Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 418.
Psyche 3:418-430, 1880.

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Authors and societies are requested to forward their works to the editors as soon (is å´published
The date of å´publication given in brackets [I, marks the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier date of 'publication is known to recorder or editor. Unless otherwise stated each record is made directly from the work that is noticed. A colon after initial designates the most common given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Ben- jamin; C: Charles; D: David; E: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry; I: Isaac; J: John; K: Karl; L: Louis; M: Mark; N: Nicholas; 0: Otto; P: Peter; R: Richard: S: Samuel; T: Thomas; W: William. The initials at the end I$ each record, or note, are those of the recorder.
Corrections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. Claypole, E : Waller.
The scientific names
of insects. (Can. entom, April 1879, v.
11, D. 61-64.)
. . . ,
Crit. rev. of G: D. Hulst's article with same title (Can. enturn., Feh. 1879, v. II, p. 32-25) [Rec., qzo]. Hulst's statement that "A feminine name must not he joined to a masculine noun" is attacked, and citations from classical Latin authors and of the usage of the Latin and Romauce langua es are given to show that 'We have therefore abuufant classical authority Jbr linking' nouns of different genders in apposition in the same name." G: D. (2997)
Devereaux, Willard Loomis. Captures of
noci'nidae at Clyde, Wayne CO., N. Y.
(Can. entom., June 1879, v. I I, p. 105-1 10.) List of noctuidae, principally taken at sugar, with notes as regards rarity and date of capture; to this is added a list of coleoptei-a seen at sugar, and it is noted that hyia versicolor and bufo amwicanns attend the hait to capture insects. G: D. (2708)
Edwards, W : H : [Correction.]
(Can. en-
tom., Apr. 1879, v. 1 I, p. 79-80.)
Correction of the author's "Descriptions of new species of butterflies collected by Mr. H. K. Morrison" . . . [Rec. 29101. G: D. ( 2 ~ )
Edwards, W: H : Descriptions of new
species of butterflies collected by Mr. H. K. Morrison, in Nevada, 1878; also, Re-
marks on some errors of synonymy and
arrangement. (Can. entoin., March 1879,
v. 11, p. 49-56.'
Correction, by W : H : Edwards. (Can.
entom., Apr. 1879, v. n, p. 79-80.)
Describes three new species of butterflies, argynmc Zaura, satyrusfizdm, and pholisora ortcus, 'sill from Nevada; notes on the synonymy and grouping of certiiin North American species of urgynn~s. G: D. (310)
Edwards, W: H: Descriptions of new
species ofNorth American butterflies ; also, Notes upon certain species. (Can. en-
torn., May 1879, v. 11, p. 81-89.)
Describes argynnis hijpolyta (Oreg. and Cal.), a. chitone (Utah and Ariz.), and anthocharis stella (Nev. and Cal.1, n. sp. of diurnal lepidoptera; gives synony- mica1 and descriptive notes on argynnis nztocris,jafi' lio hairdii, p. asteroides (Reakirt, nec Strecker) and on antkochurik thoosa. G: D. (2911)
Edwards, W: H :
Notes upon the prepar-
atory stages of certain species of butter- flies. No. I. (Can. entom., July 1879, v. 11, p. 127-131.)
Describes larva and chrysalis of eresia texana, the chrysalis of phyciodes vesia, and the egg, larva and chrysalis of melitma baron;' directions how to pack eggs and larvae of butterflies for sending' hy mail. G: D. (2912)
Grey, Robert Melrose. Remarks, critical and suggestive, on the genus limenitis east of the Mississippi. (Can. entom., Jan. 1879, v. II, p. 16-17.)
Rev., by A : R. Gi-ote. (Can. entorn.,
Feb. 1879, v. 11, p. 40.) [Rec., 2917.1
Believes that iinzenitis ~rsula, 1. disip@6s, and /. proser$hta "art; plastic forms of one species"; notes on colowtion:il variations sometimes occurring in the first two species.
