Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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R. V. Chamberlin.
A New Species in the Chilopod Genus Theatops.
Psyche 58:100-101, 1951.

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University of Utah
The finding of a new species of Theatops, making the fourth well defined species known in the genus, is of con- siderable interest. The type of the new form was taken in a cave in Sonora, Texas, and may be a definitely cavern- icolous species. The four species of the genus may be distinguished by means of the following key. Key to Species of Theatops
(3) Prefemur of anal legs with no spine at mesodorsal corner .................................. 2 Prefemur and femur of anal legs entirely lacking spines or teeth; coxopleurae not mesally elevated, with no spine; tibiae 1 to 9 with a single ventral spine. ......................... postica (Say) Prefemur and femur of anal legs each with one ventral spine; coxopleurae with inner border ele- vated and bearing caudally a spine or tooth; at least some of the tibiae 1 to 9 bearing a second spine. .................. ervthrocephala (Koch) 3
(1) Prefemur of anal legs with a distinct distal spine at mesodorsal corner ....................... .4 4 Last tergite with no median longitudinal sulcus; antennae and articles of normal length. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . spinicauda (H. C. Wood) Last tergite with a sharply impressed median long- itudinal sulcus; antennae and its articles long and slender ................... phanus, n. sp.


19511 Chamberlin - Chilopod Genus Theatops 101 Theatops phanus, n. sp.
Color pale yellow. Head smooth, without sulci; overlapp- ing the first tergite. Antennae exceptionally long, reaching back to the sixth segment. First tergite with the transverse sulcus forming an obtuse angle at the middle, this sulcus crossed by a longitudinal median sulcus which furcates posteriorly. Dental plates of prosternum elongate, narrow- ing distad; the distal margin oblique, smooth or with an obscure nodule at outer and inner ends. Second to twentieth tergites bisulcate. The last tergite elongate as usual; with a sharply impressed median longitudinal sulcus. Sternites smooth, with no definite longitudinal sulcus but on most a median depression or shallow pit. Last sternite long and slender, narrowing caudad, the posterior corners rounded. Coxopleurae eaudally truncate, with a small spinous point at inner corner which is slightly produced dorsocaudad; poriferous area ending caudally nearly on a level with the end of the sternite. Prefemur of anal legs with a well developed spine at the dorsocaudal corner as in spinicauda, otherwise without true spines or teeth, but with the meso- dorsal and mesoventral margins compressed into a sharp edge bearing a few well separated denticles, not closely finely serrate as in spinicauda. Femur with two compressed ridges as in the prefemur. Terminal claw obviously more slender than in spinicauda.
Length : 42 mm. Length of antennae, 14 mm. A Locality: Texas : Sonora, in a cave on Stevenson's Ranch. One specimen found beneath stone on bottom of first drop in the vertical cave. Collected by G. G. Stevenson on April 16, 1926.


Volume 58 table of contents