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Psyche 5:115-118, 1888.
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September-October i8SS.I PSYCHE.
Authors and societies are requested to forward their works to the editors cis soon as
The date of publication, given in brackets [I, marks the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier date of jublication is known to recorder or editor. Unless otherwise stated each record is made directly from the work that is noticed. A colon after initial designates the most common given name, us: A: Augustus; 23: Ben- jamiir; C: Charles; D: David; 23: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry; I: Isaac; y: John; K: Karl; L: Louis; M: Mark; N: Nicholas; 0: Otto; P: Peter; 22: Richard; S: Samuel; T: Thomas; W: William. The initials at the end of each record, or note, are those of the recorder.
Corrections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. Anderson, Joseph j*~. Entomdogical col-
lections. (Entomologist, Dec. 1887, v. 20, P- 329-330.)
Discusses value of entomological collections, and especially the use of setting specimens. G: D. (4564)
Bayford, E. G.
The hes6ian fly previously
in Great Britain. f, Dec. 188 j, v. 20, p. 327.1 '
Quotes a notice of the hessian fly (cecidontyia desti tictor) by E : Newman, dated Feb. 1876. G: D. (4S6S)
Beauregard, H.
Sur Ie mode de d6veloppe-
ment nature1 de la cantharide. (Comptes
rend. Acad. sci. [Paris], 8 June 1885, v. 100, P. 1472-147.5.)
Engl. tr., entitled, "On the mode of
de~cl~~rnent of cantharis vesicaioria.
(Ann and mag. nat. hist., July 1885, 6. 5, v. 16, p. 74-76.)
The pseudochrysalids of lyita vesicatorz'a and of cerocoma schreberz found in sand about nests of colletes, thus proving that they live as larvae at the expense of these hymeuoptera; Nentwich's assertion that the vesicating power of canthayis is only developed after copulation is proved incorrect by direct ex erimeut of the author, altho cantharidin has its chieflocality in the generative organs. G: D. (4566;
Calvert, W: Bartlett. On collections of
lepidoptera. (Entomologist, Aug. 1887,
3. Coste's "On collections of lepidoo-
tera to their owners.
Carpet moth (The). (Good housekeeping,
28 Apr. 1888, v. 6, p. 328, 20 cm.)
. .
Extract from Philadelphia carpet trade;, gives mode of treatment employed by various prominent carpet dealers against carpet moths (tinea) and carpet beetles (anthnn~ts scrophulnriae). G: D. (4568)
Carrington, J : T. Entomological collec- tions. (Entomologist, Jan. 1888, v. 21, p. 16-17.)
Discusses value of entomological collections and of Chapin, S. F. Scale insects. (1st rept.
Boaid state hortic. comm, Cal., 1882, p. 65-88, il.)
Account of habits of several species of coccidae: consideration of various remedies used for scale-in- sects. G: D. (4570)
Cockerell, T. D. A.
A code of varietal no-
menclature. (Entomologist, June 1887, v. 20, p. 150-1.52.)
Devises a trinomial system for indicating prevalent variations of species. G: D. (4571)
Cockerell, T. D. A. Collecting in Colo-
rado. (Enton>ologist, Sept. 1887, v. 20, p. 237-238.)
Some general notes on the insect fauna of Colorado" G: D. (4W)
Cockerell, T. D. A. The Colorado beetle. (Entomologist, Feb. 1888, v. 21, p. 65.) The author failed to find doryphoya decemlineata in Colorado during a stay there; reeords natfiaZis iole as found in Cambridge, Neb. G: D. (4573)
Colorado potato-beetle in Europe. (Amer. nat., Nov. 1887, v. 21, p. 1030.) (Psyche, Apr. 1888,~. 5, p.+7,4cm.)
Doryphora decemtineata has appeared in Saxony. G: D. (4574)
Cooke, Matthew. Rules recommended for
the protection of fruit and fruit trees from the ravages of insects. (1st rept. Board state hortic, cornm. Cal., 1882, p. 12-13.) Fifteen rules recommended to prevent theÌöbreedi and spreading of noxious insects.
G: D. (4575)
Cooper, Ellwood. Diseases of the olive.
Article no. I. (1st rent. Board state hortic. cornm. Cal., 1882, p. i5-37.)