G: D. (2911)
Grote, A : Radcliffe.
[Bibliographical record
of Psyche.] (Can. entom., Apr. 1879, v.
11, p. 79.)
Objects "to the interjectional criticisms in the Bihlio. graphical record of Psyche," with especial reference to the note of Rec. 1101, and adds, "In the present case tin- criticism is essentis-ill hasty and bad, but, if mv friendly advice to avoicfsuch matters in future he t~ikei, I think it will not prove entirely unfortun;ite for the publishers of Psyche." G: D. (2914)


Hulat, G: Dtiryea. [Correction.] (Can.
entom., Apr. 1879, v. I I, p. 80.)
Cnrrcetinn o[ theauthor's "The scientific names of insccis" (01. rit., Fell. 5379, p. 22 3) ['Ret., G: T'~&~
Hulst, G: Buryea.
The scientific names of
(Can. entoin., Feb. 1879, v. it, p.
Crit. rev.. by E : W. Claypole, with same title. (Csin-entoin., Apr. 1879, v. 11. p. 61 -64.)
Correction, by G: D. Hulst. (Can. en-
torn., Apr. 1879, v. n, p. 80 )
Ail appeal to eiltonloio~isis in use more correct Lxtin in constructing- scient~fif; niitllts 01 insects, and numinous names clin-sen ti) il1itstr:ite iiie diffeient pniiita discussed, G: I>. (van)
Irnhof, Othinnr Elnil.
Beitriige zur Anato-
mie der feria maxima Scopoli. In-
aug~irai-dissertation. - . Universitit Zurich. Aaraii. 1881.
t.-p. cover. 41 p., 2 double
pi.. 23 X 16, t 16.1; X 10.4.
Notice, by H. A. Hagen. (2001. Jnhresber. F 1881. iS82. Abtheil. 2, p. 126.)
Anatomy tbf the ccntnil nervnns system, digestive tract ~iid systuni nf peria ma.rima, with cqieci:+! matice nf the qg ltnd it-s Ai'tictnre. ^?; D, (vj) Iiintner, Joseph Albert.
Desicription of a
new species of anisofa. (Can. entoin..
Jan. 1879, v- it, p. ro-12.)
Destrihe~ ami.wtii ii-in n. ap., from Rarine, Wise. G: D. (29:14)
MacLeod, Julei;.
Notice sur I'appnreil veni-
meux des aran4ides.
(Arch. de biol., 1880.
v- 1, p. 573-582, pl- 24.)
Separate. [Gand, iSSo.] t.-p. cover: 10
p., pf-24, 24 X 16. t 17 x 9.7.
Abstract, entitled, "The poison appara-
tus of spiders." Amer. nat.. March [z4
Feb.] 18Si, v. 15, p. 236,)
Abstract. (2001. fahresber. f. 1880, 1881, ahth. 2, p. &Q.) -
Abstract. (Bericht. . . der Entomologie
. . . 1880. 1882. p. ,;8.)
Au~itnm and liistolog of poistm.glands of spiders, il tiistra~ed fiy those d$&mth, min'piha, fegmiiria chbi'am, and ngefeitfi. G: D. (,qis)'
Patton, W : Hainpton.
On certain hvmeno-
ptera. (Cnn. entoin., Jan. 1879, v. 3 I, p. 12--m.)
Attastus liastluris devours inher insects; compares its habits- with those of 0th~~ predacenns saw-flies as. tphnervt-cl in Eiarnpe; reseiffhlancef~fmandibles nf {rth~t- fi~s ta, tlinse or cifludeta- distinguisliilig chnracters of it. bnsilwis and a. ~t/iiat,- description of fen~aie of r~ hy^/'in mtfem~fflto a̤( EI note on its parasite, &iw Jfnmidff. G: A (TQJSf,)


Patton, W : Hampton. Descriptions of sev- eral new pyactotruptdae and chrysidtdae. (Can. entom., Apr. 1879, v. 11, p. 64-68, Patton, W: Hampton. Notes on three spe-
cies of xyZoco$a, (Can. entom., March
1879, V. 11, p. 60.)
