Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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M. C. Van Duzee.
New Species of Dolichopodidæ from the West Indies.
Psyche 36:37-40, 1929.

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19291 New Species of Dolichopodidce from the West Indies 37 NEW SPECIES OF DOLICHOPODIDE FROM
Buffalo, N. Y.
Psilopus salti, new species.
Male: length about 5 mm., head broken off in the type. Thorax and abdomen dark green, their bristles short ; more than half of the abdominal segments opaque black, apical part of segments and whole of last one green; venter and bides of first segment with long pale hairs. Hypopygium (Fig. 2) small, its lamellae black, fringed with hair and with several flattened, clavate bristles on one edge. Coxae black, anterior pair with rather long yellow hairs at tip; femore green with long white hair below; fore and middle tibiae yellow, anterior pair with two long bristles below, the one near the middle nearly one-third as long as the tibia, middle ones with two rather long bristles on lower anterior edge; posterior tibiae black; first joint of fore tarsi mostly yellow, middle tarsi brown almost to their base, pos- terior pair wholly black; last four joints of fore tarsi with only short hair below; all tarsi plain, except that the fifth joint of middle tarsi is nearly as wide as long; length of fore tibiae about as 70, joints of fore tarsi as 50-18-14-8-6; those of middle ones as 65-22-14-6-5 ; joints of posterior ones as 65-26-15-6-5. Calypters yellowish brown with the tip and cilia black ; halteres yellow.
Wings sligthly tinged with brown in front of second vein; last section of fourth vein from the cross-vein to the fork 32, from fork to wing margin about 30, cross-vein 31 and last section of fifth vein about 27 fiftieths of a milli- meter long; fork of fourth vein almost a right angle, the upper bend broadly rounded.
Described from one male, taken at Mina Carlota, Tri- nidad Mountains, Cuba, March 21, 1925, by George Salt, for whom the species is named.
Type in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, in Cam- bridge, Mass.
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Psyche [March
Psilopus albihirtus, new species.
Male : Length 5 mm. Face broad, green with a little white pollen ; palpi black ; proboscis brownish yellow ; antennae black, short, longest bristles on second joint above and as long as the antenna; front blue-green with a few pale hairs on the sides; lower orbital cilia white, not long or abundant. Thorax and abdomen green; segments of the abdomen broadly opaque black at base; the white hairs on the venter not very long; bristles of thorax and abdomen short. Hypo- pygium (Fig. 1) black, rather small; its lamellae forked, one branch fringed with slender hairs, the other branch, which is cut off straight at tip have a fringe of shorter and stiffer hairs at tip.
Cox2 black; anterior pair fringed with long, whitish hair on outer surface; femora green with long white hair below; tips of fore and middle femora and their tibiae yel- low, the latter with rather short bristles; hind tibiae black; fore tarsi (Fig. 3) with the first joint yellow, remaining joints black, second, third and fourth joints with blunt spines below, fifth joint short and nearly as wide at tip as long; middle tarsi brown, posterior pair black, both plain; fore tibiae as 72, joints of fore tarsi as 60-17-10-6-4; of middle pair as 67-18-15-6-5 ; joints of posterior tarsi as 53- 18-13-8-5. Calypters brown with black cilia ; (halteres broken off in the type).
Wings grayish, very slightly tinged with brown in front of third vein; venation about as in salt; new species. Described from one male, taken near Troy, Jamaica, May 23, by A. E. Wight. Type in the Cambridge Museum. The tarsi are formed very much like those of patibulatus Say and pilicornis Aldrich, but differs from both in having the wings without cross-bands and the fore and middle tibiae pale yellow, it also differs in other characters. It is very nearly like salt; new species, but differs in the form of the fore tarsi.
Pelastoneurus f urcatus, new species.
Male: length 4 mm. Face and front in the type greasy so I could not tell their color; antennae yellow, third joint small, rounded, scarcely as long as wide, apical edge black;


19291 New Species of Dolichopodidce from the West Indies 39 arista inserted at upper basal corner, it is broken off in the type but still adheres to the head and has several long hairs along the middle, it might be much more fully feathered if in perfect condition ; lower orbital cilia white. Domum of thorax blue on apical half, more coppery along the front and median line; scutellum reddish coppery with a depressed area on each side of a median ridge, it has one pair of large marginal bristles and a pair of small hairs out- side of them. Abdomen green with black hair and with the hind margins of the segments coppery. Hypopygium (Fig. 4) with the upper part black, the lower portion yellow, it has a short perpendicular segment which is scarcely as long as high, the hypopygium reaches nearly to the second ven- tral segment, its lamellae yellow on basal half, blackish on apical portion, somewhat triangular, or rounded, they have many slender hairs on apical margin and also several short, bent, flattened, blunt ones; on the lower corner of the hypo- pygium are two long, branch, pale hairs, these are nearly as long as the lamellae.
All coxae, femora and tibiae yellow, outer surface of basal half of middle coxae and all tarsi from the tip of the first joint brown; fore coxae with a few black hairs and bristles; joints of fore tarsi as 40-25-19-11-10; two first joints of hind tarsi as 29-40. Calypters and halters yellow, the cilia of the former appears yellowish.
Wings grayish; first vein reaching but little more than half as far as the cross-vein; third vein nearly straight, last section of fourth vein bent near apical third; slightly con- cave posteriorly beyond the bend, its end near the tip of third vein; cross-vein 15, last section of fifth vein 23 fiftieths of a millimeter long.
Described from one male, taken by George Salt, February 25, 1925, at Soledod, Cuba. Type in the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, in Cambridge, Mass.
This like neglecta Wheeler, fasciatus Roeder and wheelri Melander has the hypoygium about half yellow, but it is separated from these by the form of the hypoygial ap- pendages. Neglectus like this species has a few branched bristles on the hypopygium, but they are much shorter than in this form.


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