Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 103.
Psyche 5:103-109, 1888.

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September-October 18U.l p.5'X'HE. 103
gether are about equal in length" to the tenth. Halteres light brown. The
ovipositor is stout, cylindrical and fur- nished with a long needle-like organ
which protrudes beyond the tip.
Length four mm.
Emerges in Sep-
tember and October.
r 7
I he pupa has two contiguous, short,
s~ibconical projections at the top of the head; the dorsal segments of the ab-
domen have on the middle of each a
somewhat irregular double transveise
row of short spines, and behind it a
single regular row of similar spines,
the last segment, at the tip, has a row
of such spines.
Osten Saclien compares, briefly, this
pupa with A. monacha, Trans. Am.
Ent. SOC. Vol. 11, p. 301.
The galls are formed on the stem of
HeZian/husgrosse-sewatus, from a few
inches to three feet or mole above the
ground ; they are globular, sphe~ical or ovate, in shape, from three-eighths of an inch to two inches in diameter.
The pupa in extricating itself fiom
the gall may leave its case protruding
from the place of exit or may drop to
the ground before leaving its case.
Several familiar species of Geotru$es
are among the first acquisitions made
by the beginner of a collection of cole- optera in the Eastern United States.
They are in fact so abundant and easily
found that the interest in them soon
ceases, and this part of one's col-
lection makes about the pool est exhibit of the whole, from the fact that the
clumsily pinned, poorly cared for spe-
cimens of our early inexperience alone
appear as representatives of the species. As I have recently observed, however,
in Mr. Henry Ulke's collection, a series of good examples of the different spe-
cies and their varieties is an ornament
instead of, as is too often the case, a dis- grace to the collection. It is not always best to neglect old friends, and in our
common species of Geotrzi$es the very
interesting male peculiarities are quite worthy of occasional attention, as they
form the basisof a natural classification. In 1865 M. Henri Jekel published
in the Annales de la Sociktk Entom.
de France," a11 an angement of the spe-
cies of this genus, adopting the plan of making subgenera of the different divi-
sions, paying especial attention to our
North American species. and describ-
ing several from this country as new.
A little later Dr. G. H. Horn, in 1867,
in the Transactions of the Amer. Ent.
Soc. vol. i, reviewed M. Jekel's paper
at length as far as it related to our spe- cies, placing before American students
the true relations and limits of thespecies at the same time very properly suppress-


104 Pis- 2'"C'HB. [September-October 1888, ing of all M. Jekel's new species, but
one, as varieties of well known species. Since Dr. Horn's pitper appeared Dr.
Le Conte has described G, chalybaeus
from an imperfect specimen found in
Florida, and Dr. Horn has described oc-
cidentaZIs from a single 9 from Califor- nia, giving at the same time a table for the determination of the species. In the
present essay two more species are made
known and as one of them is not
admissible into any of the subgenera
of Jekel, in order that its characters
may be properly understood, it seems
worth while to pass in review the
different forms hitherto known in our
fauna. At the same time an oppor-
ti.inity is afforded me by the kindness of Mr. Ulke to give some further details
respecting G. chalybaeus. This last
species by its form and structure is an
obvious interruption in our series, and
I have placed it at the end of the genus for the present.
It seems equally out
of place among any of the exotic sub-
genera mentioned by Jekel, and the
proper course appears to be to establish a distinct genus for it.
The genus is primarily divided by
Jekel into those having the second joint of the antennal club entire and into those hiiving the second joint more or less
emarginate beneath so that when the
joints are closed the margin of the joint is more or less hidden. This appears
to be a natural division, but in the case of G. balyi, the only species thus far
known in our fauna belonging to the
second division, there has been some
confusion on the part of Jekel, and also in American collections from the fact
tbilt in many specimens the second joint of the club is only very slightly thinned at the lower margin, or even not notice- ably different from the normal form.
A better character for onr fauna is the
one pointed out by Dr. Horn, namely
the greater widening of the eljtsal mar- gin towards the base. In his descrip-
tion of starki/,based upon a 9 specimen
and included in the subgenus Onycho-
trupes, Jekel alludes to this broad mar- gin in his specimen as being peculiar
to starkii and not seen in the other
species of the subgenus. Dr. Horn,
however, at once recognized tl~atsfarkii was simply a specimen of ha&/ with
the antennal club normal. Another
character accompanying the wider ely-
tral margin in our fauna is seen in the
sutural and second stria? of the elytra. In the first division, in all of our striate species except one, the sutural stria is interrupted by the sc~~tellum, and does
not reach the base, while the second
stria is entire and reaches the base of
the elytra. In the second division the
sutural stria arises at the base of the
elytra and follows closely the margin of the scutell~im, thus interrupting the se- cond stria which in this case fails to
reach the base.
G. ba7y.i was included by Jekel in
his subgenus Anoplotrupes, the species
of which do not have any special 8
characters. While recently studying this species it was observed that in certain
large quite black individuals associated with the usual dark bronzed green forms
under the same name, the sexes were


