Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 51.
Psyche 5:51-52, 1888.

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The following memoranda concern-
ing the life-history of some common
species of ichneumonidae are based on
a study of the collections and note
boxes of the Illinois State laboratory of natural history, made during the winter
of 1887-8, when the writer was con-
nected with that institution. Though
not of especial importance, it is be-
lieved that the observations here re-
corded will prove a useful contribution
to our knowledge of the earlier stages
of these Interesting insects. All refer- ences to localities are to be understood as being in Illinois.
Two specimens of this handsome
species were bred at Normal, 12 and 29
August 1884, from larvae of Gelechia
gallaesolldaginis Riley. Others were
swept from grass in McLean County,
22 June 1883 ; and from wheat in
Clark County, 22 May 1884.
During May 1887, a Crambus larva
was found abiincliintly in a pasture field on the University farm, and a large
number of specimens were placed under
a bell-glass in the laboratory. The
moths, which in all cases proved to be
Crumbus exsiccutus, began to emerge
24 May, and continued emerging until
9 June. At the latter date there were
found in the cage a large number of
specimens of Afanteles crambi Weed,
a single example of PimfZa annulifes
Brull6, and also a specimen of another
large ichneumonid as yet undetermined.
This was the only Pim$Za bred from
the lot, which consisted of something
over a hundred Crambus cocoons.
Besides this bred specimen, a long
series of this species were collectecl in the field. Localities and dates are as
follows : Champaign County, 16 May,
12 June, and 3 July 1885 (sweepings) ;
7 Aug. 1886, and 15 Oct. 1887; Mc-
Lean Co., 15 June, and 7 Nov. 1883 ;
Tazewell Co., 14 Aug. 1883 ; Hancock
Co., 26 June 1883 (sweepings in clover
field) ; Marion Co., 20 Apr. and 20
May 1883 (sweepings in strawberry
field) ; and in Knox Co.
We have one specimen of this hand-
some insect bled from Orgyia leuco-
stigma at Normal, 14 July 1883; and
another was bred, 28 June 1884, from
the pupa of some lepidopterous leaf-
roller on grass-the precise species not
being known, as but the one example
was collected.
Of a large series collected in the field mention may be made of those taken at
Normal from May to October during
1882, 1883 and 1884; and of a fine
female specimen taken on flowers at
Champaign, 20 Sept. 1886.
Pu&e 5 05 1-52 (pre.1903). hfp //psyche aitclub org/5/5.005I.himl


5 2 p6' 2TfY.E. [ May 1888.
This species has been twice bred
from Orgyia Zeucostigma; and an
adult was noticed by Mr. H. Garman,
at Normal, 21 June 1883, "attempting
to sting," a full grown Orgyia larva.
Another was bred from what was sup-
posed to be a pl~alaenid larva on apple
in 1885 -the host being collected 10
June, and the adult parasite emerging
29 June. The species has also been
taken in the field at various times-
among others at Urbana 13 June 1885,
and 3 Oct. 1887, and at Normal 13 June
I 883.
A single specimen of this beautiful
little insect was bred at Normal, 11
Aug. 1884, from an unknown lepidop-
terous leaf-rolling larva on sycamore
Two specimens of this species were
bred during the summer of 1884 from
larvae of Botys insequalis collected
in June on thistle heads. Another
emerged 24 July 1883, from a chrysalis
in the fold of a strawberry leaf collected at Normal. Others were taken in the
woods in Tazewell Co. 14 Aug. 1883 ;
and on apple trees in McLean Co., 3
May 1884.
A single specimen of this insect was
bred 8 August 1884, from the cocoon
of some leaf-roller on apple -just what
species I cannot say. Both Teras mi-
&a (Robs), and Cacoecia rosaceana
Ham,, were present in the field of
young apple trees from which the
cocoon was taken.
The only bred specimen of this
species emerged 13 June 1885, from a
lepidopterous cocoon supposed to be
that of Pyrrharctia Isabella. Other
specimens were collected in McLean
Co., 16 June and 13 July 1882, and 26
June 1885.
This insect seems especially to attack
the larvae of species of Papilio.
A. S. Packard has noted1 that it infests P. asterias, P. troilus, P. turnus, P.
ajax and P. marcellus, and Mr. Fred-
erick Clarkson has also bred it from P.
troilus, and has made the interesting
observation that the point of exit of the parasite is "the same in every case, viz., on the right or left side, about midway
of the thorax, at the widest part.2
Four larvae of Pajdio asterias were
collected on parsnip, 23 July 1885, at
Champaign. One specimen pupated 27
July, another 28 July, another 30 July.
The date of pupation of the fourth larva was not recorded, but the first butterfly emerged 5 August, and a second one 17
August. A live Trogus was found in
the cage 25 August, and another emerged
5 Sept. Hence it appears that the
parasite remains in the pupa state soine- what longer than its host.
Other specimens of this insect were
collected at Bloomington 23 Sept. 1879 ; and at Champaign 8 July 1887, the latter being taken in the woods.
IProc. Bost. soc. nat. hist., Aug. 1881, v. 21, p. 21-22. ^an. entorn., Sept. 1883, v. 15, p. 162.


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