Notes on Zecanium oleae and its relation to the black fungus, furnogo salicina, found on olea. G: D. (4576)
Cooper, Ellwood. Diseases of the olive.
Remedies. .Article no. 2. (1st rep. Board state hortic. comm. Cal., 1882, p. 38-40.) Various modes of destroyins: lecanznnt oleae dis- . -
setting- insects. G: D. (4569, cussed. G: D. (4577)
116 [45 78-45961 PSYCHE. [ September-October 1888. Delage, Yves. Le taupe commune. (Bull.
Soc. linn. dn nord de la France, Oct. 1886, v. 8, p. ~7-^-)
General account of the mole (taZpa europaea) ; con- tains considerable upon the insectivorous habits of that animal. G: D. (4578)
Dubois, Michel. Les mouches consid-
&r&s coinme agents de propagation des
maladies contagieuses, des 4pid4mies et
des parasites. (Bull. Soc. linn. du nord de la France, Feb. 1885, v. 7, p. 215-217.) Translation, from Humholdt, of an abstract of a pa- per bv Dr. B. Grassi in the Archives it&. de tiiologie, v. 4, ~'ASC. 2. Treats of some experiments showing that flies carry eggs of trichocefhalus, spores of fungi, and even are capable of transporting egqs of taenia so&m. G: D- (45791
Dwindle, C : H. The fruit interests. (1st rept. Board state hortic. comm. Cal., 1882, p. 15-17.)
Discusses meam of preventing the importation and spread of noxious insects.
G: D. (4580)
Dwinelle, C : H. Later notes on the
woolly aphis. (1st rept. Board state hop tic. comm. Cal., 1882, p. 89.)
Recommends lime and gas lime as insecticides of special value against the woolly aphis r.s~chizoneura lanigera] . G: D. (4581)
Dwinelle, C : H. Prptective measures need- ed. (1st rept. Board state hortic. comm. cal., 1882, p. 14-15.)
Urges necessity of education in economic and gen- eral entomology. G: D. (4582)
Dwinelle, C: H. Woolly aphis on apple
and pear trees. (1st rept. Board state
hoi-tie. comtn, Cal., 1882, p. 18-19, fig,) Notes on schizoneura lanigera and on means used against it. G: D. (4583)
Fowler, [ W. W. 1 Migration of insects.
(Entom. mo. mag., Feb. 1888, v. 24, p.
Notices of insects seen migrating at different Brit- ish lighthouses. G: D. (4584)
Gillet, Felix. Enemies of the mulberry
trees. ( 1st rept. Board state hortic.
comin. Cal., 1882, p. 29.)
Notes scale-insects [coccidae] from mulberry \inorus.] G: D- (4585)
Gillet, Felix. Horticultural interests. (1st rept. Board state hoi-tic. comm. Cal., 1882, p. 22-24.)
General remarks upon insects injurious to fruit trees rind means to be used against them; notes on habits of polycaon con ferine. G: D. (4586)
Gillet, Felix. Sulpho-carbonate of potas- sinm as a remedy against the apple root
louse. fist rept. Board state hot-tic. comm. CaL, 1882, p. 33-34.)
Notes on use of sulpho-carbonate of potassium [KaSzCS] against the apple root louse schixonetira lamgera\, G: D. (4587)
Glover, Town send. Report of the en tomol- logist. Heteroptera, or plant-bugs. (Rept. U. S. cotnm. agric. 1875, p. 114-140, 63fig.) General account of the heteroptera. notes on numer- ous species and their habits; figures of common species. G: D. (4588)
Hall, A. E. Entomological collections.
(Entomologist, Dec. 1887, v. 20, p. 328- 329- )
Discusses the educational value of entomology and entomological collections.
G: D. (4589)
Heathcote, F. G. Note on a peculiar sense- organ in sci~tigera coleo//mta, one of the myriapoda. ( Proc. Cambridge philos.
24 NOV. 1884, V. 5, p. 219-220.)
Notice, by J. W. Dunning. (Trans.
Entom. SOC. Lond., 1885 ; Proc., p. 10.) Account of an organ, believed bv the author to be auditory in function, on the ventral surface of the head of scutigera coleoptrata.
G: B. (4590)
Hudson, G. Vernon.
