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Psyche 3:431-452, 1880.
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{According to the Dewey decimal Eystem.) [The Index to volume S of Pa che was based upon the Dewey decimal clitSMfication (Amherat, author 1876)) which bad, hofrever, by its auth', been dewloped only to three placo of decimals. For all extensions of the system into greater detail the author OF tlint index was solehh responsilde. In the we of the svstern some errors were cnmmitled, and in its extensicm some i~~con~istences, which have been avoided in the prefent index. The ailthorid rxteiisiwi of the wntem, the pnblitntinn of u-hidl IITO beenexpected ims, f o ~ the last two par? onnnra, dnl not nppm until &totwr 3S85. TI)!; final revision of the following intlcx, naortly in mnnuscript was not therefore po~6ihIe kinti! attar thntdate. This index lift? now bem made to corrv-pnnd, in its d<^~i&, "with the m1v- fcbti'nn; of the Dcvmy (.iecimril ~~la~~itication and relative itidex (Roston Lifhnf BIITMII, IS%), n wnrk indispi'nsibte to ev~~rr powctic'r of 11 Iibrarv, or wnrker with lit~rii~ material. In ntldicim to the ~orrvction of errors at compnrprl with the indm to volnme 2 of P++e, ft. few chaiigea hnvc bad in be made in rrinsequmce of minor cliangca (which are however greatimprowi~iento) in the aathor- h d index kdf. B: Pickman Sfnnn.1
0. GENERAL. insects, 2933, 9985. Glands of insects, 2985. Met- voue system of insects. 1151.1153-1458.2333. Insects
2M:i). Hunt. J. L;,, WSl (2k. 2737). ~unt, k s.' l!l17. Hyntt, J. D., 1736, (1773), (2343). Hyde, lira
lift el ali [psewi,], $4570 (2376, 2877), 3871, 2873 2577. 2878). Lnliof, 2921. Ingersoli, 566 (2-209). LC wschmid. (17B1).
J.wlwn, J., jr.. %UO. JSger. 3903. Jeffre 1634. ~ewrtt, aw. ~oiinson, 2605, 9886. J+. E,' 2105- 2107, Jnlv, N.. -2W. Jonw V.. 0., 2UG), Joneg, W: J., 18%. Joseph, 302R ioiilin, &3). Jous-wb (Ie Bellesnui. f294i)l. (2951 1. fS01:fi. 1746, 1746, 1761,3(K7 (2032). 2031, 3033. 3524, 3525, 9683 (303SÌö Lidth de Jeude. fl580. S'llSl. LieireI. 2323.: hinard, 1747, (2343). Linker, $110, 2174; 23.Q 2931. Livinptone, (7447). Lwkwoud, 1616, 22C. Lonmn. 1742. Lombard. 1617. iMwt~e. (W 13). WlO. .~o&is, .L G. SW>' rfrtrriwn, (-2300)'. ~f^ ky, (l~i"ia), ~ i ~ l . koniUefcrt, 2113. MnplIe:, A., lX1, ~ 1 ~ ~ . Mueller, V. (1563), 163fi-lN1, 16+3, ITt;$Li,.i, (lXi), (1875) 2042-2044, 2541 2631, 251*2iiu. ,3iS(i l. 2sw. l~iip~~pr. It.. 14x2 Lm. ~bertiiiir, Ui'48. ogle, 2711-2718. Oliver 3636, QJ11-371.'l (W:Ki), 371G. Olivier, A., 2114. dlivier, IR. 2.31. Oit~ey 203% Ormerod, (3014). Om?., flh5-l). Osbom, 1770-1.778, 2382 3032, 3075 (8080), Ostw Sacken, $35 (2211), 1838 d834), (!283), 3065. 8076-307R.
P,, R. S., 30516, Pnaren, 1770. Packard, 864
PSrcHE. 485
Nutgalla, 2580. Couhined reduction, 1702, 1711, 2806. Insect ravagea, 1832, 1S76, 2823.
Expenditures in attempting to aitippwss pl~vlloxwa, 1890. Apiculture, 2745, 2863. Sericultuk, 2610, 2755.
34. LAW.
8-44. Martial law. Discipline, 2398.
Government aid to affficultu~e, 3823. French goveriment and ph~lloxera, 1890.
COLLECTIONS: (rf 111. state board agric., 1605; of V, S. nfiticn. mur., 3019.
HISTORY-. oi 111. state 1-ib. nut. hist., 8023; of U. S. dept. agric., 301'7; of U. S. eutom. coinm., 1715, 2204, a-205, 2743, 2F23, BOOS.
