Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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N. Banks.
Two New Genera in Psammocharidæ (Hym.).
Psyche 50:82, 1943.

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Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Pompilus nobilis Fab. exhibits an interesting assembly of characters which tend to lessen the differences between the sub- families of these wasps. The general structure and venation is much as in the Pseudageninae but there is no true petiole. Priochilus gen. nov.
The attachment of abdomen to propodeum simply tapers to the base, no petiole. The claws are cleft, there is a median row of spines on under side of last joint of hind tarsus, the hind femora have a few minute spine-pits on upper side near tip; there is no distinct pocket in the third discoidal cell, and no groove on second ventral segment; spines above on hind tibiae are rather long and not in rows. Genotype, Pompilus nobttis Fabricius. There are various other species in South America. Priophanes gen. nov.
This is based on species formerly placed in Priocnemis which have a petiole, or hour-glass shaped attachment, of abdomen to propodeum, and thus goes into the Pseudageninse. The hind tibiae have rows of spines above, and distinct teeth at least on basal part. The venation is much like Pseudagenia; claws toothed; no beard under head; venter of female with a groove across second segment; mesosternum not prominent laterally. Genotype, Priocnemis facetus Cresson. Various other species in North and South America.


Volume 50 table of contents