Notes on entomologi-
cal classification. ( Entomologist, Oct. 1887, V. 20, p. 241-245.)
Opposes the extreme generic subdivision of insects- G: D. (4591)
Inchbald, P: The hessian fly in Great
(Entomologist, July 1887, v. 20,
p. 169-170.)
Brief account of cecidomyia destructor and its ap- pearance in England.
G: B. (4~9~)
Kolbe, Hermann J.
Zwei inerkwiirdige und
unbekannte nymphen von psociden. (Jah-
resber. d. "Westfal. provinzial-vereins fur wissensch. 11. kunst fur 1885, 1886. p. 59- 61, fig. 4-5 of pi. 3.)
Describes the external anatomy of two remarkable forms of nymphs of fsocidae: g-ives a brief outline of the internal anatomy of one of the forms; both have remarkable antennae.
G: a. (4593)
Lindeman, K : Die pteromalinen der hes-
senfliege, cec'idomyia destructor Say. (Bull. Soc. imp&-. natur. Moscou, 1887, no. I, p. 1'78-~~2. 'l
, /,
Account of the pteromdidae parasitic on cecidomyia destructor; analytic table of the pteromalidae reared by the author; describes 5 new species of fiteromcilidae from Russian specimens of cecidomyia destructor. G: D. (459 )
Marshall, T : Ansell. Monograph of Brit- ish braconidae. Part. I. (Trans. Entom.
SOC. Lond., 1885, p. 1-280, pi. 1-6.
General remarks on pterology external anatomy and classification of braconfdae: besides British species the author describes, in foot-notes, chelomis antilZayzt?n (new species from the West Indies), and the female of c. nitens Reinh., from the Sierra Nevada' some species of lepidoptera mentioned as hosts of certain braconidat are common to Europe and America. G: D. (4595) Meade, R. H. Cecidomyia destructor. Say. The hessian fly.
(Entomologist, July 1887,
v. 20, p- 170-173:)
Describes cectdova destructor, and figures the geni- tal organs of the m:ile.
G: D. (4596)
September-October 1888.1 PS2'TffE. [4597-46071 117 Natural science association of Staten Island. [Proceedings for 10 Sept. 1887.1 (Amer.
nat., Nov. 1887, v. 21. p. 1045.)
Notes by W. T. Davis: sonifaction in calosoma calidum; oviposition of hyperchiria to, and habits of its larvae; emergence of pieris r@ae while the pupae were pierced with a pin. G: D. (4597)
Ormerod, Eleanor A. The hessian fly.
(Entomologist, Oct. 1887, v. 20, p. 262-264.) Extent of geographicaE distribution of cecidomyia destructor in England, and other notes concerning the species. G: I). (4598)
Ormerod, Eleanor A. The hessian fly,
cecidomyia destructor, in Great Britain: being observations and illustrations from life. With means of prevention and i-em- edy, from the reports of the Department
of agriculture, U. S. A. Lond., SimpJsin, ManAall & co., 1886. 24 p., 1gX 12, t
25x9. il. 6d.
A notice of the discovery of cecidomyia destructor in Great Britain; description of the fly in its different stages, and an account of the appearance of attacked crops; some of the methods of preventing its ravages. G: D. (4599)
Osten Sacken, C : Robert. Bemerkungen
uber blephasoceriden. Ein nachtrag zur
"Revision" dieser familie von Professor Dr. Loew. (Deutsche entom. zeitschr., 1878,
V. 22, p. 405-416.)
Notes on the size and form of the eyes of the blepha- roceridae and the Arrangement of the facets upon them ; geographical distribution of the species ; critical notes on Francis Walker's work on diptera; extended des- cription of liponetira ( 'blepharocera ) yosemite from California and comparison of it with other species of the genus; synopsis of the genera of blephwoceridae; characters common to all the genera <ind characters in which they differ, arranged according to the organs characterized. G: D. (4600)
Osten Sacken, C : Robert. Characters of
the larvae of inyceto$Ailidae. ( Proc.
Entoin. soc. Phil.. Mar. 1862, v. I, p. 151- 172, pi. 2.)
Reprint [with additions]. Heidelberg,
1886. t.-p. cover, 29 [+2] p., I pi. 24X 16, t r7X 10.
