Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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C. J. Drake.
Some american Saldidæ (Hemiptera).
Psyche 56:187-?, 1949.

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Ames, Iowa
The present paper is based largely upon Saldidse in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Some records from the author's private collection are also included. The disposition of types is given beneath the descriptions of new species.
Micracanthia pusilla Van Duzee
Lake Tahoe, Calif., 1 specimen, Aug. 8,1937, C. J. Drake and Floyd Andre ; Ft. Collins, Colo., 1 specimen, May 5, 1898, E. D. Ball; Georgetown, Colo., 7 specimens, July 27, 1898, W. J. Gerhard; Provo, Utah, Aug. 10, 1930, E. D. Ball.
Pentacora bruesi, sp. n.
Plate 14
Small, broadly ovate, blackish, slightly shining, with yellowish brown markings along exterior margins of hem- elytra. Head rather broad, black, a narrow crescentric streak along inner margin of each eye and head in front (including callosities) flavous, the ocelli amber ; eyes dark, rather large. Antennae moderately long, moderately hairy; segment I stout, flavous; with a few scattered setae; I1 yellowish brown; I11 and IV dark brown, the last three segments with some scattered long hairs; pro- portions: I, 20; 11, 38; 111, 28; IV, 32. Rostrum yellow- ish brown, extending to hind coxae, Legs testaceous, sparsely hairy, with scattered brown spots ; cox= becom- ing dark basally, the front coxal plates largely whitish. Body beneath black, the venter brownish black, the pubes- cence pale, reclining posteriorly.
Pronotum broad, moderately narrowed anteriorly, three times as wide as long, broadly excavated behind, the 1 Published with a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College.


188 Psyche [Dee.
lateral margins a little rounded, with a few short hairs along the edges; front margin rather wide, extending laterally a little beyond the middle of each eye, pubescence yellowish, reclining ; callus large, shining, moderately con- vex, not extending on lateral margins, extending posteri- orly beyond middle of pronotum, with large discal impres- sion and a smaller one on each side, the discal impression with deep furrow leading posteriorly to the end of sulcus ; transverse sinuate impression separating lobes not very deep, not conspicuously pitted at the bottom; hind lobe indistinctly rugulose, about one-fourth the length of the frontal; sides of pronotum narrowly embrowned along the margins, the sides beneath widely flavous. Scutellum black, slightly shining, slightly rugulose, the transverse impression placed slightly before the middle. Hemelytra brownish black, with six or seven rounded, bluish, serice- ous spots on each side, the pubescence yellowish, moder- ately long, somewhat decumbent, yellowish; clavus dull, grayish black, with a sericeous, yellowish spot before the apex; corium within concolorous with clavus, the rest largely black-fuscous, with five or six pale sericeous spots ; embolium, save base, narrowly margined with flavous, the flavous color wider near base and before apex, there extending a little into corium ; membrane largely whitish, black within at base, with five cells (only four on right wing, the outer vein being absent) each cell with a small spot before apex, the spots forming together a transverse fuscous streak, the veins dark brown to dark fuscous. Length, 3.65 mm. ; width, 2.00 mm.
Type, female, Matucana, 7,300 ft. elevation, Peru, taken by C. T. Brues, Museum Comparative Zoology No. 28266. Resembles Saldula reperta Uhler in size, color and markings, but stouter and with broader pronotum. Re- perta has only four cells in membrane. Salda rubro- maculata Heidemann from Albemarle Island off the coast of Peru has five cells in the membrane and is herewith transferred to the genus Pentacora Renter. The clavus and corium are largely yellow in rubrornaculata. The following is a list of the species of the genus Pen-


19491 Drake-American Saldidae 189
tacora (Reuter, 1912; genotype, Acanthia signoreti Guerin) of the Americas :
1. angusta Drake, 1948 ...... Argentina
2. bruesiDrake2,1949 ............ Peru
3. hirta (Say), 1932 ............... Ind., Iowa, Mass., Conn., Me., syn. peltita (Uhler), Mass., N. Y., Penna., Md., N. C., 1877
Miss., Ala., Miss., Tex., Canada
4. ligata (Say) 1832
Me., Mass., N. H., Conn., N. Y.,
syn. variegata (Prov.), Md., N. J., N. Y., Penna., Ohio, 1872
Iowa, Ind., Minn., Nebr., Minn.,
Ill., Canada (Man., Ont., Que.).
5. rubromaculata (Heide-
mann) 2, 1901
Galapagos ( Albemarle Is.)
6. signoreti (Guerin) ,
................................................ 1856
Mo., Kan., Colo., Calif., N. H.,
Mass., N. Y., Md., N. J., Ga.,
Iowa, Tex., Ala., N. Mex., N. C.,
S. C., Fla., Mexico, Cuba, Cat
and Long Is. (Bahamas), Haiti,
Porto Rico, Dom. Rep.
7. sphacelata (Uhler ) ,
................................................ 1877
Mass., Conn., N. J., N. Y., Md.,
Mo., Miss., Tex., Calif., Cat.1~.
(Bahamas), Dom. Rep., Cuba.
Saldula sulcata (Barber)
Originally described as Micracatzthia sulcate Barber, but belongs to the genus Saldula Van Duzee. In addition
to a paratype from Porto Rico, specimens are at hand from Camp Perrin, British Guiana; Trinidad, B. W. I., Oct. 27, C. J. Drake; Pto. Plata, Dom. Rep., June, 1938, Darlington.
Saldula elongata (Uhler )
Corvallis, Oregon, male,' June 26, 1926, C. J. Drake. Distinctly elongate and of a similar color as female, but much smaller in size.
The generic position of P. 'bruesi and P. vubr~maculata (Heidemann) will be discussed in a subsequent paper.