~~oc~.rnrs~s: of m. board state hortic. comm., 3023.
FUBL~CATIOKS: Tralte. Ill. dept. agric., 1604; Re t Mug. comes. 111. state hard a re., 1305 (Md)- Kcpf. Stnte eiriom. Tll., 1603 (I&); Quart. re$ Kans state boant agric., 2108; Kept. wttm inuects Lv U. S. depS. qrn-., 1875; &pl. lintom. 'P. S. .
d>pt. agric., (2961); U. S. entom. cnmm. W20; Itibl. won. entm. U. S. entoin. cmm., 2223,' ;-i0i;3; B[~u, V, S. ei~iom. comm., 2208-2208, 3032; Riill. U, 8. geoL aiid qeog. sim. terr., 3209-E[l, 2021). LX~~'-RTAXIKGS: of Lntoni. (SIT. L. 4. depth agric., 2051.
- -
Importance of entomology, 3023.
878. Colleges and. universities.
fo~i~icno~s: of Kansas tiniv., 8021.
PL'~L~ATI~SS: Kept. Cm'nhor mus. South. 111. noimal ind%--, 1WS; Lib. bull. Hurvard univ., SOW).
I'SRBRTAKXKGB: of Bu~sey inst. Harvard tiniv., 8013; of Kansas nniv., 2021; of Leipzig utii~., 3012. 4. PHILOLOGY.
471. Latin orthography. Technical names, 99åÁ 2907 8032.
4 . Malay-~olynesi~ lanmoges. Na-
tive mmea of insects in New Guinea, 1703. 6. NATURAL SCIENCE.
SOB. Periodicals of natural science,
2179, 3199 (2509). Amer. nat., 3013. Ana. rec. fici, mil influet., 1917. Sci. advocate, 0031, TOG. Societies of natural science [see also 5906,595061, 1GS1, B499 (50i)).
His-itiiiv: of Amw. nswc. ntIvi!iic. ad., 3(112 8034; of Awe. frail^. p. I'avanr. d. ECJ., 3023; of thven- port nemd. iiat. pd., 3010 3038; of Soc. erm. nnt. a, plm., 3023; of Sop. mi-.']inn. d. finiwfie~, 3038. ~'I~CEKD~K'GS: of &ad. wi. Par'.$, 3021; of Amw. (usiioc. ndvftnc. aci., 1558, 2069-2076, ii7B7, 2783, 2783; of Assoc. sci. d. France, 2360; Brit. awoc. artvauc. sci., 3362, 2829; of Bufhlo KC. nat. aci; 1701; of Cal. aead. ari., 1930: of So?. gem. iiat. a. pliw 3065;ofInmischia BOi5;nf Linn, snc. Lond., ts0i")'"304ii-~~; of ~itldfeses d. fielfl-club, 18%; nf 5k.ind. i~itui+.-wrsniriml., 2225' of Soc. hell-lit. d, !;'I. not., 2003, 3000; of Soe.
linn. d. Bmx~Sles,
Punt.~c~no~a: 2179: Proc. Dnrenport acad. nat. sci 8023. SOP, d, amis d. sci. rat,, a88'2. &~KRTAKIKGS: of Ottawa fi~id-nnt. club, 3021. 507. Education in nfttttfd science [am
also XXW7].
T~~cliiag vemacrinr names, 3034.
Museumsof 'natural science.
~DU,ECTH~'~S: MU$. romp. XOO]., 1471-W3, 2258, 28:s-2857. MIW. d'lmt. unt. Jicrne, 8012. Mu. d'hist. lint. Rnnen, 2982.
HISTIHSY: Miis. tl'liist. nat. Beme, 8015. Fili-stl. Sciiirarzlturg. nsit.-cab., 3016. Eoy. mus. Stockholm, a*. ,,
I.IRBAMEB: Mus. cnmp. ssool., 2013.
~-XDKHTAK~~~GS: Mu. Cowp. ZOO]., 2268.
509. History of natural science. Pro-
gress, 1917. Theories, 1661.
534:. Acoustics, 1552.