Anatomy and habits of the mycetophilidae in their earlier stages; literature of the subject. G: D. (4601) Osten Sacken, C: Robert. Studies on
ti-pitlidae. Part I. Review of the pub-
lished genera of the ti-pzdidae loi~gi$aZ$i. (Berl. entom. zeitschr., 1886, v. 30. p. 153- 188.)
Berlin [1886J. t. -p. + p. 135-
188, 22x 14, t 17x 10.
An addition to the author's "Monographs of North American diptera," 1869, v. 4 ( Smithsonion misc. coll., v. 8) : characters of tipulidae longipalpi' notes on the synonymy, life history and external anatomy of certain species oftipulidae lonyipal/im describesbmchy- pi'emnci (new genus) for tipzila dis&leiis from Texas. G. D. (4602)
Osten Sacken, C: Robert. Studies on
tifulidae. Part 2 Review of the pub-
lished genera of the tipulidae brevifalpi. (Bei-1. entom. zeitschr., 1887, v. 31, p 163-
Separate, Berlin [1887], t.-p. +.p. 163- 242, 22x 4, t 17x 10.
General characters of the tipulidae; list of genera published since 1867; notes on the synonymy, life- history, and anatomy of certain genera and species of tipulidae bevi alpi, to supplement the author's mono- graph in his 'å´Monograph of North American diptera,,, 186 v. 4 (Smithsonian misc. coll., v. 8); analytic tab?& of species of some of the genera; descriptions of I I new species of tipulidae from South America, and io new species from the old world; additions and corrections to the author's "Studies on ti didae. Part I" [Rec., 46021.
G: A (4603)
Osten Sacken, C : Robert.
On the use of
the forceps of forficula (Can- entom.,
April 1881, v. 13, p. 80.)
Quotation from J : Williams' "Curious act in the lesser earwig" (Zoologist, 1850, v. 8, p. 2695) of a statement that fo~å´ficzd uses its forceps to open its wings; comments on the subject. G: D. (4604) Popenoe, Edwin Alonzo. Note on am/hi-
cerm bicandatHs. (Industrialist [Manhat- tan, Kans.], 14 Jan. 1888, v. 13, no. 21, p. 81, col. 3-4, 25 cm.)
Am hicerus bicazdatus and anthriths cormitus bred &rn stems of tama~ix; notes on the larvae and pupae of amphicerus tiraudatus, and brief descriptions of two species of eupeliiiidae bred from its pupae, for which W : H. Ashmead proposes the names charitopiis magnificus and ra/zbr;?å´gi amphicerovora. G: D. (4605)
Peckharn, G: W. and Peckham,
Gifford. Genera of the family attidac:
with a partial synonymy. (Trans. Wisc.
acad. sciences, arts, and letters, 1881-1883, v. 6, p. 255-342, 4 folding tables.)
Separate, with title "On the genera of
the family attidue." t.-p. cover, p. 257- 342 [+ IP. errata]. Madison, 1885.
23x 15, t 17.5x 10.2.
Historical notes on the nomenclature of attihe; synoptic table of the genera, descriptions of each genus with synonymical notes, tables of relative size of parts in each genus. G: D. (4606)
Pouchet, Geoi-ges. L'instinct chez les in- sectes. (Revue d. deux mondes, I Feb.
1870, per. 2, v. 85, p. 682-703.3
Engl. tr., by A. R, Macdonough, entitled, "Instinct in insects." (Pop. sci. mo., 1873. v. 3: May, p. 12-21, June, p. 149-159.)
Mainly a rexiew of Pierre Huber's "Mceurs des fourrnis indigenes," Paris, 1868, of E. Blanchard's "Metamorphoses moeurs et instincts des insectes," Paris, 1868, and 'of C : Darwin's "De l'origine des espkces," trad. franc. par Mile. C. Royer, Paris, 1869. The author concludes that "The most complex instinct is only an hereditary accumulationof very simple habits, of which the first source has always been in the spon- taneous intelligence of the individual." G: D. (4607)
[September-October 3885.
R[athvon, Simon Snyder]. All about in-
sect life. The great vitality of larvae. (Lancaster [Pa.] examiner, 19 March 1887, . . 44 cn1.)
