Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 31.
Psyche 5:31-34, 1888.

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Authors and societies are repested to forward their works to the editors as soon as å´puhZished
The date of å´publication given in brackets [I, marks the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier date of å´publicatio is known to recorder or editor. Unless othemise stated each record is made directly from the work that is noticed. A colon after initiaZ designates the most common given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Ben- jamiii; C: Charles; D: David; E: Edwad; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry; I: Isaac; J: John; K: Karl; L: Louis; M: Mark; N: Nicholas; 0: Otto; P: Peter; R:
Richard; S: Samuel; T: Thomas; W; William. The initials at the end of each record, or note, are those of the recorder.
Cowectio?z.s of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. Berg6. Albert. De la coloration deb tdgu- ments chez les insectes et spdcialement chez les coleopt6res. 2e note. (Compte-rendu
Soc. entom. Belg., 3 Oct. 1885,p. 113-115.) Separate. 3 p., 25 X 16, t 19 X 10.5.
Correction by the author.
(o/. ci'f., 7
Nov. 1885, p. 125:)
Rev. of H. A. Hagen's " On the color and the pattern of insects" (Proc. Amer. acad. arts and sciences, 1883, v. 17, p. 234-267), with further remarks on the coloration of insects, in continuation of the author's '* Note sur la coloration des teguments chez les insectes" . . . [Rec, 4419-1 G: D. (4418)
B e , Albert.
Note sur la coloration des
teguments chez les insectes et specialement chez les col6optkres. (Compte-rendu SOC. entom. Belg., 5 Sept. 1885, p. 100-102.) Separate. 3 p., 25 X 16, t 19 X 10.5.
Considers the part taken by the different modes of coloration-pigment etc.-in the resultant coloration of coleoptera, and the changes which these colors under. go when treated with chemicals. G: D. (4419) Berg6, Albert. Des varietfes dn carabus
auronitens Fab., au point de vue de la
coloration. (Compte-rendu Soc. entom.
Belg., 7 Nov. 1885, p. 126-129.)
Separate. 4 p., 25 X 16, t 19 X 10.5.
The authorhas succeeded by chemical means in pro- ducing all the numerous color-varieties of carabzis auroniiens, and groups these varieties accordin to their
changes of coloration. G: 5. (4420)
Brauer, Friedrich. OEenes schreiben als
antwort auf Hewn Baron Obten-Sacken's
"Critical review" meiner arbeit uber die notacanthen. Wien author, 1883. t.p. cover, II p., 23X14.5, t 16.5X10.5.
Answer to C: R. Osten Sacken's "On Professor Brauer's paper: Versuch einer characteristik der at
tungen der notacantlien. 1832" (Berl. entom. zeitschr.; SSz, v. 26, p. 363-380) [Rec., 44471. G: D. (4421) Brauer, Friedrich. Die zweifliigler des
kaiserlichen museums zu Wien. 2. (Denks- schr. d. Math.-naturw. cl. d. Kais. akad. d. wissensch., 1882, v. 44, p. 59-110, 2 pi.) Rev. (BERTKAU, P.
Bericht . . . der en-
tom. f. 1881, 1882, p. 146-147, 154-155.) Notice, by F. A. F. Karscb. (2001. jah-
resb. fur 1882, 1883, ahth. 2. p. 337, 344, 350-3511 355-361, 363, 36.5. $30.)
Contains three sub-chapters as follows :- I. Versuch einer characteristik der gat- tungen der notacanthen Ltr., mit ruck-
sicht auf die im kaiserlichen museum be- findlichen von Dr. J. R. Schiner aufgestell- ten neuen gattungen.
Crit. rev., by C: R. Osten Sacken, en-
titled, "On Professor Bi-auer's paper: Ver- such einer cha~~cteristik der gattungen
der notacanthen. 1882." (Berl. entom.
zeitschr., 1882, v. 26, p. 363-380.)
Characters and relationships of, and table for the generic determination of notacantha ; description of new or hitherto insufficiently described genera and species, according to Schiner's catalog; includes myx- osargtis faxiatus, n. g. et n. s., from Mexico; r6- sum6 of the genera according to the chief groups. 2. Vergleichende untersuchungen des
fliigelgeaders der dipteren nach Adolph's theorie.
Comparison of the venation of the wings in different families of diptera, according to Adolph's method, in- cluding a table comparing the terminology of veins as used by Hagen, by Meigen and by Schiner. The two plates illustrate venation of the wings of diptera. 3. Characteristik der mit sceno/inus ver- wandten dipteren-familien.