6356. Optical color. In wings of insects, 1810, 2013.
536. Heat. Spontaneous comb)stum of wasps' Sleets 1660.
637. Electricity.
5378. APFLICATIUKB. Silk-reeling, 1484.
548. Analysis. Composition of cocoons,
2802, 2871; of honey, 1635 1578; of lac, 9x3; of ~erretions of il~cct{ W) '1481, 1658, 9939, 2986, 3021, Detection of im ti&& m htinc.~, W1. 547. Organic ohmistry. Bits' WBX, 3007,
8025. Cantliaridin, 2'JIO. Colors of insects, 2284, 2993.
5-1.771. FARAFFIK ACIDS. In inneclg, 80%. 55. GEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL
The geographical dktribatii n of Imta and ani- rnL is laced undm 5819 find 5018, respectively .] 6518 Meteorology, 1943, 3007.
561. Paleontology of plants, 1665-1666
(1650) 171%lTl?l (MSO), 2113, 2793.
564. Paleontology of invertebrates,
565. Palehntology of articulates, 3113,
27!>3, 2961, 2955, (3000).
FOSSIL ISSI-.CTS 591 (2070), 1789 (1727, 1799 2122), 1790, 2113, 2'~ti, 3849 2951, 2963-24).%, 3004 3023, 305, 308.). Cforhi/ertrnt, 1050 IGG6-lCGG 1719, 2952. firtimy. X (5209}, 5~9'(2209) 576 (3210 859 (-fill), " 1788. 9Y52. ~nfcr~lficin~, S60 (3211); +4der, 1677, 2187, 2351, 2065,3065,
6701. Philosophy of biology. Rules of
nomenchture, lflll, 3023, 3173, W20 (2907, SHIS), saw.
5702. Compends of biology Classification of I~iolo~icd subjects, 2035,
5706. Societies of biology.
Pim mnwft'i; Wol. EOC. Wnsh., 3002.
5707. Education in biology. Prizes, 3004. 575.
Evolution, hi47-1643 (1~9, 1718, 1730),
1Wi.J-lMI6 (Ìöi30 1-19). 2617 dm. 2598). W^S. 2703. llodificatitin of planti bv akinuil'! 2053, 2.!38; ii Xi), 3.)50. Xatural selection, 3045, YU5-3, -2174, å´t"13 SXn, 2574. Onwin of species of pinin, 21 13, US6, E.'iiiO. f-icxiinl scilction, 3131,
S7T. Properties of living matter. Nature of pho-ph wsccnre of niiinials. 2067. Conditions attekling ho~p'~o~wcence in lsinpvridaa, 233-3. 57s. Microscopy. 1il03. ACCKMO~ TO) wa-
#us. l-'ornprc~iiiiirin. 2066. Miwornme, l(i10, PTy- ni-nfwn nad mmidk/, 17%. Sro~ioning, 1Gi3. Staining, 1C.13.
SOCTETO-S: Proceedings. Arner. soc. micros., 2314; X. Y. micros, soc., 1772; Queckett micros. cl1111, 1001.
579- Collecting and preserving [object6
of natural history], 2iJ08. Spi.ier-' webs, 1901. In. aecte, 2496. Dipera, 2.335. CMkcff'nq tow;!, 3021, 2951, 2,C5, 3010, 3050, 3006. RWUVC~ of cqlwcs. Cfileop'crfl, 2006, 3010. Lepidop!erona hrvne, 2955. Catofailil, 2301, 388 I,
J~C'T~RIKG. E'cchuvffes, 1786, 294G, 3013-3016, 3013, 3021, 30-23, 3045.
Jf~iivsis f't'r yicc/mens 1814 2586 2789, 2960, 3001, 3011, '30 16, 3019, &, 3033, 30~3, 3085, 3007. ftjierimrw fin- mir Wli 2053, 3x3, 3011, 3024, 803.1, 3044, 3ft45, 30~~'.
APPARATUS. SWi, 8065. Collectin bottle 1774. Light, 1541 (3074).
~~ireadinpboar$, 28d. Um-
~WIIS, 2332,
Guaih 'or sale, 1738-1740, 3941, 8053. Breeding- cqy, Id, 9 1740. Cork, 2623.
ARRANGING, 2335, 3496, -55, 2903.
Cdkts, SlU, 2335, 2023, 2H03. Use of colored gin?' 108L
~ahct& 3051.
COLLECTING. Coleoptera, 1837 1931, 2049 (3003). Diptern, W5. Lepidopterzi, 1985.
AHwhi~. By huffs. Lepidoptera, 1920. å£
li lit. Lfpidoptera, 3541 (30Tti, WSv, By "war, SAG, 2903.
Irt~fti?ng. In~ects, 3513. Coleoptera, 18G9, 2333, 3025. Apidae 3797.
KUlWg, 1771, ISM.
