Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

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founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Hans Reichardt.
On Neotropical Carabidae (Coleoptera).
Psyche 71:49-52, 1964.

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In the course of the study of Neotropical Carabidae in the collec- tions of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and the Departamento de Zoologia, a new species of Galeritula was recognized. It is described in order that the name will be available for use elsewhere. In addition new synonymies are established in some other genera of Neotropical Carabidae.
Genus Otoglossa Chaudoir.
Otoglossa Chaudoir, 1872, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 15 :158. Type: 0. tuberculosa Chaudoir.
Heraldinium Liebke, 1927, Ent. Blaett., 23: 101-102. Type: H. nevermanni Liebke. NEW SYNONYMY.
Liebke, 1938, Fest. Emb. Strand, 4:42, 88. Mateu, 1961, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, 72:163, 169. Liebke described Heraldinium as belonging to the Odacanthini, and included it in his Odacanthini revision of 1938. Studying a series of specimens that proved to be 0. tuberculosa, I found ( I ) that this species has all characters of Heraldinium but (2) is different from
nevermanni, the only species assigned to Heraldinium by Liebke. A more careful study brought me to the conclusion that Liebke's genus belongs to the Lebiini, and must be considered a synonym of Otoglossa. This genus, as defined recently by Mateu (1961), included only 0. tuberculosa Chaudoir and subviolacea Mateu, to which nevermanni (Liebke) must now be added.
Otoglossa tuberculosa Chaudoir
(Figs. 1-3)
Otoglossa tuberculosa Chaudoir, 1872, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 15 :158-159. Type: Minas, Brazil ; Paris Museum.
Mateu, 1961, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, 72: 170. (see for additional references and synonyms).
To the localities given by Mateu, I add the following: from the Departamento de Zoologia: Ilha dos Buzios, Siio Paulo, 16.X.-4.XI. 1963, Exp. Dep. 2001. col. ; Caraguatatuba (Reserva Florestal, 40 m.) , Sao Paulo, 22.V.1962, Exp. Dep. 2001. col.; Barueri, Sao Paulo, K. Lenko col.; Ponta Grossa, Paran;, 111. 1939, Camargo col.; from the Museum of Comparative Zoology: Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina, F.Plaumann col.
*Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria da Agricultura, Sao Paulo. On a fellowship of the Organization of American States at Harvard University. Manuscript received by the editor March 6,1964. Ps~che 71:49-52 (1064). hUp //psyche enlclub orgi71/71-049 html



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Reichardt - Neotropical Carabidae
Galeritula pilosa, n. sp.
(Figs. 4-7)
Description: dark brown, almost black, with lighter brown legs, antennae and mouthparts. Winged species. Head slightly wider than long, with large prominent eyes; slightly rugose, with broad, poorly developed median carina; posterior half and sides of anterior half with long yellowish, almost erect hairs; two orbital setae. Pronotum longer than wide (length to width ratio: 1.2) ; as wide as head; anterior margin concave, posterior margin slightly emarginate ; widest in the middle ; more narrowed anteriorly ; sides divergent after the constriction ; surf ace convex, rugose ; median sulcus almost erased ; covered with long yellowish, backwards directed hairs; two pronotal setae. Scutellum triangular, punctured, with yellow hairs. Elytra twice as wide as pronotum, almost twice as long as wide (length to width ratio : I .8) ; widest behind the middle; apex truncate; with nine carinae and two less developed carinulae between each two carinae; a row of deep punctures filling out the carinulae interspace; a row of long yellow hairs (more or less as long as inter- space between two carinae) between each carina and carinula; inter- spaces transversely rugose; scutellar carina usually not joining the first carina (in the holotype the right one joins it). Legs (the holotype has the right middle femur bifurcated at apex), antennae, mouthparts and ventral side, very densely hairy.
Measurements: length 12.61-14.56 mm. ; width 4.16-4.81 mm. (Holotype: 13 mm. X 4.16 mrn.).
Types: Salobra, Mato Grosso, X. 1938, Exp. Institute Oswaldo Cruz col. (Holotype cf and 4 cf , 69, Paratypes; I?, Paratype, same locality, 1.1955, no collector; all in the Departamento de Zoologia, SZo Paulo; I and 19, Paratypes, same data as Holotype, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Notes: this species of Galeritula is well defined by its rather small size, and by the long yellowish hairs which cover it. Very similar to G. palustris (Liebke), of which 2 cf and 39 were collected together with pilosa, n. sp.; distinguished by its darker brown legs; by the dif- ferent pronotal form ; by the carinae, which are thicker than in palus- tris, and by the pilosity, which is much denser and longer in pilosa, n. sp.
Utoglossa tuberculosa Chaudoir: fig. 1 dorsal view; fig. 2, genitalia of 8 from Nova Teutonia, lateral view; fig. 3, same genitalia, dorsal view; Galeritula pilosa, n. sp.: fig. 4, Holotype; fig. 5, lateral view of genitalia of Holotype; fig. 6, same genitalia, dorsal view ; fig. 7, detail of elytral structure.


Trichognathus marginipennis Latreille
Trichognathus margini$emis Latreille, 1829, Regne Anim., 2. ed., 4:375. Type : Brazil.
Trichognathus cinctus Chaudoir, 1848, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc., 21 (1) :68. Type: Colombia. NEW SYNONYMY.
Trichognaths immarginipennis Steinheil, 1875, Col. Hefte, 13 :96. Type : Muzo, Colombia. NEW SYNONYMY.
Having seen abundant material showing all possible grades of vari- ation between typical specimens of the three described species, I con- sider these species as synonyms. Van Emden ( 1935, Rev. Ent., 5 :314), pointed out that the great variation in these species, made it almost impossible to separatethem, when larger series were studied. Liebke ( I 95 I, Beitr. Faun. Perus, 2 :260) comes to almost the same conclu- sion, although he observes a gelographic variation in the yellow elytral border. I cannot find geographic variation in this or any other charac- ter. In a series of specimens from Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina, I found specimens which could be assigned to "cinctus" and to ''mar- ginipennis", together with intermediate specimens ; in another series from Dept. del~uzco, Peru, all three "species" were represented; not only "cinctus" in Peru and "nzarginipennis" in Southern Brazil, as supposed by Liebke.
There is a fourth species of Trichognathus listed in the catalogues: strangulatus Lacosdaise, which must be eliminated from this genus, since it was designated as type species of another genus (Ancistroglos- sus) by Chaudoir [1862, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moslc., 35(4) '-3071.


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