Consideration of the position of scenopinzis, which the author puts with$seudatrichia in a group, sceno inidae. G: g. (442~)
Pu&e 5 03 1-34 (pre.1903). hfp //psyche aitclub org/5/5.0031.html



Uller, Fritz. Eine aufgabe filr lepidoptero- ogen.
(Bed entom. zeitschr,, 1883, v. 37,
Separate. [Berl., 1883.1 p. 214-216, aa X cnawft the bearing of similar characters, and r food-plants of larv tic relation-
f ccrtsiin lepidoptern : fi (~35)
, Fritz. Sobre as canas construidae
larvas de inaectos trichopteros da
cia de Santa Csltharina [e supple-
]. (Arch. do Museu nacionai do
Janeiro, 1878; v. 3, p. 90-134, 210-
2x4, pl.8-11.)
Abstract, by the author, entitled, 'I Notes on the cases of some South-Braisilian frich- oficrft."
(Trans. Entom, soc, Lond., 1879,
p. 131-144.) [Rec., 4441.1
Germ. tr., by Herrnnnn Miiller, entitled, "Ucber die von den trichopterenlarven der provinz Santa Catharina verfertigten ge- hiiuse." {Zeitschr. f. wiss. zool,, 1880, v. 35, P- 47477 PI* 4.5.)
KKec.* 2544.1
Abstract, by H. A. Hagen. (2001.
jahresb. Rir t830, 1881, abth. a, p. 218-228.) . Abstract. {BERTKAII, Ph. Bericht . . . der entom. f. 1880, 18B2, p. 119-120.)
Biological notes on a large
number of Brazilian
a ecies o! irir.kopfem, with drscriptions and figures of their larva-cases. G: B. (44161
Mtiller, Fritz. A correla$.o das Bores ver- sicolores e do8 iosecto~ pronuboa. (Arch. do Museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1877, V. 2, p. 19-23.)
Shows how a species of lm~tafta secures more cer- tain fertikssttion by hsecta because it has flowers of å´^å´hi thecorolla issuccfissi\ely ofthreedifferent colors* observations upon the insects that visitcd the flowed wliwi they were deuch successive colnr, G: -Z?. (4437) MQUer, Fritz. On female dimorphism of
paltostoma iorredium- (Entom. mo. mag.
. Mch. 1881, v. IT, p. 225-326.)
Reply to C: R. Oaten Sacken's "Dr. F. Miller's discovery of a case of female dimorphisin among di tera" (Entom. mo. mag., Nnv, 1880,~. 7, p. iy>-iy} [&., spg) ; arglifs that the forms 0Cpm fastoma. tor. feitfium duscribcd belong to one species; remflrka on other critieism~. I?: P. M. (443s)
MOUer, Fritz. As maculas sexuaes do6 indi- vidtios masculines das especies dad
eripjas e d. fili@~s. (Arch. do Museu
nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1877, v, a, p. 25-29, pi. 2.)
Describes and tigures the structure of the sexual spots on the hind wings ot the male of'danuisarchip s
and the tub which the same imwt can protrude kk near the posterior end of its abdomen. G: D. (4439) MWer, Fritz. A metamorphose de urn
insect0 diptero. (Arch. do Museu national do Rio de Janeiro, 1879,1881, v. 4, p. 47-85, . ..
PI. 4-7.) -
Describes and figures the external and interual ana- tomy of the different stm s of faliestma lorrwth, a diptcron ofthc family ~teffhwocendae: the spies ex' hibits aremtirkahle di,rni:ir hism in the FbmaTe,especially parked in the qtructnrfi ofthc mouth-partsol tiit ima &* the larva hah six suckers alarm the median line o f its ventral sin-fiicc. and uses them to fasten itself to the stonci; in tl~c streams where it lives.
G: I>. (4440)
Mliller, Fritz.
Notes on the cases of some
South Erazillian trtckfptera, (Trans.
Entom. FOC. Lond., 1879, p. 131-144.)
Notice. (Arner. nat., Sept. 1880, v. 14, . - , .
P. 66.5.)
Numerous notes on the biolo
of South Arneficuri
trichopiwu, and the structure o f their cases. The fall des~rtpt~ions and fimreu of the cases mentioned in this Daner are vubiished in the author's "Snbre as casas koktrimlai pcias larva? dc insect& tricho term da provinch de Smtft Ctithai-ism". . , (Arch. drt Muse* nacional do Rio dc unciro, &S, v. 3, p. 99-134, liio-z14, pl.8-n) [~ec.,++~flj. ' G: D. {wi}
Mailer, Fritz, 0 s orggos odoriferos da
anfirrhaea archaeft Hiibner. (Arch. do
Miiseu nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1878; v- 3' p. 17. pi- I.)
