Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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S. W. Bromley.
New Asilidæ from Mexico (Diptera).
Psyche 36:45-47, 1929.

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New Asilidce from Mexico (Diptera)
In a shipment of Asilidse from Mexico received from Dr. Alfonse Dampf, the following new species were found. Plesiomma atrum n. sp.
Length 21-23 mm. A deep black species with black wings. Male. Head black. Face brown pollinose. Mystax, beard, occipital bristles, antenna1 bristles and palpal hairs, black. Thorax deep brown with a slender double median line of black and black side spots. Vestiture black. Legs deep brown, femora and hind tibiae black. Knees lighter brown. Scutellum with 2 black marginal bristles. Wings black with- out irridescent reflections. Abdomen black. Genitalia black with black hairs.
Female. Similar.
Holotype, 8, no. 70 Coatepec (Ver.) ; allotype, s , no. 69 Coatepec (Ver.) paratype, 8, no. 28. Jaltipan, Istmo (Ver.)
Deromyia bellardii n, sp.
Length, 20-26 mm. A rather large reddish species with contrasting deep black lines on the thorax, the abdomen slightly coarctate in the male but not so in the female, and the abdomen in both sexes being uniformly deep reddish without black markings on the sides of the segments. Male. Mystax sparse, whitish. Face pale yellow pollinose. Antennae light reddish with black hairs. Palpi deep reddish brown with black hairs. Occipital bristles black. Thorax yel- lowish pollinoses with three deep black velvety lines on the mesonotum, the median line extending to the anterior mar- gin. Bristles of mesonotum black. A few black bristles in front of halteres. Coxal hairs pale yellowish. Legs reddish with black bristles. The upper surfaces of the femora and Pu&e X45-47 (1929). hup Ytpsychu einclub orgtld/lS-045 html


46 Psyche [March
tibiae are darker. The distal portion of the posterior tibia is brown. Scutellum reddish gold with 2 black marginal bristles. Wings nearly hyaline, apex and posterior border grayish. Halteres reddish brown. Postscutellum with a me- dian dark marking. Abdomen reddish, the sides lighter. Genitalia reddish with yellow hairs.
Female. Similar, but legs more uniform reddish in color. Abdomen not coarctate. Pronotum with black bristles. Holotype, 8 , no. 55 Distrito Federal (?). Allotype, 9, no. 156 Colima, Col.
Deromyia bimaculata n. sp.
Length 22 mm. A slender reddish species, with three vel- vety black lines on mesonotum, the abdomen coarctate, red- dish, with two black spots on the 5th tergite, one on each side.
Male. Antennae reddish with black hairs. Face pale yellow pollinose. Mystax scanty, white. Palpi reddish with black hairs. Occipital bristles black. Beard sparse, pale yellow. Pronotum with black bristles. Thorax golden pollinose. Mesonotum with three deep black lines, the median line reaching the anterior border. Bristles black. Scutellum red- dish with 2 black marginal bristles. Coxal hairs pale yellow. Legs reddish with black bristles. A black line on the ante- rior portion of the side of the hind femur. Wings long and wide, pale yellowish, apex and posterior margin grayish. Abdomen reddish, coarctate, the 4th segment the widest; the fifth with a black spot on each side. Genitalia reddish with yellow hair.
Holotype, 8, Cuernavaca. Aug. II?.
Andrenosoma igneum n. sp.
Length, 21 mm. A black species with all black legs, the 6th and following segments of the abdomen reddish, rest of abdomen black with a deep reddish hue in the median area of the first 3 segments.
Male. Proboscis, antennae (3rd segment missing), palpi a,nd palpal hairs, antenna1 hairs, the two ocellar bristles, black. Beard, hairs on sides of face and occipital hairs, whit-


19291 New -4siIido~ from Mexico (Diptera) 47 ish. My stax composed of many, thickly-placed, short, stout bristles, mostly black, but a few pale yellowish ones in the upper part. Thorax black, grayish pruinose, the mesonotum with two black median lines and two lateral spots on each side. Pleura gray pollinose and white haired. Mesonotal bristles black with a few white hairs anteriorly. Anterior portion of scutellum grayish pollinose, with black hairs and marginal bristles. Halteres pale reddish. Wings nearly hyaline, the apex and posterior border lightly grayish. Legs black, the femora and tibiae covered thickly with long fine white pile. A few black hairs and bristles present; those of tarsi all black. First five segments of abdomen black with a black bristle and fine white hairs on each side of the seg- ments. The first three segments have the median area of a deep reddish hue, and the 6th and following segments are light reddish with reddish hairs. Genitalia small, reddish with concolorous hairs.
Holotype, 8, no. 63. Coatepec (Ver.)
Mallophora albicincta n. sp.
Length, 22 mm. A rather slender species, related to M. nigritarsis Wied. and M. scopifer Fabr. having a white beard, yellow face and mystax, brown thorax, yellow legs (except tarsi which are black) and a black abdomen with snow- white hairs on the first 2 segments. There is a tuft of white hairs on the scutellum also.
Female. Antennae black with black hairs. Palpi black with yellow hairs except on tip where hairs are black. Beard white. Mystax and face golden, a number of black bristles in lower portion of mystax. Occipital bristles black, hairs pale yellow. Thorax dark brown. Pleura and pronotum with white hairs. A few black bristles over base of wings. Scutellum yellowish brown, thickly set with white hairs. Coxse piceous; femora and tibise (except tip of posterior tibiae which is blackish) bright yellow with concolorous hairs. A few black bristles at base of hind femur. Tarsi piceous with black hairs and bristles. Abdomen black, ventral hairs white. First two tergites with white hairs, rest with short black hairs. Ovipositor with fine white hairs.
Holotype, 9, no. 57. Coatepec (Ver.)


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