Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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C. A. Frost.
Notes on Maine Coleoptera for 1945.
Psyche 52:177, 1945.

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Maine Coleoptera
Framingham, Mass.
From the large piles of white pine planks at a saw-mill near South Paris, Me. the following rather uncommon species were taken: Buprestis sulcicollis Lec., B. striata var. impedita Say, three Xylotrechus frosti Van Dyke, four Acanthocims pusillus Kby., a few Chrysobothris harrisi Hentz., Monochammus titi- lator Say, M. confusor Kby., Enoclertts nigrifrons Say, and many Pissodes approximatus Hopks. The very abundant spe- cies were: Monochammus scutellatus Say, Chrysobothris den- tipes Germ., C. scabripennis Cast., Enoclerus nigripes Say, Ips pini Say and Pityogenes hopkinsi Sw. Dendroctonus valens Lec. and Thanasimus dubius Fab. were only occasional. On the under side of the scattered slabs and bits of boards were dozens of Hylobius pales Boh. which were also noted flying and one a captive of an Asilid. The time was from June 21 to July 6. Coleoptera have not been so abundant on lumber and logs since 1909 to 1912.
Podapion gallicola Riley. One specimen was taken either on the lumber or beaten from a red pine near the piles. I first took this species on June 29, 1930, at Wayland, Mass. by beating Pinus rigidus and have never taken it since in Mass. Platysoma. Four specimens of an unknown species were taken at Paris, either on the under sides of the slabs or under white pine bark. It is related to basale Lec. but it is slimmer than the type and has the mesosternal marginal groove entire in front.
Eros humeralis Fab. A large colony of what appears to be this species was found under the bark of an old pine stump. They lack the usual yellowish humeral vittae. Orchestes canus Horn. The first record for this species from Maine is July 4, 1945. Four specimens have been taken at Framingham, Mass. and vicinity.
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