Describes the odoriferous apots, and the scales which form them, on the wings of aitiirrhaeu arckucu. G; D. (WÌö
MflUer, Fritz. 0s ocgh odoriferos das
especies e icaUit eccowfias, Lin. e de mysce- a i s 6 . (Arch. do Museu namond
do Rio de Janeiro, 1877, v. 2, p. 31-35, PI- 3-1
Describes the odoriferous spots (filxflecke) on the winv of males of fpicdia ftcvftiim and of wyscelia orstx* figures the wing's, and modified scales from them', G: D. ( ~ 3 )
Mtlller, Fritz. Paltostoma (orrentturn. Kine miicke mit zwiegestaltigen weibchen.
(Kosmo8, Oct. 1880, v. 8, p. 37-42, il.) Crit. rev., by C : R. Osten Sacken,
entitled " Dr. F. Miiller's discovery of a case of female dimorphism among diptera." (Entom, mo. mag., Nov. 1830, v. 17, p.
130-132.) [Rec. 3591
Abstract, by P. Mayer.
(2001. jahresb.
fur 1880, 1881, ahth. 2, p. 119.)
by F. Karach. (oj. cit., p. swim.)
(BERTKAU, Ph. Bericht . . . det
entom., fb 1880, 1882, p. 128.)
Describes and figures the head, mouth-parts, and claws of the two forms of the female offaltostoffta forreftiitim, s. Brazilian spits of bUphafoccrXae ex- hibitin^ remarkable dimorphism in that sex, especially in the part? above mentioned, G: D- (4444) Milller, Fritz. A prega costal das hesperi- den".
(Arch. do Museu nacional do Rio
de Janeiro, 1878, v. 3, p. 41-50, pi. 5-6.) Describes the sexual spot6 on the costae of the anterior wings of certain fieapsrnlfiff, and the scdw which are contained in these spots' these co~tal spots; wlkh are rftbably odoriferout arc described and. fipirei! ln tdcpn:t$ midns t. mwtatws, hepa syr~chf:ds St~corhiiftftfff arsofd, fh ywele simp ictus, t. pwti'llitSf t. p^stevs and tfiikeu~ ff'frfifs, e; r. WS)


Oaten Backan, C : Robert. Bemerkiinggn
Rey, Claudius. ComnaBftison en& plusientti . iiber biepharocerideu. Ern nachttag zur larves de divers genres d'aait6rides. (Ann. , " Revision" dieser fadie von Profe~~or So& tinn. de Lvm, rSSi, 1884, n. 6.. v. TO. -
., .
Dr. hew- (Weutschs entorn- zeitsclw., p. 443-446.) . 1878, V. 33, p. 405-4~6.1
Classification of the larvae of the ela</rirfite by use of' Notes on the form andsize of (lie eyest of the fhfh. the structure of the lust
urocerifm and the zrrsngenud af the facets apnn G: 0. C<4Ìö>
them ; pogrnphkal diiitributiom oftlie ipk; &cil notes on Francis Wdkue's wwk on dipma; gives an Rey, Clandiit~~ Description de hi lame de extetideJ dcswipkn of lyinwitrm (Me haroftra) yast- ranfhtctfsftopall'c
( A ~ ~ , sot. linn.
fnsir from cat, and. corn res it with other spe^ie:- sis of ~ l ~ ' ~ i b m ofMa h~sfilnr- ~~ailte& de Lyon, r882.,1883, n. a-, V. 29, p- I~L-I~.) in ivfiirh the @mum iigrwamfdiffer, srrdgcd ~uord- the larva, of a~fk/~~sfia~fi mdetail.
! to the organs.
horn endum, by mthr ;, On p.
F, line I* froin top, :ifttr E~inhichL, ' insert nusser. &å D. (w)
nlb der I^annlic dtir Cyrtidon."]
: D.
Hey, Claudius.
Quelques exemples de mon-
Oaten Sacken, C : On Professor Brauer's
struositds chez le~ col&optferes et h&mipt^ree. paper: Versuch einer characterietik der
(Ann. Soc. linn. & Lyon, 1883, 1$$4, n.
gattungen det notacanthem t88z." (Berl.
s., v. 30, p. 423-424.)
entom. xeitschr., tS8t, V. 26, p. 363- 80.) Brief notes on eight deformed toleoptera and on two Reply, by V. Braner, entitled "8ffanea herniptern. G: D. (4452) schrciben uis antwort nuf Herrn Baron
Osten-Sacken's 'critical review' meiner ar- Rotia~t, Georges. Catalogue des cheniflee heit iiber die notacanthen. Wien. 1883. t.-p. europ&ennes wnnues. (Ann. Soc. linn. cover, ti p., z3Xz4.5, t 16.5X10.5. (ie Lyon, 1882, 1883, n. s., v. 29. p. 251-363; Detailed critical review of F. Brauer's "Versuch 1SS-J. 1884, V- 30, p. 70-152.)