PI?ESEI~VIKR CfiLLECTI&S, 2903. he~t8, 3030. Pscnclm~tiroptera, ISM, 2124. Diptera, 2335. Atti7cLms of mwrumpesft, 1473 '"I.')!.
mvt&nt from it't'tck, 8099. -
Pt'i!ijvgff, 8004, Carbolic acid, 3993. Carbon (lisulphide [CS,], 3091. Hydrocyanic acid [HCST], 2490. Uapbthalin 1678. Petroleum, 1678.
Frwtfs/ion of disture,, 1811.
KetenHim afwiw-f, 1983 3121, 2389, 3953, 2993. 7'ivtisfcr 6f tcnfea of kfhftfttem, 1839. RRA~~IXG, 15W, 1584 (IS15), 1725 (S062), 1751,
1835, 18-19, 1958, 21t3, 2183, å´2W3 2970, 2997, 3016, 3030. SOTS.
~E~:ssroti'riso. Living Iepidoptera, 2912, 2965. 2739 3053. [For references to apecid enem sit. 5811, 5812, 581& 5816, and 5817, uwlur
dI//rre~tt dl.' -- '- '
58113. Nutrition, 2107, 2411, 2475, 2640, 2689,
381 14. Secretion and excretion 2411
2116, 3638, 2W2, 2735. Houey-dew [see .'591144.] Mftiinn, 2626.
Dlijesth secreth, 2340,
Ofim-y'n-aau secretion, 2343, 2403, 2466 (2113), 2681 2735.
&mis aewehn, 24G2, 9698,2717.
h'nccJiarine ~ecretioa, Nectar, 2296 3340 2360 2-82 2398, 2401, 2470, 2476 (2572. 2i0{ 2710 2741: 2751h 2477, 2481, 2497, 2557,549, -2Q75, 2W$, 8725, 2943.
58115. Variation, 2530. Phaseolus, 2890, 97GS
5.WSS. Bv bds, 2377, 2102, 2748.
58116. keneration, 1666, 2369. Funs'],
581 18. Nervous functions and sensa-
tlmis 2.201 2369. 2877, a81 (27071, 3771. 581'19. 'other functions. Movement, 3677, 2631,
1WS (1714) 3.365, 3065.
681 21&8124. Welfare of nlants.
Geranium 3138 (2619). Salvia, 2434, Ophrp, 2491.) Ruacua, 2363.
Fevtii/sdic~n by bird#. Impatiens, 1590. Tecoma, 23W, 27iU. Sulvia, 2434, 2739.
Ftrrilfza-lim lilt insects. 1707. 178% 195-2. 9043. 68125-58128. Ills of plants.
Deformation of plants. .By galls, 1663,
1554 (1532),1673,1GS9, 2580, 288.3, 2733, Wl, 3W9 30S2. l'ktaci~, 2027 (-23'JS), 2031. ~+vrmiico&'. WG5, 3NG. A~nbmia 3078. Artemi~iti 3V8, Sdi- <lam), 2494, 3078. ~!m& !(ii6 (2US2). ~d'ercu-s 2221. betcrioraition of tilants. j-~u imtct-ievt~iza- 2!$ 2!17$, Sox; BOOG,BUUS,'~W~% 3030,' 80k2,' 0073'. Aqi~~Iecia~ 2.333. DclpHhiiim., 24-57. Liiinilen<iron, 1373, 3071. Nymi~llfie-I, 2503, 2W. S,irracmia, 2722. llicentra, W4T. linissim, 1GL3, 1SG1. Viola, 2-294. Lydini?, 274%. Silene, 37.18. Porf~lln- a, 30.45. Gosynum, 1844, 3875, Ffflfj, 22X, 30'23. ~3 J ilin, . 1989. Lai-IW, J930. 'YO awlurn 2333, 2925. Iinpatjem, 2473. D~cfnin~~~~~ 1477, ,149~~ 299 1. Z.inthmrlnm, 1496. 2991. l'k~h. 39-18. citi 118. 7 - .
