Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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F. R. Cole.
Notes on the dipterous Family Cytridae.
Psyche 30:46-48, 1923.

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46 Psyche [~~ril
Stanford University, California.
In 1919 the writer published a revision of the Cyrtids~ of North America (Trans. American Ent. Soc., XLV, 1-79). There are some mistakes and omissions in this paper which should be corrected and some notes have accumulated on various species of the group.
Eulonchus marginatus 0. S.
There are two specimens of
this apparently rare species in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences, taken at Sobre Vista, Sonoma Co., Cal., May 8 (Kusche).
Ocnaa helluo 0. S. A specimen taken at College Station, Texas, was sent to the writer by Mr. H. J. Reinhard. It is 12.5 mm. in length and answers the original description in most res- pects; it differs in that all the longitudinal veins reach the wing margin. In each wing there is an adventitous cross-vein in cell M-3, one in cell 1st R5 in one wing and one in cell R-1 in both wings (see fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Ocma helluo 0. S., wing.
Acrocera liturata Will. The writer has one specimen taken at Los Gatos, C,al., June 20, 1917. This is a female with very little black at the base of the scutellum. There is more yellow on the abdomen than in the typical description. The species is evidently quite variable in coloration. Length 3 mm. Ps~che 30:46-48 (1023). hup Wpsycht rinclub orgtHrM-046 html


19231 Notes on the Dipterous Family Cyrtidce 47 Acrocera hubbardi Cole. There are several specimens of this species in the collection of the Calif. Acad. of Sciences and most of them are typical. Specimens taken at Crystal Lakes, San Mateo Co., Gal., June 25, 1916 (E. P. Van Duzee) have the scutellum entirely black and less yellow on the abdomen than in the typical specimens; vein R-1 is brown, the rest of the wing veins yellow, including the costa, the membrane hyaline. Other specimens were taken at Sisson, July 25 (E. P. Van Duzee), Santa Cruz, June 8 (Giffard) and Oakland, August, 1905 (E. P. Van Duzee), all in California.
Ogcodes albicinctus Cole new name for 0. marginatus Cole which is preoccupied by 0. marginatus Meigen, a synonym of 0. pallipes Latreille. The length, omitted in the original des- cription, is 4-4.5 mm. A series of specimens received from Mr. B. C. Gain, taken at Brentwood Lodge, Bear Lake Co., Idaho, July 17, 1920, probably belong here but are not quite typical, the pile of the thorax not being unusually long; the femora are yellow on less than the apical third. The genitalia are distinct from 0. costatus, but no males of melampus were available for comparison.
Ogcodes dbiventris Johnson. There is a male specimen in the collection of the Cal. Acad. of Sciences, taken at Livermore, Gal., August 1904 (F. X. Williams). The abdomen is largely white; the first segment of the abdomen has a large basal black spot, separated from the posterior margin by the white border; the second, third and fourth tergites have a narrow, transverse black band at the base and one of about equal size near the posterior margin, a black mark connects the bands on the second and third segments; the fifth segment has a narrow anterior and posterior black margin, the latter interrupted in the middle and not quite reaching the posterior margin. The venter differs from the typical description in having a basal black band on sternites 1,4 and 5, a small round spot on each side on the second and third sternites. The length is 5.25 mm. The sex of the type is not given and the differences in color may be due to a difference in sex.


48 Psyche [~~ril
Ogcodes rufoabdominalis Cole.
The length was omitted in
the original description and should be 4.25-5.5 mm. Specimens of this species were kindly loaned by Mr. McAtee from the col- lection of the U. S. Biological Survey. The black on the abdomen of one male was reduced to a basal triangle on the second, third and fourth tergites, the incisures yellowish; there was a basal blackish brown band on the second sternite. Two males were taken at Bear River, Utah, June 17, 1915 (A. K. Fisher) and one at the same place July 11, 1915 by A. W. Wetmore. One female I make a neotype and describe below.
The black color more suffused, the general color amber, with markings indistinct. Like the male in most res- pects, the wings larger and more infuscated. The squamae faintly infuscated. The tarsi blackish brown. Length 5 mm. Neotype, female, in the collection of the U. S. Biological Survey, taken at the mouth of the Bear River, Utah, July 11, 1915 (A. W. Wetmore).
This species is related to Ogcodes varius Latreille, judging from a specimen of 0. varius in' the writer's collection from the sandy steppes of Hungary.
Ogcodes pallidipennis Loew.
One small specimen, 3 mm. in
length, taken by the writer in Mill Creek Canyon, San Bernar- dino Co. Cal. The specimen was sitting on a rock in the bright sunlight.
The length of Ogcodes borealis Cole and 0. niger Cole was omitted in the original description; it is about 5 mm. in both species.


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