September-October 1888.1 PS2'xYi7B. 105
very readily separated by quite unique
characters in the $ which were entirely
absent in the true Anoflotwes. Fol-
lowing the Jekelian plan this newly re-
cognized form should be placed as a
subgenus between his Canthotrui>es
and subgenus Geotrupes for which the
name Melanotnipes is suggested, ;incl
full particulars given further on.
Geot~u$es chalybaeus is much less
convex than usual, the sides of the tho- rax at base moderately explanate, the
sides of the elytra rather strongly ex-
planate in front, the margin being wide
as in Melanotrupes and AnopZotru$e.s,
but flatter ; the epipleurse are also hori- zontal instead of oblique as usual ; there is within the margin a marked constric-
tion of the sides of the elytra behind the hnmeri. The most remarkable pecu-
liarity of the species is in the form of the middle and hind tibiae. Instead of
having the apex on the outer side indi-
cated by a well-defined ridge as usual,
the ridge is completely absent, and only its position is indicated by two or three bristles, so that the apex as seen from
above or below is broadly rounded or
very obliquely truncate. This character
appears to be quite anomalous in Geo-
twes, as, if it had existed in anyof the species known to Jekel it would have
been noticed, as he is very particular in giving tlie form of the tibiae and the
number of transverse ridges on the outer face counting tlie apical as first. Some further particulars will be given under
this species below. The name Pelio-
twes might be used for this subgenus.
The following arrangement of the
subgenera is based upon Dr. Horn's,
given in the lL Transactions," vol. i.
a. Middle and hind tibiae with apical
ridge on the outer side.
6, Apterous, elytra 'connate, me-
tasternu111 short, thorax dissimilar
anteriorly in the two sexes, el} tra
not striate. &!cotru'pes .
Alate, elj tra free. thorax similar
$ and $ .
c. Elytral margin moderate, an-
tennae with the second joint of
the club normal, entire, apex of
anterior tibiae produced inwardly
in the 8, simply toothed in
the 9.
d. Middle tarsi of the $ very
short and thick, claws of the
same chelate. O~zychotrufes.
dd. Middle tarsi and claws of
the 8 normal. Cnemotrupes.
cc. Elytral margin broad towards
the base, second joint of antenna1
club more or less emarginate or
truncate beneath, but sometimes
not distinctly so, sutural stria
reaching the base, second in-
terrupted, apex of anterior tibiae
alike in both sexes.
$ with anterior thighs tooth-
ed at base, anterior tibiae
with the third tooth from the
apex cleflexed, partly inferior.
Melanot+ es.
ee. The sexes alike.
aa. Middle and hind tibiae without
external apical ridge. Peltotrzq9es.