̤lne clinr~cteristic [etc.j" in
author's "Die zweiflii-
of the known larvae of E~~~~~~ lepid-
g!er rtes Kaiser1 rehen miiieums ~u Wen. 2'' (Denhsttir. opttrn, vfth their rood.plimts or food.hablta and the Knis. sikad. d. wissencli., Math-nat~w. el., X%, v. time (if their appearance- prefaced to this list which 44, P- S9-"0) [R''*'-! 44-I* with numerous additions nad indudes some species found in America, is a'list of natcå´i G: (4447) the works consulted in Its compilation. G: D, (4453; PIateau, Fdix [ Auguate Joseph]. Une
experience sur ia fonction des antennes Rudow, Fed. Beobacbtungen tibm die chess ia Matte, å´pt+anefi orienta//.~. kben fiweise u nd den ban der tnallaphagen (Compte-rend. See. entom. BeIg., 5 June ocler pelzfresser, sowk be~chreibttn~ rimer 1836, p. tz8-izz.> arten. (Zeitschr. C. d. gesiimmt. natiir- Separate. Gaud, tW, p., 24 X 16, t wissensch., ism v. 35, p. 27:-302; ~870, to X 10.5.
T. 36, p. TZI-rq.)
Notice. (Emtow. nachrichten,Dec. 1886, Rev. {BRACER, F. Berickt . . der entom. v. t2, p. 365.1
f. 1870, r873, p. trS-ttgi)
Critical of V. Graber'e -VetglekheBde Literature of Mail^fhagv antes upon ttidr systsm- grundversuchc Eiber dig wirttnng mid die aritfhahicic- =tic Fan, habrts, mtem'at anti internal ^trti- stelleit ckem&hcr retire tei den tier-." (Bid. @en. and imts t e stnichwc of the mouth. rts, and their traif>jaH-, i Sept.
v. 5, pi. 3-e
.na~], in
value in c!~~-iifit::itinn; riassification o f the genera of whir11 l31n,x.tti comes t n ~ c conc~usE?tLZ ti: mrmnw tIx m e ~ t o ~ ~ m ~ ~ , and d~scri~~tinn~ OT nen spccics be- ire tile srtic df.ictvrvor~ns (11 htta oyirnfdis con- longinc to the pwra li'ewm, wrtopfurvu (n, p.), trary to Grabw's view that the cexi of thwe inserts ofiiiihobitis, arid iriffwdfftes. This paper is a continu. arc abie to perceive odor?.
15: D. (4448)
ation of the anthor's " Xciic mallophagcn" G. 9 cih S(9, v. &, p. 3Sj-407; [Rcl:., +57jå
Rado~zkow~ki Octav Ivan. Revision des
armnres copulatrices des mAies de la famille ~ ~ d ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ d , N~~~ Tnai~ophagen. (ze;& de mutillides.
(Horae Soc. entom. ross.,
schr. f. d. gesammt. natiirwissensch., 1869, r38.7, v. 19, p. 3-49, pi. 1-1 I.)
Reeds the form of the genituiia of the mules of v. 34. P- 387-40T.l
Rev. (BRAUER, F. Bericlit . . . der entom. iimtiltidnt as often Indispensable in separatjn the
species; fiflures and describes the male !genitafia of ts$' P' 1679 '75-17~+)
mimv species of the, after haviny rendered Describes new species ofIsaZiophog~ from the Ham- these parts trans went by snaking them in a solation burg museum, belonpingto the p-ncra co/porephalum of caustic potash [KO,[ ~ I I B ~ I structure and wmo/w*, ~aimtibot/iri~m, mil trieotoa, of the family iii^rnencliitqre of tiiepzrts rtfthe mile nitdia, in which Ifotheidoe. This paper is continued id the aiithor'a <he pxrr termmi qwauin in Jii-imbit; isgiven the name " Be~hiicht~ltg~ii Tiher die Icbensweise und ricn ban fzir~r~du~~" clia~wteriaes the wenera adding dcr mallophagen" . . . (ftp. rsf., I*, v. 32p. 272-302) genera; iir&'/obris, driomtm, Lnd tr~~J~dohol~e#~~~ [ Rec , 44561. E d (445s)
G: D. 14410)


Volume 5 table of contents