Gives synonymy of xylffco/u wic~ns; describes X. vor'fpvttcto
a new a ecicu from Arizonn, and nolcs
that ,r./~ffina*a hus been found in California. G: D. (itgas)
Pott, Karl Friedrich Robert. Vergleichende Untersiichung lilies' die Mengenverhiiltnisse der durch Respiratioh und Perspiration aus- geschiedenen KohknsEure bei verschiede-
net? Thierspecie~ in gleichen ZeitrSumen nebst einigen Versuchen iiber KohIensiiure- a
ausscheidnng deesetben Thieres nnter ver- schiedeiien physiotogiechen Bedingungen. Hnbilitationsschrift.. .Umiversitiit Jena. Je- nn, 1871;. t.-~., dedic. p., 88 p., 22 X 14, t 16 Reichenau, Wilhelm. Beitriige zur Biologic iind Psychologie. r. Ueber die Erschei-
nungen individueller und ererbter Erfahr- ung. (Entom. Nachrichten, I April 3879,
Jahrg. 5, P- 93-95.)
Exemplific~tion of results of supposed hereditary ex periftnce in insects tontrasted with results of ex fcrience OF individnat insects, G: .& (3930)
fleichenau, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur Biotogie rind Psychdogie. 2, Ver~niechtes : Wit-
terungs- odcr Bodeiieinflufis. Webewinter- ung und Mordraupen bei Schmetterlingen.
(Entom. Nachrichten. I June 1879, Jahrg. 59 11- 137439.1
Variations of coloration due tn ternpernture and innis- ture in b60ran1a crepuscitlan" AibernUt Zcucoflasaria, @in tan /"p we&?em and pieris rfipae' liiber- nation of ro{ftå£t>wi vtdiwfnsa i1nt1 tnncm^f>sso st& iafnritm. oflccii between books in the 1ibr.i~ of the rnuseum'at Mainz; mpdltinn, in wrlv Bprin* uf iepi. doptcril thftt ~nve liilwrmted; viiriftus ~,-~Kio~tc~l= liirv.te that kill and e:it Innnt* of their own nr othr sp~cics. G. D. (soy)
Saimdera, W: E. [PqVlio thoas.] (Can.
entom., June 1879, v. 1 I, p. 120.)
Notes the occurrence of pa {{io thoas at Toronto, Canada, II 1879, and thinks this early appearance of tlic butterfly indicates that it is doublc.brooded there. G: å£ (2g3a)
Siewer~, C : Godfrey. The tails of cdi-
mur$ha iitterru#omarginaia f . (Can.
entom., March 199, v. 11, p. 47-48, fig. 12.) Brid description of a pair vf evaginnble hairy appen- dn es, one on each side, near the anus of the male of cafiiJitorpha tuffrnt trfworf'nsfa; literature of some similar nr ans In "ttm jepitioptera; rep.rd9 &em as aiding In $ight.
G: Ìö (Z933)
Sprague, Frank Headley.
Notes from Wol-
Iftston, Mass. (Can. en tom., March 1879, v. 11, p. 46-47.)
. Reprint. {of.cit.,May 1880, v. 12.p.
loo.) [Rec., 2004.1
Records captiires of colias enrythumr, linttniiis arthe- fat's and janonia cmift.
G: B. 1%)
Wedlly, Alfred. Silk-producing and other bofiliyccs reared in 1881. Part 2. (Journ. soc. arts, 31 March 1881, v. 30, p. 537528, 54 cm.1
Reprinted in a separate entitled "Silk-producing barn- byces and other lepidoptern reared in 18Si" Rec., q@j, 4irh nee for fides.