106 ~~. [September-October 1888.
The only species of J.Wyco/~vq5es is
refusus Lec. "found in the southern
states feeding on fiingi or under dried
animal matter."
Of OnychotMes there are two
species in our fauna, s/Zendidus, varia- ble in brilliancy of color from "brilliant metallic green to a dark bronze," the
elytral striae are punctured, the basal
margin of the thorax is entire. Second,
semio$acus, having the head not tuber-
ciilate, the thorax usually with the basal marginal line absent in a greater or less degree and with the striae of the elytra impressed but not punctate, interstices, smooth. The 8 s in this subgenus
have the hind thighs with a small tooth, more or less marked, at the base be-
neath. The inferior longit~iclinal cari- na of the anterior tibicie is distinctly serrate in both sexes of splendidus,
but only feebly crenate in semio~cus.
The middle and posterior tibiae have
usually four distinct transverse ridges
on the outer face in both.
As only the <? of G. occidentaZz's is
known it is not certain that it is a Cne- motr@es. I have however included it
in the following table :
Thorax with basal margin entire.
Anterior tibiae of 8 with a long spur,
scutellum transverse.
Shining dark bronzed green, elytral
striae coarsely crenately punc-
Hired, club yellow. egenei.
Opaque, striae punctured, scarcely
impressed, cl~ib sooty. of>acus.
Anterior tibiae with a short spur in
the $ , sciitellum equilateral, striae
rather finely punctured.
Thorax with basal margin obsolete at
the sides.
Elytral striae very feebly impressed,
punctured, head not tuberculiite,
apical spur of $ short, scutellnm
very small. ulkei.
Eiytral striae impressed and punc-
tured, head tuberculate.
In the first three species the hind
thighs are toothed in the cf and the in- ferior carina of the front tibiae is ser- rate in both sexes, more strongly in the 3, and in blackburnii the alternate
teeth ai e sometimes very prominent.
The middle and hind tibiae in the same
species have about four transverse
ridges, the tipper one sometimes im-
Geotrupes ulkei n. sp.-Size small,
convex, shining brown bronze, lateral
margins of the thorax and elytra blue.
Head shining rough in front and at the
sides, rather sparsely punctate behind,
clypeus broadly rounded in front, feebly convex without any evident tubercle,
sides of the head rounded as usual form- ing at its junction with the
clypeus an
obtuse reentrant angle, clypeid sutures
impressed, the usual ante-ocular ridges
present. Antennae with the fourth
joint shorter than the third or fifth, club sooty. Thorax nearly twice as wide
as long, the apex more than half as
wide as the base, sides strongly rounded and margined, angles all rounded, base
lobed at middle, marginal line distinct
at middle, quite absent each side, sur-
face faintly punctulate, very sparsely
punctured on the disc except on the
median line which is slightly impressed


