 Bush - Zonosc~~~ata 317
43, 88, 98, 190.
- Aczkl, 1954, Dusenia 5: 152-157, figs. 19-27. - Foote,
1960, Proc, Biol. Soc. Wash. 73: 114-116. Zonosemata variegata6 Aczel, 1954, Dusenia 5: 162, 164 figs. 19-27; estampa 11. C (nomen nudum).
Detailed descriptions of this species have been pre- sented by Aczd (1954) (adult), and Phillips (1946) (larva). Body and wing measurements are resented in Table I. 2. vittigera can be distinguished readily from all other members of this genus by the presence of a pair of black dots before the transverse suture (Fig. 36)) and by the presence of a black stripe or distinct spot on the sternopleuron (Fig. 35). The abdomen has a pair of baso-lateral spots on the last segment in both sexes (Figs. I I, 12). Occasional individuals may also have small brown spots on the penultimate segments. The wing pattern of vittigera (Fig. 5) is very similar to that of minuta (Fig. 7), but usually can be distinguished from that of electa (Fig. 4) by the fact that the medial and subapical bands are joined in the latter species.
1 he intensity of the black pigmentation of the pre- sutural spots varied a great deal in the specimens available for study, particularly in those from Texas. Many of these specimens have the presutural and sternopleural black spots generally diluted and the postscutellum often predominantly yellow. Hybridization beween electa and vittigera could account for the reduction in the degree of black coloration in the latter species. However, this seems unlikely as there is no indication of introgression, such as a tendency toward reduction in size or an increase in the intensity or distribution of Although Aczkl used the name vittiqera throughout the text of his 1954 paper, he labelled the accompanying illustrations variegata. I have also examined specimens bearing the name variegata on a type label in Aczkl's handwriting in the USNM collection. Dr. Alan Stone of the USNM found Aczkl's manuscript species kegata to be synonymous with Coquillett's vittigera after comparing the types at Aczkl's request (from correspondence between Stone and Aczkl, 1952, USNM). Aczkl therefore apparently made the necessary change in the text but failed to do so for the plate before the paper was published.
Figs. 28-29, 31-32, 35. Thorax, lateral view, Zonosemata spp.: (28) Q cocoyoc, paratype, Morelos, Mex.; (29) $ electa, N. J., U. S. A.; (31) 8 minuta, type, Jamaica, W. I.; (32) $ vidrapennis, paratype, Mexico, Mex. ; (35) $ vittigera, Texas, U. S. A. Figs. 33-34, 36-38. Thorax, dorsal view, Zonosemata spp.: (33) $ min- uta, type, Jamaica W. I.; (34) $ vidrapennis, paratype, Mexico, Mex.; (36)
$ vittigera, Texas, U. S. A.; (37)
$ dccta, N. J., U. S. A,; (38) Q
cocoyoc, paratype, Morelos, Mex.
Fig. 30. Head, electa 8, N. J., U. S. A.


318 Psyche [December
Species n HL HW HH TL WW WL OL
6 20 1.47å .03 2.3Ik .04 2.102 .04 3.40å .04 2.56å .oj 4.993~ .og
1.16-1.64 2.00-2.56 1.88-2.44 3.00-3.96
2.24-2.92 4.28-5.68
? 20 1.51k .02
2.37& .03
2.112~ .03 3.47k .05 2.69~ .05 5.13å .07 1.67å -03' 1.28-1.72 2.00-2.60
2.32-3.12 4.56-5.80 1.44-2.16
d 20 .1gå±.0 1.84å .03 1.67å .03 2.4gå .06 1.862 -03 3.83å .07
.96- 1.32 1.56-2.04 1.40- 1.92 2.04-2.84 1.60-2.08 3.20-4.36
? 20 1.20å±.0 I.gOA .04 I.70å .05
2.53k.07 1.952 .OS
4.002 .08 1.12k.02
.g2-1.36 1.52-2.10 1.24-2.00 1.84-2.96
1.48-2.24 3.00-4.52 1.00-1.28
if (Holotype) I .1.12 1.88 r .6o 2.80 2.32 4.68 mmuta
if (Holotype) I I.O+ 1.76 1.60 2.40 1.60 3.48 ? I 1.04 1.76 1.60 2.24 1.64 3.60
? (Holotype) I 1.28 2.12 I .go 3-00 2.52 5.08 1.64 Q (Paratype) I 1.36 2.24 2.04 3.16 2.66 5.16 Table I. Body and wing measurements of Zonose~nata. Figures represent mean, standard error, and range in mm. HL- head length; HW- head width; HH - head height; 1L- thorax length; WL - wing length; WW - wing width; OL - ovipositor length. black maculation, in the sympatric specimens of electa examined from Texas. Some specimens of vittigera were reared and appear to be teneral. This could account for their lack of intense black maculations.
Four specimens which appear to be vittigera have been examined, each bearing the label (N.J., Sept. 7-8,' a locality well outside the normal range of this species. Some of these specimens have spots on both the penultimate and last segments. This has been noted in only a few other representatives of this species from Mexico. In all other respects, such as size, wing pattern, and body coloration, they resemble vittigera. Without host data or additional information con- cerning the collection of these specimens, it is impossible to decide if they represent a distinct species. They are therefore tentatively being treated as an adventive of vittigera to New Jersey until further information becomes available.
HOST. Solamnn eleagnif oliupn Cav. (Aczel I 954, Foote I 960, Cazier I 962 ) .
PARASITE. 0fiiz~s sanguineus (Ashmead ) ( Cazier I 962).

Volume 72 table of contents