: D. (2~5)
Wdlly, Alfred. silk-producing and other
Sotdiyces reared in 1881. Part 3 (Journ. soc. arts. 7 Apr. 1882; r. 30, p. 544-546, 94 cm. )
Reprinted in a separate entitled
byces am1 other lepidopter;! reared
whi'fh see for notes.
Way, Alfred. Silk-producing Siombyces
and other Iepidoptera reared in 1881.
I. ]
(Journ, KOC. arts, 10 Mar. 1882, v. 30,
p. 447-450, 123 cm.)
Re rinted in a separate of the sfune title Rec., ~93S]~ \v!tich seff/ir notes. : D. ->


Weber, Max. Ueber eine Cyanwasserstoff-
s5ui-e-bsreitende Driise. (Archiv f. mikros. Anat., 1882, bd. 21, heft 3. p. 468-475, pi. 24.1
Notice. (Psyche, Aug. 1882 [IS Jan.
18831, v. 3, p. 583, 2 cm.)
The secretion of the ghinds in connection with the foramina ~ejugnatoria of a species of myriapod, genus fontana, contains liydrocyanic acid (HCNj. G: D. 3939)
Wolff, R.
Ueber die ~iinwandlung des Can-
tharidins in den Canthariden. (Archiv
der Pharni., Jan. 1877, jahrg. 56, bd. 210, 3te reihe, bd. 10, p. 22-30.)
Engl. abst. (New remedies, Apr. 1877.
v. 6, p. 1x3.)
Experiments on the changes undergone by cantl~ari- din in Zytta aspersa when moisture is present; these changes attributed to presence of ammonia, since mois- ture aloue does not alter cantharidin; results of some study of the properties of nitrogen- omp pounds of can- thuridin. G: D. (2940)
Bibliographical Record of Contents of Volume three of psyche.
Austin, E : Payson.
Natural history agency.
(Psyche. Jan.-Oct. 1880, v. 3, p. 12, 24, 26, 50, 62, 74, 86. 98, 110, 122, each 4 cm.) Advertisement. G: B. (2041)
Ba,rnes, W:, secretary pro tern,, see CAMBRIDGE en- tn~nol~igiciil clnb [ Rec. 3i;i;l.
Biblio raphical record, see [MANN, B : Pickm:ui, d.1 HibliosraPliicril record [Rec., 30571. Bowles, G: H., secretary, see ENTOMOLOGICAL so ciety of Ontario.: Montreal bmmh [Rec., 30301. [Brooklyn entomological society.] For
sale. (Psyche. May [9 July] 1880. v. 3, p. 72, 3 cm.)
Advertisement of J: Id. Leconte's "Synopsis of the N. A. species of ftlnf-y;z/~.s". . . for sale. B: P. fv. (2942)
Burgess, E : Recent studies in insect ana- tomy.
Third annual address of the presi-
dent. (Psyche. Mar. [I May] 1880. v. 3.
p. 27-43, 568 cm.)
Notice. (Amer. entom., June 1880, v.
3, n. s., v. 1,p. 147~3 cm.)
Address delivered 9 Tan. 1880, as retiring president of the Cambrid~e entoinolog'iciil dull, g'iving a review of the works relating to insect iinntomy rind physiology, published iln-ring 1878 and 1879. G: D. (294.3) ["Cambridge entomological club.] Acknowl- edgments. (Psyche. 1880. v. 3 : [22] Jan., p. 2, 4 cm. ; Feb. [6 Mch.], p. 14. 3 cin.) AcknowIidgnients of receipts of contributions to permanent publication fund of Psyche. G: D. (2944) Cambii'ige entomological club. (Psyche,
Feb. [6 Mch.] 1880, v. 3, p. 20, 18 cm.) Minutes of annual and monthly meeting of Cam- bridge entomological club, g Jan. 1880, by the secretary (B: P. Mann) ; annual reports for 1879; election of officers for 1880, -Ft: P. (2945)
Cambridge entomological club. (Psyche,
June [13 Aug.J 1880, v. 3, p. 77. 27 cm.) Minutes of monthly meetings of Casnbrida'e entomo- loyiciil club, ~eb.-~tine 1880, by the secretary (B : P. Mann); abstract of communications made.