Saldula bassingeri, sp. n.
Small, obovate, clothed with short golden pubescence, blackish, scarcely shining, the hemelytra conspicuously marked with large whitish spots or areas. Tylus and juga yellowish white, ocelli amber. Rostrum dark rufo- fuscous, reaching hind coxae. Antennae shortly hairy, brownish black, the basal segment (save large elliptical fuscous spot beneath) and apical portion of second seg- ment yellowish white ; proportions : I, 14; 11, 26 ; 111, 20 ; IV, 18. Legs shortly hairy, testaceous; coxae black- fuscous, shining; femora beneath (save apices) black- fuscous, somewhat shining, above usually with scattered fuscous spots; tibia? above dark; tarsi darker at tips. Body beneath blackish, the pubescence pale. Pronotum black, moderately shining, densely clothed with golden, decumbent pubescence, a little narrower in front than eyes, two and a half times as wide as long, deeply excavated behind, the lateral margins moderately rounded; callus only moderately convex, not reaching lateral margins, with large discal impression ; lobes sepa- rated by transverse, sinuate impression, pitted at bottom of depression, the front lobe twice as long as posterior. Scutellum moderately convex, moderately shining, sub- equal in length and width, the pubescence as on pronotum. Hemelytra rather densely clothed with reclining pubes- cence, with large yellowish or flavous markings on corium, the pubescence reclining; membrane pale, semitrans- parent, with four cells, the base and an elongate spot in each cell brown, the veins darker brown ; clavus blackish, with subapical yellowish spot ; inner clavus largely black- ish, with three spots along lower edge (one subbasal, one near middle and other apical) yellowish white or yellow- ish ; outer coriurn largely yellowish or yellowish white, the base, a small spot near middle, a quadrate spot beyond middle and an apical spot blackish ; the amount of yellow- ish white or size or dark spots varies somewhat in differ- ent specimens.
Length, 2.90-3.20 mm. ; width 1.30-1.50 mm. Type (male), allotype (female) and 50 paratypes,


19491 Drake-American Saldida 191
Riverside, California, Aug. 16, 1937, A. J. Basinger, C. J. Drake and Floyd Andre. Paratypes, San Francisco, 4 specimens, Aug. 11,1937, collected by Drake and Andre ; 2 specimens, Dolores, Colorado, Aug. 16, 1935, C. J. Drake.
Separated from other western Saldula Van Duzee by its smaller size and prominent hemelytron markings. When
the pubescence is rubbed off, the pronoturn is quite shin- ing.
Saldula fernaldi, sp. n.
Moderately large, broad, black, slightly shining, with some brownish markings on hemelytra, the pubescence very short, moderately dense, reclining, golden. Head broad, black, apex and callosities brownish or flavous; ocelli amber. Rostrum dark fuscous, shining, extending to hind coxse. Antennae blackish, shortly pilose; largely flavous above, the rest dark fuscous and shining; I1 brownish apically ; proportions : I, 20 ; II,40 ; 111, 24 ; IV, 22. Body beneath black, the pubescence grayish. Legs testaceous, the femora with some dark brown spots. Pronoturn broad, black, slightly shining, broadly roundly excavated behind, moderately narrowed anteri- orly, in front a little narrower than head and eyes to- gether, nearly four times as wide as long, the exterior margin slightly rounded ; callus moderately raised, not extending on lateral margins, deeply impressed on disc, a little longer than hind lobe ; transverse impression be- hind callus sinuate, moderately deep, pitted at bottom; hind lobe one half as long as frontal.
Scutellum black,
slightly shining, as wide as long, indistinctly rugulose, the transverse impression near middle. Hemelytra broad, brownish black, dull; clavus with small, brownish subapical spot; coriurn more or less variable in brownish markings ; inner corium with two brownish streaks above middle, a large elongate, circular mark (center dark) in front of middle along lower margin and two or three streaks apically brownish, some times with a very long, narrow, marginal streak, which arises a little behind the base; membrane yellowish brown, basally within and a



19491 Drake-American SaZdidce 193
yellowish-white spot on each side a little before the apex of outer corium, the inner corium sometimes with rather indistinct brownish patches ; clavus entirely black, with- out subapical spot; membrane distinct, slightly fumose, hyaline, with four cells, each cell with a brown spot near its middle, the veins dark brown.
Length, 4.00 mm. ; width, 1.80 mm.
Type (male) and 3 paratypes, San Francisco, Calif., collected on rocks in a small stream north of the city, Aug. 11,1937, by C. J. Drake and Floyd Andre. Female is unknown.
This species has a stouter antennae than the other American members of the genus. The hemelytra are darker in some examples than others. In one paratype, the hemelytra have two spots on each side. S. francis- cam, sp. n. is much more slender and more shining than S. lucuosa StAl.
It also lacks the hairy clothing.



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