September-October iSSS.1 ps 2TffE. 107
and 1x01 e closely punctured, punctures
more numerous at the sides wheie the
usual fovea is evident. Elytra about
twice as long as the thorax and scarce-
ly wicler, slightly narrowed at base
thence with the sides broadly rounded
to the apices which are prominent and
not at all inflexed. Stiiae fine and but feebly impressed, with rows of srniill
punctures, intervals flat with a sparse
and rather indistinct punctul;~tion, scu- tellum equilateral, smaller than usual
so that the sutural striae reach the base, but they are not so near the sc~itellurn as in G. balyi etc., nor do they inter-
rupt the second striae which reach the
base as usual in the subgenus. Body
beneath black or slightly bronzed,
rather sparsely clothed with brown
pubescence and bristles ; mesosternum
with a prominent soinevvhat semicir-
cular crest between the coxae; middle
tibiae shorter than the posterior ones,
gradually wider like them, but thicker
when viewed laterally, both pairs have
three distinct transverse ridges counting the apical one ; the anterior tarsi are
more slender than the others, the first
joint short, the second equal in length
to the third and fourth united, but more slender ; in the middle and hind tarsi
the first joint is elongate nearly equal to the next three which are but little
longer than wide and gradually decrease
in length and thickness, last joint
longest in the middle tarsi, about equal to the first joint in the hind pair, longest spur of middle and hind tibiae equal to
the first three joints in the 3, scarcely longer than the first two joints in the Q. Anterior tibiae with five or six lateral teeth; the inferior ridge finely, spa1 sely, crenulate or denticulate in both sexes.
In the j1 the apex of the front tibiae is strongly, acutely produced obliquely in- ward and forward, the terminal spur
is short not very stout about eqiiiil in length to the second joint of the tai si. Hind thighs unarmed.
Length, j1 11 mm., .44 in.; 9 12
mm., .@in.
One pair Va. found by Mr. Ulke in
On comparison with diminutive
specimens of blackbud and Wyi
of the same size, the scutellutn is been to be distinctly smaller in the present
It affords me great pleasure to gi've
Mr. Ulke's name to this interesting
little species in recognition of many
In the subgenus Melanotrufes the
following described species only is
known to me :
G. hoi-nil, 11. sp.-Black, shining,
without any metallic reflections clothed beneath with dark brown hair, foi rn
robust. Clypeus oval, a little moie
prominent in the Q , its entire surface
rugose punctate, a distinct tubercle be- hind more or less acute, the sutural
impression deep, the anteocular ridges
of the head are well marked, the sides
rounded as usual ; antennae with the
fourth joint shorter than the third or
fifth, club yellow with the second joint more or less einarginate or truncate and thinner below ; thorax of the usual
form, broadly emarginate in front, the


[September-October 1888.
angles distinct scarcely rounded, some-
what obliquely wider to the middle,
thence rounded and inflexed at the
posterior angles which are rounded,
usually a little wider behind the middle, a median impressed line more or less
pu-ictate, disc sparsely and irregularly punctate, sides more closely, the usual
Literal fovea distinct, basal margin
distinct ; scu tellum ti iangnlar as usnal, smooth or with a few punctures, some-
times impressed ; ely tra about as wide
as the thorax, a little narrower at the
bnse, broadly rounded to the apex
which is obtuse, the m-irgins slightly in- flexed at the s~itine, striae strongly itn- pressed and crenately punctured, rat11er more coarsely than in balyi, intervals
convex, smooth, sutural striae einbra-
cing the scutelliim and reaching the base, second stria more or less interrupted
by the sutural and not reaching the
base, margin of elytra much wider
anteriorly; anterior tarsi with joints
one to four subequal, last joint nearly
equal to the three preceding; spurs
of anterior tibiae long in both sexes,
reaching' the apex of the third joint of the tarsi or beyond ; mesosternum cari-
lute between the coxae, produced for-
ward in a rounded crest ; middle and
hind tibiae with three transverse ridges on the outer face, the upper one in-
complete, middle tibiae shorter than
the last, the tarsi also a little shorter with the first joint about equal to the
next three together, while in the last,
the second, third and fourth joints
a little more elongate and together ob-
viously exceed the first in length ;
spurs of middle and hind tibiae long
and slender, the longer one of the mid-
dle tibiae reaching the apex of the
third joint, that of the hind tibiae
reaching the apex of the second joint ;
innei apical process of the hind tibiae
subparallel, rounded at tip and one-
half as long as the first joint of the
tarsi. The 8 has the base of the an-
terior thighs below with a conspicuous
oblique ridge or broad tooth, the an-
terior tibiae with the third tooth from
the apex deflexed and produced beneath,
sometimes meeting a slight angulation
of the inferior carina, this carina at
about axe-third from the base has a
prominent tooth. The $ has the an-
terior thighs and tibiae simple.
Length 13.-18. mm ; .5z-.72 in.
Specimens are before me from Mass.,
D. C. and N. C. and I infer that the
species has a similar distribution with
our common species. It appears to
have been sufficiently rare to have
escaped the earlier authors and later

Volume 5 table of contents