B: P. M. (2946)
Cambridge entornolog-ical club. (Psyche, Dec. 1880 [IS May 18811, v. 3, p. 150, 6 cni.) Minutes of monthly meeting of Cambridge entomo- logical club, 8 Oct. 1880, by the secretary (B : P. Mtinn) ; occurrence of an undetermined household pest near Boston (by H. A. Hagen).
B: P. M.
Cambridge entomological club. (Psyche,
Jan. [27 June] 1881, v. 3, p. 162, 26 cm.) Minutes of monthly meeting of Cambridge entomo- ogiciil club, 12 Nov.' ISSO, [by the secretary (B: P. Mann)] ; election nf members ;'abstract of comin~~nic:i- tions m:ide. B: P. M. (2948)
Cambridge entomological club. (Psyche,
Mch. [25 Julyl 1881, v. 3, p. 186, 16 cm.) Minutes of monthly meeting of Cambridge entomo- logical club, 10 Dec. 1880 [by the secretary (B : P. Mann) 1 ; abstract of coinmnn~c:~tions made. B: p. x. (2949)
Cambridge entomological club. (Psyche.
}ul.-Sep. 1881 [7 Mch. 18821, v. 3, p. 245. 22 cm.)
Minutes of annual xnd monthly meeting' of Cani- bridoe entomolooical club, 14 Tan. 1881, and in part of mnnhlv meetin? 1 I Feb. i8Si"[bv the secretary (B : P. Miinn) 1 ; annurt?'reports for 1880; election of officers for 1881 ; election of members; notice of death of E. C : Prentiss. 23: P. M. (2950)


Cambridge entomological club. (Psyche,
Oct.-Dec. 1881 [7 Apr. 1884, v. 3, p. 277- 279, 86 cm.)
Minutes of monthly meetin s of Cambrid
logbml d~ib, ??&.-May and &t.-Dec. ISSX ye^^?^ retnric-3 (I3 : P, Mann and W: Treltiase); abstract of mrnmunii-':itiona made; election of "V^: Trelewe as secretary. B: P, fq.7)
Cambridge entomological club. (Psyche,
Mc11.-Apr. [24 June] 1882, v. 3, p. 328. 24 cm.)
Minutes of monthly meeting of Cmbrid e entorno* 10g:c~l ciub, 9 mc. rnnc~uded~, mfoi annual an0 monthly meeting', $3 $an. i8Sa [by the secrctiiry (IT. Tit^ease)]+ ~ibstroct of communications made- election of officer!, for i$%; thanks voted to B: P'. Msinn for ssrvices as secretary and trmsurcr. B: P. M. (2053.)
Cambridge entomological club. (Psyche,
July [t6Dec,fi1882, v.*3, p- 369, 17 cm.) Minutes of monthly meetia of Cambridge enhft1o- logical dub, 10 Fcb. and 10 Mcb. iSSa [hy the secretary (W: Trclease)] ' a-bstmct of communications made; A. P. ~li~ldbonrh elected a member; constitution and bylnws amended. S: P. AT. (W
Cambridge en toinological club. (P~yche, Sept.-Oct. 1882 [I Mch. 18841, v. 3, p. 402, 14 cm. j
Minutes of monthly meetin
of Cambridge cntornft-
lo ical club, i Apr.
[by the secretary jm tern. (R.
HrLVwarcij1 ; abstract of corn~imaicationa made. E: P. JW. (2q.4)
Cambridge entomological club. (Psyche,
Nov.+Dec. 1882 [-iSSs], V. 3, p. 414-417, 21ocm.)