Snliflagu, 2024, 8075. hmhrosin, 2613, '29~8,' 3078. A'rtwnki~i, 3078. Taraxncum, IS J1. l~I~nnLn~a, 307.3. L'rimuin, 3681. byritign, 2988. lFi'axinim, 1773. Lip:iii.! nim, 1912. I~wmocii, 2059 2949. Sfilanurn, Wl, 23fl6, 80% Lycopes-~iriini, li-52. Xicotinna. Y 37. l'etuuia. 2696. Scio~iliulnrifi. 3971. fierait!!!i, '18>1,2489. ~e"diculari?, 2692. 'recoma, å£791 Satvia, 3366, 3657 (3705), 396: 276K 2918. I:urnex, 29%. Sqrentliw, 3ff-ifi. Aii-tolocliia, S8.)4. llicinna, 14W. I'Sinna, 1G16 (?OM), 20-24,25BG, BOSS. t.'vWf, BfW. hmiilu~. SOaL Car>*, 9170, 2821, 2977. Jnhns, 1G3. Bet111 ,I, 8035. Corvlns 1803 Qncfcua, 1779, 1868, MOD, 3103, 2221, 3'80.1,' 8330, 2GS3. Mix 2131, 33');'. l'opiil~is DOC, 507. PI~~B, lB(i3, 4946. Abies, 2097,2719, 3668. Lark, im Orct~idene, 3867. Qwana, 3040. Diacne~ia, $080. Snbnl, 239. Brauiii~~ic, å£330 Spflriina, 2%l. fin3 162.1 (1608), å£095 2585. Oryra, 233;. Fungi, 2321,2356, 2403.
4 38 PSYCHE.
Immature forms, 1659 (1660), 1894. Ei~tomoph- thorn {Empuen, Tariciiinrn), 1656.
Galla and bndg, 1661 (1633). Flowers, 2113. Orchids, a089==2367.
Folii nectar glands, 3472.
58158. Capture of animals by plants
for food, 3347, 2407.
f i t hnrrs. Ssrraconia, 28&-2598 (3599) 6T9 (2G95), 241: (3-H2), 2413 [2418), 3676.9684, 272;. Darling- tom:^, 3 3W, 23ti-t. Ltrwera, 1714, ZGEU, 3729. Uion- am, 2729. Utriculnna, S301. Is'epntlies, 2738. Parasitism. Fnnri. 3185. å´2SW 2948. En- tnti~n~l~tl~cirn=l~m~u~a~~~r^n<lo~~~n~~, 1G56 (23% 1831, 2087, SOW. Hemilcia, 14G1. S-phncila, US-3; Cord vwpu, liJ37, 3tI23. Torrtiltia, 251, Inma, ~G<!~(JSS~). 301!i). faiipole~nia, 1891. Homiisc~~irn, 1659 (1634, IW'iO, 2Wi;, 2nfld). lhl2.T936. 6h154. Seasons. liiisew, 23>3.
JOlrhoymy, 2,334, 2.m. C(in-d~~;is, 2421. Cyna- reae, 377 L
Sdktinl liu~, 2431.' Sciophularia, 2620. Ari.-sto'oriiia, 24;S. 2.tS9.
II'tbpmntk HiX.
5S156. UreerIing habits, 3369, 2475, 3548, 2733. Ei~UHnoplitliom, MSG. [See dm 58121- 5S124. Fertilization of plants.]
581 57. Moans of self-nretervation. 1668. 1732, ?Oil, 2044,2XO, 3383,24h, å´zw<; 2043. 'u~XL zatiim of nectar, 2-175 (2710, 2731).
58159. Other relations of plants to the
surrou1icHng world.
A^tiwiIffm%. 2735.
AttracLkenfssi tu auimaia, 2475. Attractirenets to insects, 1528, 23(i8,%42,2S81, 27%. Sarracwia, 2684. Coronil!;!, 22 jfl. l)rowm, 38-28. Dionom, 2023. Omcitliara, 1S12. 'i'Maiiritia, 2466. Cat*) Diltwii, 1812, Ariettllocliiii, 2.92. PO~II~;, 2-15 Amornhonhallua. 3339. It& 3042. å´WU WM. 6818. ECONOMIC HOTAMT.
58161. Usefulness of plants [for Use in
useful arts, see 61.- Sclerotium, 2184.
681432. Usefulness la nature. As natural checfat. Euculyptua, 1966. Fangi, 165G (2325), 2096, 2185, 3747.
58163. Direct usefulness.
58164. Usdfplnew In arts an$ corn-
mere@. Etiphorbm, 3823. or s^h-wom.
Qwrcw, NR4. ,h ~ns~ctia%?k~~vsnnthen~~tm, 1480, 385. P-phriim, 1480, 1690, 18 it, Siiiffl, ZiX, 2813 -885. W28. Lycnpersic~m 3580,
1K08, ~icoiha, 1SU. Nerium, 1614, k~iaius, SOil. Veraftrum, 3807. At is'ieciip̤ ["iwct- ifw'es"]. ()iinseia, 2390. As ivssc~itrnch [baits]. Ocnothera, 18I2 Untiira, 1812,
68168. .Noxiousness of plants to Uv-
in" plants. T< ibft'ctt, Hemilein 1461.
