Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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G. W. Barber.
Notes on a New England Aradid.
Psyche 30:120-122, 1923.

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120 Psyche June-August
Bureau of Entomology, "U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Among the species of the very interesting family Amdidee that occur in New England is Aradus 4-lineatus Say.* It is not uncommon, being found beneath the bark of dead trees, par- ticularly old stumps and logs where the fungus on which it feeds grows abundantly. On this fungus the eggs are laid and the young feed,
Fig. 1. Aradu 4-Untalus Say.
From left to right, adult female, adult male, full-grown nympha.
The eggs are closely cemented to the fungus and those which I have seen, always laid singly, oviposition continuing for some time. During 1920 one female in a cage deposited 13 eggs from May 16 to June 2. In 1922 eggs were obatined from June 14 to June 18. In all, ten eggs hatched in from 16 to 18 days the av- erage incubation period being 17.8 days. Six first instar nymphs moulted in fron 8 to 13 days, the average length of the first instar being 11.1 days. Males that I confined in cages lived from 28 to 30 days;females from 14 to 35 d~ys. Piyhf 30:12(1-122 11921). hNp:ffp!yche.cnlcluhorB/iQf30- 120 tit ml


19231 Notes on a New England Amdid 121
Lugger, in the 6th. Rep. Div. Ent. Minnesota. St. Exp. Sta. 1900 p. 40 described the egg of an Aradid, probably Aradus ro- bustus Uhl. as follows; "the eggs glistening white in color are deposited under the bark."
Heidman, 1911-Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. XI11 p. 134 de- scribed the egg of an Aradid, Neuroctenus simplex as ;"Egg a- bout lmm. long 5mm.wide; laid in a heap numbering from 20 to 60 or more. Chorion whitish, irregular, coarse, hexagonal; no apical cap; the chorial processes seem to be wanting." The egg of Aradus 4-lineatus Say is quite different in structure and the habit of oviposition is dissimilar. It differs in structure particularly in the flattened ventral surface and in possessing both a distinct cap and chorial processes, altho the latter are very minute and inconspicuous. The habit of oviposition differs in that all those which I have seen are de- posited singly as previously mentioned.
Fig. 2. Aradus 4 lineatus Say.
a, first instar nymph; b, apical joint of antennas of first instar nymph; c, egg, viewed laterally; d, corial process of egg.


Length 1.2 mm.; width at middle .8 mm.; thickness at middle .425 mm.
Color, light red, smooth, moderately shining; viewed dor- sally oval, narrowing towards the cap; flattened ventrally for a half to three fourths of its surface where it adheres to the fungus, the cap somewhat raised; cap not prominent; chorial processes ten in number, placed in a circle about the cap, minute, cup- shaped,raised but little above the chorion, a white hemispherical protuberance sometimes protrudes from the apex. THE FIRST INSTAR NYMPH.
Length 1 .2 mm. ; width .7 mm.
Color light red, the legs
lighter, nearly cream color, femura lighter red, apical joint of antennae and eyes dark; general aspect of body flattened; head with a groove rising before each eye, curving towards the Pos- terior line of the head, which it nearly attains, and somewhat towards the median line; eyes moderately prominent; beak scarcely reaching the anterior edge of the third ventral segment; antennae one third the length of the body, 4-jointed, apical joint widest, as long as the third and fourth together, minutely and sparsely, tuberculate, apically bearing a few very minute hairs; thorax slightly wider than eyes; abdomen evenly rounded at the sides, a third longer than the thorax and somewhat broader; edge of the thorax and abdomen f oljaceous.


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