Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 13.
Psyche 6:13, 1891.

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January 1891.1 PS?T~. 13
vertical line ,* indicates the essential- ly generalized and larval character
of the order, and does not
imply any nearer relationship to Neu-
roptera, which stands on the right,
than to Coleoptera on the extreme left.
The height to which the vertical bars
have been carried above the plate is a
rough approximation to the specializa-
tion attained by the adults, and also to the removal of the mode of development
from the primitive Thysanuroid mode.
The orders existing to-day are re-
garded as parallel series differing from each other in structure, and not as yet
connected by well-known intermediate
forms. Where the probability exists
that certain orders have had a common
origin, they are placed on the same
radiating lines, as seen in Diagram 111, orders 11-111; also VI-VII, and VIII-
IX; and this rule has been departed
from only where the data seemed to
justify a more natural interpretation, as in the case of the orders from XI1 to
XVI, inclusive.
All of these graphic presentations
are necessarily extremely rough approx
imations to the actual facts, and present even the authors' views in a very im-
perfect manner. Nevertheless, if con-
scientiously studied, they will, it is
hoped, help to give teachers some ideas
of the principles upon which a classifi- cation is based, and prevent them from
falling into the absurd but natural mis- takes often occasioned by the linear
treatment of types in the text.
I. Thysanura.
11. Ephemeroptera.
111. Odonata.
IV. Plecoptera.
V. Platyptera.
VI. Dermaptera.
VII. Orthoptera.
VIII. Thysanoptera.
IX. Hemiptera.
X. Coleoptera.
XI. Neuroptera.
XII. Mecoptera.
XIII. Trichoptera.
XIV. Lepidoptera.
XV. Hynienoptera.
XVI. Diptera.
LARVA :-Head subquadrate, anterior angles obtusely rounded, sides moderately rounded, shining. Clypeus tranverse, about three
times as broad as long, oblique. Labrum
smaller than the clypeus, anterior margin rounded and beset with a few bristle-like hairs. Antennae three jointed, first joint cylindrical, about twice as long as broad; *See also the diagram given by Packard in Third Rep. U. S. Ent. Corn., 1883, p. 295.
second joint considerably longer, clavate ; third joint minute, cylindrical, with a few hairs at the apex. Mandibles short, stout, arcuate externally, excavate internally, apex tridentate, base with a prominent elevation with two small teeth. Maxillae subcylindri- cal, stout, elongate, lobe somewhat truncate at the apex with a number of bristle-like hairs. Maxillary palpi three jointed, first joint stout, cylindrical, broader than long; Ps\&e 6 01J-H (pre.1903) hfp //psyche aitclub orgt#6-0013 htd


[January 1891.
second joint more slender and longer; third joint subcylindrical, thicker at the base than the apex,
which is beset with minute
points. Labium subquadrate, broader at the apex than the base. Labial palpi two-
jointed ; first joint thick, cylindrical ; second joint slender, rounded at apex.
Body coi-ne-
ous, highly polished, minutely punctured, last segment terminating in two short pi-o- tuberances curved upward. Over the body
are scattered a few light brown hairs. Color : head and body testaceous. Body beneath
somewhat paler. Length about 25 mm.
Width about 3-50 mm.
PUPA sordid white, elongated, with each of the abdominal segments at the sides pro- vided with a flat, quadrate process. Anal segment with two rather long processes at the extremity. Thorax subquadrate, sides rounded. Head bent downward ; wings
folded around the sides of the body. Length g mm. Width 5 mm.
Lives on wood of oak. chestnut, and hick- ory. Collected early in April. Pupated May 18th. Imago emerged June 9th.
-We have here a novel and suggestive book, in which the interrelationships of insects are worked out on independent lines. Neither Professor Hyatt, a zoologist and paleon- tologist of the very highest repute, nor his associate Miss Anns, has ever before claimed a hearing in the entomological world, and they have approa,ched the subject quite untrammelled by tradition or authority, but with experience as successful teachers and thoroughly imbued with the principles which guide modern science. It is not a text book for scholars, but precisely what its title indi- cates, a guide for teachers. It abounds with novel suggestions, and is interspersed with cautions of the utmost importance to teach- å´sfInsect (Guides for science-teaching, viii). By Al- phew Hyatt and J. M. Arms. 16m0, Boston, 1590. Published for the Boston Society of Natural History by D. C. Heath & Co. pp. 23, 300, figs. 223. ers.
We have room here for only one pas-
sage, in which the limitations of the
Darwinian theory are enforced :
"It is very important that teachers should be cautious in allowing themselves the free use of explanations which the doctrine of Natural Selection seems to furnish. The
danger lies in the fascination of the logical form presented by this doctrine, the ease with which it seems to explain even the most complicated relations of organic beings, and the general although unfounded belief that it is universally accepted and believed in by nat- uralists. They will find. . . that this doctrine is not used by any investigators in account- ing for the origin of structures and their modifications, and only to a limited extent by those quoted above and others of the
same school [the so-called Neo-Lamarcki- ans], in explaining the preservation of struc- tures and modifications after they have been originated by the action of physical and other causes. "
A diagrammatic scheme for illustrating the authors' views of the phylogeny of insects is given on a preceding page of this number, and we hope to print at an early date their concluding general remarks, after a survey of the whole field.
fourth part of Buckton's Monograph of the British Cicadae 01- Tettigidae, just issued, completes the first of the two volumes of which the work will be composed.
The first
volun~e contains 41 plates and 211 pages of text, 78 of the latter given up to the Intro- d~~ction. The remaining volume will treat of the Jassides, Deltocephalides and Typhlo- cybides of the classification adopted by him. The fourth part of Moore's Lepidoptera
Indica is of less interest than the preceding. The plates are still concerned with the ELI- ploeinae but only with species of very sim- ilar appearance having a dull brown ground color, and of which the early stages are not known. The modification of the hind mar-


Volume 6 table of contents