Article beginning on page 67.
Psyche 5:67-68, 1888.
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June x8SS.J ps~cH.E.
BY CHARLES WILLIAM WOODWORTH, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The following synopsis will enable
one to easily distinguish our North
American species.
Second abdominal segment of the
male expanded and partly or wholly
concealing the tympanum.
Side margins of the thorax ex-
panded horizontally. Zammara.
Side margins of the thorax not
horizontal; hardly expanded.
C. First apical crossvein oblique.
Basal cell of anterior wing
less than twice as long as
broad. Cicada.
DD, Basal cell of anterior wing
twice as long as broad.
t igia .
CC. First apical crossvein form-
ing right angles with the princi-
pal veins. Proarna.
AA. Second abdominal segment of
the male not expanded. Tympanum
free or wanting.
E. Ulnar veins separate and
distinct at base.
3'. Tympannum present Ti-
FF. Tympanum wanting,
wings rather shorter and
broader than usual, cells
wide. Platy$edia.
EE. Ulnar veins united at
base. MeZam$saZta.
Zammara Am. & Serv.
smaragdina Walker.
angulosa Walker.
San Diego, California ; also Mexico.
Cicada Linn.
Opercles rounded behind in both
Wings unclouded except at the
c. A median dorsal row of
white spots on the abdomen
above. dorsata.
cc. No dorsal white spots on
the abdomen.
d. Male genitals bi-oad, med-
ian dorsal spine generally
short, blunt, or wanting.
Anterior prothoracic spots
generally separated from the
others. mayinala.
dd. Male genitals narrow,
median dorsal spine gener-
ally large and acute. An-
terior prothoracic spots al-
ways united with the others.
All generally forminga broad
V-shaped spot. tibicen.
Psit-he 5 067-68 (pre-1903). hfp //psyche aitclub org/5/5-0067.htd
6 8 PSYCHE. [June 1888.
Wings clouded at their tips,
body green marked with black.
aa. Opercles white, pointed
in both sexes. albipennis.
dorsata Say.
robertsoni Fitch.
On the prairies, Illinois to
marginata Say.
aurzyera Say.
auletes Germar.
resh Haldeman.
bicostata Walker.
New Jersey to Utah, and southward
to Mexico.
tibicen Linn.
o$ercularis Olivier.
pruinosa Say.
/yricen DeGeer.
canicdaris Harris.
All the United States east of the
Rocky Mountains, and also south-
ward to Brazil.
su$erba Fi tch.
Arkansas, Indian Territory.
albipennis Say.
Tettigia Kol .
hieroglyihica Say.
characteria Germ.
johannis Walk.
sexguktata Walk.
New Jersey southward to Mexico.
Proma Stgl.
chamfioni Distant.
Texas, Mexico.
Tibicen Latr.
a. Head much narrower than the
6. Expanse of wings 40 mm.,
markings yellow. synodica.
Expanse of wings 60-70 mm.,
markings brown or brownish
yellow. rimosa.
Head nearly as wide as the pro-
prothorax. se-ptendecim.
synodica Say.
Illinois, Colorado.
rimosa Say.
hesperina Uli lei-,
striatipes Hald.
noveboracensis Emmons.
occidentalis Walker.
All the northern part of the United
States, and in Canada.
septendecim Linn.
casshii Fisher.
tredecim Riley.
Eastern part of U. S. as far north as
New York and Michigan, and
west to Colorado.
Pla/ypedia Uhler.
areolata Uhler.
putnami Uhler.
Colorado to California.
Melam$salta Kol.
ĺ´pard Say
j6aZZescens Germ.
Southern states, as far north as Ga
111. and Kansas.
Volume 5 table of contents