Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
January 2008: Psyche has a new publisher, Hindawi Publishing, and is accepting submissions

Article beginning on page 442.
Psyche 5:442-?, 1888.

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The following unprocessed text is extracted from the PDF file, and is likely to be both incomplete and full of errors. Please consult the PDF file for the complete article.

.a;- rJ..- -., y. .a- "ft"" r-.- "... --- ft--- - ally composed qf an upper and a ' " p k d be useful only in a er pair of oppositely curved, stout, into already existing ere Icate hooks, serving as wraps, work- or bark. Such a differe g in opposite directions in boring or armor between two close1 LL-.. ----:.A:-- * *.-*&:""I L*l* :- +I.* 1 1 ..,.,- --,, *.- L*,?*,.- rth in which to &'posit eggs.
Plainly ' Another point of in
e ovipmitian of this creature must be
cies is the
ething quite different and very likely
of color an
dogous to that of the loctestodea, for
pecialiy in
hese hooks or scrapers sure reduced to
.which othe
couple of sets of straight, compressed,
dead leaf br
ering, bluntly pointed laminae, en-
ing defence
ly without serrations or armature of
kind, and attingent only at tip, the
dies in natur
The first part of Lowne's Anatomy, Mor-
jiology and Development of the filow-fly {as just appeared.
The prospectus an-
nounced five quarterly parts each with about USML'S VIRG~NIBNSIS, DRUKY.
W, M. Whed


Volume 5 table of contents