Minutes of monthly meetin s of Cambrid e en- toinnlogiml club, Ma
und &.-~ec. iBSa [by the
sicretiiry ro tm. for May (w: Bnrnes) in<! the seen;. tar? (G: Dinimwk)~ ; s~>strrtct ofcornmwicntions made. 3: P. M (29%)
Chamberm, Vactor Tousey. Further notes
on some tineid larvae. (Psyche, Nov.
1880 [22 Mar. 18811, v. , p. I~S-W, gS
; c . 18% [IS May I&], v. 3, p.. 147-
149,9^ cm.)
Extract, with notice, by S: Lockwood,
entitled, "Mussel and insect climbers."
{Arner. nat., Sept. [23 Aug.] rSSt, v. 11;- p. 737.)
Notes on the life-history of species bclon in^ to the genera phyllocnistis, nepiscuia, aq+idiscn auu <tw/i.<pi/a. G: D. (m)
Chambers, Vactor Tonsey. Nepticulu å´pie fiatella, n. sp. (Psyche, 0ct.-Dec. 1881 [7 Apr. t88a], v. 3, p. 276, q an.)
Describes nepticnh pt&zw/fu n. s of wliicli the ~ i i r v i ~ hi~tory was given in author's "Further notes on some tineid larvae" (Psyche, Nov.-Dec. 1880 v. 3, p. Wi 147) 1 RW-, 20561.
G: ff. (2057)
~hamber8,Vactor Tousey. Notes upon some
tineid larvae.
(Psyche, May [g Jtily] 1880,
v. 3, p. 63-68, 177 cm., fig.)
Dcseriptiniis of the life-histnv of several s eties of t iwttffw. G: J WS)
daypole, E : Waller.
On a larva boring
the leaf-stalks of the buckeye, aesculus gin- bra, in Ohio. (Psyche, July [16 Dec.]
r882, v. 3, p. 364-367, no cm.)
Lifehistory of stegmofl cha daypeleann and Coin- parfaon of its habits ivith k of prohiera\ at&cdff- ftm. G: D.
Comatock,] : H : Cocridae wanted. (Psyche, 1880-1882, v. 3, p, 120, I a, 144, 156, 168, ih, 192, 204, 2x6, 228, 260, 292, 304, 316, 33^i 343, 35% 362, 374' 38%
4 cm.)
Advertiiement. B: P.M. (e)
Cook, Albert J: Foreign honey bees.
(Psyche, Apr. [IS Aug.] 1881, v. 3, p. 197- 198, 56 cm.1
Notes on honey-bees of Cyprus. Syria Cevlon and
Java. k: 1). (*I)
Cook, Albert J : Insects in winter. (Psyche, March [25 July] 1881, v, 3, p. 183-185, 103 cm.)
Discussion of hibernation in insects, and especial1 of thephysiological condition of honey-bees (a iv melt/fm) in winter. $.' D. ~si)
Correotiana. (Psyche, Dec. 1880 [13 Mfty 18S11, v. 3, p. 155, 35 cm.1
Corrections of errors detected in Paycht for -in NOV 1% v. 3, p. 1.144. B: P. L &j
Dimmock, Anna Katherina [Hofrnann], wi/e of G :
Asymmetry of the nervous system
in the larva of harpfin. (Psyche, May
[ig Aug.] 1882, v. 3, p. 340-341, 51 cm-. fig. 6.1
Notice, by Pati1 Mayer. (2ooL Jahresber. f. 1882, 1883, abtbei!. 2, p. 145.)
Ahstr. (Jonrn. Roy. micros. soc., Feb.
1883, a. 2, v. 3, p. 46-47.)
Sliows that the coinmissu~es connecting tilt- first and &econd thorsicic pnglirt of hafpyia vihtilfi arc partly uiiited, and turn tothe left tn sivoid the duct of 11 gland; ficnr~~ thew putts. S: P. Sf. (21)64)
Dimmook, G :
Alphabetic index to Peyche,
vol. 3. (Psyche, Nov.-Dec. 1882 [-
1835J, v. 3, p. - .) [not seen.]

Volume 3 table of contents