Noxiousness to living animals. '
To Ami. Di:itii'Jsi, 2717. Asckpia?, 1574, 2510, El?. Tritomii, 2741. Fungi, 1677, 3771. 1913. Anatomy of &gle forms, 3407. Pariiassia, 2856. Orchiileae, 2417. Bonutea, 3215.
681 78. Anatomy of leaves.
58174. Anatomy of glands. Nectar glands, SSi-8, 24T5, 2477, 3-18 l.%cia, 2401 3834. Snmbucus, 2497. Cletlira, 2343. Catalna. 2735. Melamrivrum, ."
2-154. ~0puln6, 2473. "
58176, Anatomy of flowers, 1709, 3113,
211)3,3Wti, 24U7,%438, 2455,9645, 3W1. Delphinium, 2457. Plimarineeae, 3135. Viola 2352, 2423, 3346. Sfwina. 2746. Linnm. ESS7Z fh874k. U~~aninin. EM, Gmi-ita, 242.8. %eriicqo; 3130. Lotus, 329f (2-t-23). 1ndtgofer.1, 2429. Pninas,sii~, 2365, Klwxia, 251fi. Cereiic, 2 161. Po~oqneria =Martha. 2?~ii, '2S-22. Jwime, 2761. Ct~m~iainilrt, 27G1. Rhinio- d(i~~(lron %)I. ScI~izanth!is, 2451. Linarifl, dfi8B. . ~i~italis, k(i. Nimiilns, 2346. Sctopiinlnrh, '2406. Sii l riii, 2434. Viiies, 2830. Asclepiadnccae, W39. $tiipdift, 2726. l'nimoriaria, 27GG. Svringa, 2140. C'wranea, WM. Arum, 2361 (3490). Orcliideae, 2378-2379 (2357), 2742. Epi pogi~lll, 2480. Bonitteit, NbO. Disa, 3479. Yucca. 2393.
Anthers, C1cthra, 2346. '
I'iilUv.. 2268, 2643.
^lumens, 2771. Portulaca, 2369. Stapelia, 2681 (!$, 2737).
a81 79.
~natorn~ of other strnctures.
Protw&ne rich in protoplasm, 2543,2640.
Alpine plants, 2176 (2379, 2700,
.'"i~l&A. Flora of ~urok Great Britain,
286G, 2:ri?, 2333. England. B631. Germany, 3568, 2703. Vrxnc~. lli5G. 2038 93fl2. 2552. Switzerland. . .
asa. ro~tt~~i, 2x15.
5819.5. Flora, of Asia, 3699. India, 197'1, 21% Crvlon U G J . China; 3103.
kiora of A-fricd, 2080, 2215, 2479,
3482-2484. Kata!, 2.396. lladflfrascar, 2400.
58197. flora of North America, 3058,
3094. Jamaica, 2439. Arizona. 1930. Cnlifom, 2299. 9340.2364.
58198.' Flora of South America. Bra-
zil, 1767, 2012, 3044, 2541, 2543, 2556, 2573, 2022, f>R{.ifl
58199. Flora of Ommica. New Zealand,
lW, 1969, 2349, 2360. 5535. Kerguelen I., 2041. Chatham I., 2197.
[Unttm 583-589, no reference is made to the numerous pwcra nlready referred to under 881.1 59, ZOOLOGY.
6005. PerIoAlcaXs of zoology. 2001.
aiizei r, 2943.
59%. Societies of zoolo
HISTORY: 2001, inns. ~Oni~bak, 3016. Zool. sor. Lond.. SOIL
l'rtf~c&i~~a: 2001. soc. Lond., 3100.
USOT~~TAKIXO~: Sue. d'fitude~ zooL, 8008. 501 1. AMTMAL PHYSIOLOQY.
[nsecta, 1667,2943 (2916).
5911 1. Circnifttlon. Hydrophilw, 2970.
Dipterous Iarvfie, H13,2283.
Emgin- of wesir.
dnys, Malachiti?, 2339.
59112. Respiration. 2939. Insects 1619,
304!i. Ctenophora. -2W. Tmypus, 3046. Armma, 2951. Heuperia. :i040,
Eva '~intvw iifqyiembges. Inaecta, 3019. 59113. Nutrition. Lirno~jua, 1975. Cab
Volume 3 table of contents