Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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F. M. Carpenter.
Notes on Chinese Panorpidæ (Mecoptera).
Psyche 55:28-30, 1948.

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Harvard University
Panorpa diceras was described by McLachlan in 1894 from Szechuan, China. Lack of knowledge of the geni- tal structures of the male type, which has been in private hands and inaccessible for many years, has prevented recognition of the species, though both Dr. Tjeder and I attempted it. Acquisition of the McLachlan collection by the British Museum (Natural History) in 1938 has finally made the type available for study, and in reply to my request for information about it, Mr. D. E. Kimmins very kindly sent me two drawings, which enable recog- nition of the insect. Since it is now apparent that both Dr. Tjeder and I have misidentified diceras, I include here an account of its structure and of the taxonomic changes involved.
Panorpa diceras McL. (Fig. 1)
Panorpa diceras McLachlan, 1894, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13: 423 (nec P. diceras Tjeder, 1935, Arkiv for Zoologi, 27A(33) : 7; nec P. diceras Carpenter, 1938, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 40: 270).
Panorpa grahami Carpenter, 1938, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 40: 272, figs. 5,9.
The drawings of the genital bulb of the type sent by Mr. Kimmins are reproduced in the accompanying fig- ure. A comparison of these with Dr. Tjeder's illustra- tions of his species, and with my drawings (1938) of the supposed diceras reveals obvious differences, especially in the form of the hypovalvse and ventral valves. On the other hand, comparison with my figures of the geni- talia of grahawii leaves no doubt of the identity of this species with diceras. In other details of body structure, as well as wing ooloring, grahami also agrees with Mc- 1 Published with a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College.
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19481 Carpenter-Chinese Panorpidue 29
Lachlan's account of diceras. It is significant that the type of grahami was collected only a few miles from Tachienlu, the type locality of diceras. My failure in 1938 to recognize the specimen of grahami as diceras was due to an incorrect interpretation of McLachlan's description of the hypovalvae.
Fig. 1. Panorpa diceras McLachlan. A, ventral view of $ genital bulb, drawn from type in the British Museum (Natural History) by D. E. Kimmins.
B, preGpiproct of same specimen.
I have already (1938, p. 271) proposed a new name (tjederi) for the species which Tjeder identified and described as diceras. The following is a description of the species which I originally identified as diceras : Panorpa kimminsi, n. SP.
Panorpa diceras Carpenter, 1938, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 40 : 270, fig. 2,10,11 (nee P. diceras McLachlan, 1894). The genital bulb of the male and the internal skeleton of the genital segment of the female have already been described and figured in the paper mentioned above, so I add here only an account of the rest of the body and the wings : Body yellow, with black in the region of the ocelli and between the antenna1 bases; also, a black stripe


30 Psyche
along each side of the rostrum; eyes gray-brown; thorax and abdomen yellow, with a black stripe laterally, sixth abdominal segment of male with a pair of short posterior horns, as in diceras. Fore wing: length 15-18 mm.; width, 4 mm. ; wing membrane dusky hyaline, with grey- ish yellow at apex ; pterostigma yellow. Holotype (3) : Omei (11,000 ft.), Szechuan, China, July, 1936 (D. C. Graham) ; in the U. S. National Mu- seum. This is the specimen which I illustrated under the name diceras McL. in 1938, figures 2 and 10. Allotype (9) : near Tachienlu (5000-8500 ft.), Szechuan, China, June 18-July 12,1923 (D. C. Graham) ; in U. S. National Museum. This specimen was illustra- ted in the same paper (1938), figure 11. Paratypes: 1 <?, Suifu, Szechuan, China, Oct. 1, 1929 (D. C. Graham); in U. S. National Museum. 1 9, west of Yachow (2000-7500 ft.), Szechuan, China, June 14-18, 1922 (D. C. Graham) ; in U. S. National Museum. 1 3, same collection data as last, in Museum of Comparative Zoology. 1 9, same collection data as allotype, in U. S. National Museum. 2 9, 9 miles southwest of Tachienlu (9000-11,000 ft.) Szechuan, China, June 25-27, 1923 ; in Museum of Comparative Zoology.
There is an additional female, in poor condition and not designated a paratype, from 3O'miies north of Tachienlu, Szechuan, 12,000 ft., July 5-9,1923 (D. C. Graham). This species, which I have named for Mr. D. E. Kim- mins of the British Museum (Natural History), belongs to the diceras group of Pawrpa, but differsfrom the other species included there by the curved forceps and peculiar configuration of the ventral valves of the male.


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