Account of how certain insects can endure severe cold, but alternations of freezing and thawing: are in- jurious to hibernating insects. G: D. (4608) Riley, C: Valentine. On the parasites of the hessian fly.
(Proc. U. S. nat. mus.,
1885, v. 8; 14 Sept., p. 413-416; 17 Sept., D. 417-4-23.)
ko&supon 'five species of hymenoptera parasitic upon cecidomyia destructor, with figures of each species; includes description of two new species (?~zeri.~s subaftem and tetrastich-its productus). G: D. (4609)
Saunier, Mrs. A. J. C.
Grasshopper village.
(Swiss cross, Feb. 1888, v. 3, p. 5-7, 60 cm.)
A popnlai account of grasshoppers and their habits, written for y.oung people. G: D. (4610)
Scliiner, J. Rudolf. Eigenthumlichkeiten und besonderheiten der insectenwelt.
(Schriften d. Vereines z. verbreit. natur- wiss. kenntnisse in Wien, 1869-1870. v. 10, P. 47-88.)
Fr. tr., by M. Dubois, entitled "Carat-
tkres et particularit6s du monde des in- sectes." (Bull. Soc. linn. du nord d. 1. France, 1885, v. 7; Mar., p. 231-235; Apr., p. 251-253 ; May, p. 264-267 : June, p. 281- 284; July, p- 293-297; Aug., p. 310-314; Sept,, p. 325-329- ).
A popular lecture on insects, and on their habits. G: D. (4611)
Scudder, S : Hubbard. Dictyoneiira and
and the allied insects of the carboniferous epoch. (Proc. Amer. acad. arts and sci., Dec. 1884 [Jan. 18851, v. 20, p. 167-173.) Species ot dictyo?zeiwa and allied genera, which were for a timeregarded to be neuroptei ous, and some species previously referred to the termitimz, are here referred to the orthoptera, and a synopsis of the genera with brief notice of each species is given; the generrt are titanofhasma, litoneura n. g., dictyomura, po7jo~tem1.1? n. g., heyeria, goldenbergia n. g ., haplop filebwn and paolia. G: D. (4612)
Smith, J: B. The Colorado beetle. (Ento- mologist, Apr., 1888, v. 21, p. 117.)
Notes on the distribution of chrysomela decemlineata and aramigus fuUeri.
G: D. (4613)
Trelease, W : Preliminary list of Wisconsin parasitic fungi.
(Trans. Wisc. acad. sci-
ences, arts, and letters, 1881-1883, v. 6. p. 106-144.)
List of ~is&nsin fungi that are parasitic on plants and animals, including insects.
G: D. (4614)
.. .
Tutt, James W.
The educational value of
entomological collections. (Entomologist, Sept. 1887, v. 20, p. 245-251.
General discussion of the educational value of collect- ing insects, and of the value of insect-collecting as a recreation, G: D. (461.5)
Underwood, Lucien Marcus. The progress
of arachnology in America.
(Amer. nat.,
Nov. 1877, v. 21, p. 963-975.)
Review of papers that have been published on the araclimda of North America- synopsis of the families of a?*azeae; list of the principal ~orks on the American araneae. G: D. (4616)
Wailly, Alfred. Note sur les bombyciens
s&icig&nes de 1'Inde. (Bull. Soc. d'ac-
dim. Paris, Nov. 1881, s. 3, v. 8, p. 695- 708.1
Separate, Paris, 1882. t.-p. cover, 14p., 23 x 15, <å I'j x 9.4.
Besides notes on other bovzbycidae the author gives notes on the life history of samiagloveri teleapolypke- mils and ceratocampa zmperialis, froni the United States. G: D. (4617)
Wailly, Alfred. Notes on silk-producing
boinbyces - 1885. (Entomologist, 1887,
v. 20: May, p. 127-131; June, p. 152-
Notes on different species of attaczis reared in cap- tivity; among other species, a. cyzthia, a. luna, platysamia cecrojia and telea poIyp/ze;nr~s. G: B. (4618)
West, W. B. The red spider. (1st 1-ept.
Board state hoi-tic. coinm. Cal., 1882, p. 20-21.')
~abits'of the red mite [tetranychus te/arixs], and
Volume 5 table of contents