Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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T. D. A. Cockerell.
The Name of the Lac Insects.
Psyche 31:47-48, 1924.

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The Name of the Lac Insects
University of Colorado
The Monograph of the Tachardiinae, by Mr. J. C. Chamber- lin, recently published in Bulletin of Entomological Research, vol. XIV, is certainly a fine example of modern work on Coccidse. It appears to exhaust the subject so far as the available materials permit, but of course many species remain to be discovered, and there is much to be done on the biology of all. Before it was published, I called the attention of Professor Ferris to the name Laccifer Oken, but he presumably had no access to Oken's work. I am indebted to Mr. C. D. Sherborn for a copy of Oken's account, in Lehrb. Naturg., I11 (I), 1815, p. 430. He proposes a genus Laccifer, for "Chermes or Coccus lacca." It is stated to be the source of the gum-lac, and to occur by the Ganges on Mimosa cinerea and M. glauca, plants now known as Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. and Leuccena glauca (L.) Benth. The old error of taking the male coccid for the adult female and some hymenopterous parasite for the adult female is repeated, but does not invalidate the name. I agree with Ferris that these peculiar insects deserve to rank as a family; and accordingly the following changes appear to be necessary: Family Lacriferidae (Tachardiidse Ferris) Subfamily Lacciferinse (Tachardiinse Ckll., pars.) Laccifer albizzice (Green, as Tachardia) Laccifer meridionalis (Chamb., as Tachardia) Laccijer greeni (Chamb., as Tachardia)
Laccifer fici (Green, as Tachardia)
Laccifer ebmchiatus (Chamb., as Tachardia) Lacdfer lacca (Kerr, as Coccus)
Laccifer conchifiratus (Green, as Tachardia) It may be noted that according to the rules Tachardina lobata is to be credited to Green, as he not only published a full descrip- tion, but gave the name and mentioned a difference from the Pwhe 31:47-48 (1024). hup //psyche rinclub org/ll/31-047.htd


48 Psyche [~ebruar~
Philippine T. minuta. Also the combination Tachardina albida should not be credited to me, but to MacGillivray; I used the name Tachardina only in a subgeneric sense. Mr. Chamberlin indicates subgenera and then immediately uses the names in a generic sense, which is illogical; but it may be anticipated that the latter treatment will eventually prevail.


Volume 31 table of contents