Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club.
Psyche 30:227-228, 1923.

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19231 Notes on the Nests of Odynerus (Ancistrocerus) 227 Nest No. 4. The parasite, A. junceus (female), emerged on May 22, two male wasps on the 23d, one on the 24th, one female on the 27th, and two on the 28t11, a total of 3 males, 3 females and one parasite. These emerged through seven openings. The presence of a parasite in nest No. 4 can hardly account for so few wasps, for nest No. 2, with a parasite, had the same number of wasps as nest No. 3. A. junceus has also been bred from the potter wasp (Eumenes sp.) and from Odynerus tigris Sauss.
At the meeting of March, 1923, Prof. C. T. Brues showed some new photographs of insects in amber and gave a review of the present knowledge of amber insects and fossil insects in ,
See Scientific Monthly vol. 17, pp. 289-304, (1923.) Mr. Emerton exhibited his outfit for collecting spiders. At the April meeting, Dr. J. W. Chapman gave a lecture on the animals of the Philippine Islands where he has lived for the past six years.
Mr. A. P. Morse told about his entomological experiences in Nebraska where, for several summers, he has been- observing the grasshoppers that eat wheat and corn and also the binder- twine with which the grain is tied up.
At the meeting in May, Mr. 0. E. Plath read a paper on the various theories in regard to the humming of bumblebees at, the entrance to the nest. This was noticed as far back as 1665 and at first interpreted as a call to the other bees. Observation, however, has shown that its object is to ventilate the nest. See PsyAe, vol. 30, pp. 146-154, (1923.)
Mr. R. I?. Hussey described the development of the sucking mouthparts of the Hemiptera.


228 Psyche [~ecember
At the June meeting, Miss E. P. Butler described the de- velopment of pseudopodia on the first abdominal segment of several insects. These at first resemble the rudimentary legs but at an early stage their growth stops, they become enveloped by the growing parts around them and are eventually absorbed. Prof. W. M. Wheeler gave an account of a recent visit to th' Panama Canal Zone and the Galapagos Islands, referring es- pecially to the large associations of insects that live in the hollow stems of various tropical trees.


Volume 30 table of contents