Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 414.
Psyche 3:414-417, 1880.

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Commzinications, exchanges and editors* copies should beaddressed to EDITORS OF PSYCHE, Cam. bridge, Mass. Cov~.nzz~?zications for publication in PSI CHE must be properly authenticated', and no anony mous articles will bepziblished.
Editors and contributors are only responsible for the statements made in their own communications. Works on subjects not related to entomology will not be reviewed in PSYCHE.
For rates of subscription ond of ad-vertisinfr, see ad- uertising columns.
In closing the third volume of PSYCHE
with this double numero and the indexes
whichaccompany it, the editors certainly owe an apology to the subscribers who have
waited over two years for the completion of the volume. The making of the Systematic index could not be carried to any consider- able extent before the index to volume two was published. as the decimal classification of subjects in that volume was to be used as a basis for the classification in the present index. Causes similar to those which de- layed the issue of the index to volume two also prevailed to some extent in the present case, but it is expected that the index to vol- ume four will be prepared soon after the com- pletion of the volume.
As was foreseen when volume three was
begun, the form of recording then adopted for PSYCHE has enabled the editors to fur- nish record of more articles in this volume than were recorded in volumes oneand two combined, viz., 1854 paragraphs, whereas volume one contained 711; and volun~e two 731 paragraphs. As in the earlier volun~es, the index pages, though very elaborate and costly, are nearly all given in excess of the regular number of pages due to subscribers. The indexes are furnished only to subscribers to the whole volume, or for an extra charge of one dollar to subscribers for less than a volume.
After the issue of this numero the price of volume three of PSYCHE, either in ordinary form or printed on one side of the sheet, will be five dollars, the same price as is charged for volume four, or two copies, one in each form, for six dollars; and after the small supply of broken sets of the volume is
exhausted, only the complete volumes will be obtainable from the publisher.
G: D.
( Continiitid from p. 4oa.)
12 MAY 1882~85th meeting. Col. T. W.
Higginson. of Cambridge, Mass., and Mr.
Leland 0. Howard, of Washington, D. C.
were elected active members of the Club. Dr. H. A. Hagen exhibited slides of the
female genitalia in Clo/h//Za (a psocid), and Prodoxus decifiws (a tineid), <bowing the peculiar organs on the vesicula sefniiialis, whose probable function is to open the sper- inatophorei,. Dr. Hagen showed plates illus- trating these organs.
In ClotIt/llii this organ
is a horny plate with teeth to open sperma- tophores and holes at the base of the teeth to let in spermatozoa. He mentioned the
fact that, in Pracioxus, the whole length ofthe vesicula se??z/?uz/is was nearly one-half that of the insect and nearly filled the abdomen. Dr. H. A. Hagen mentioned the familiar
red-spotted appearance of the testes and sper- matophores in Da~zius archifå´p-iis
Mr. S. H. Scudder stated that he had
received, that day, from Mr. J. S. Kingsley, of Worcester, Mass., living specimens of a species of Scolo-pendrellu differing from that mentioned by the speaker at the last meeting


mines of dipterous larvae in leaves of dock (Rumex), about Cambridge.
Mr. G : Dimmock said that the odor so no- ticeable when larvae of Attacus cecrojz'a were handled came from glands situated in each of the tubercles of the larvae. [For further de- tails see PSYCHE, v. 3, p. 387.1
Mr. S : H. Scudder called attention to the poison of the larvae of a species of Lagoa. When allowed to crawl upon the arm, or
upon any tender part of the skin, this larva leaves behind it a pathway which
soon be-
comes red and often quite severely painful. Mr. R. Hayward described some experi-
ments which he had made to test the stinging power of Hyperchiria io.
Dr. H. A. Hagen, after giving the reasons why a late entomological excursion by Mr. S : Henshaw and himself was made to Washing- ton Territory, remarked upon the synonymy of some species of Pa/iZio found on
the ex-
cursion. At Yumatilla, Oreg., and across the river from there, in Washington Territory, a species of Pafz'lz'o. supposed to be P. macha- OÌö was taken in company with P. zolicaon. Later it was found that P. zolicaon and P. wegonus were the same species.
P. orego-
nus is very closely like P. uliaska. All of these are only climatic or regional variations of P. inachaoii, which extends around the northern hemisphere as a series of remarkable varie- ties. P. rutulus and P. tzmt~s when com- pared show that the former is a western and the latter an eastern form ; the differences are slight and not constant in each species. P. ~;i/z~Itis has, however. no dark-colored female. P. rut& is found as far east as between
Salt Lake, Utah, and Fort Bridger, Wyom. P. daumis and P. ritfulus are probably also synonyms, altho more and better material is needed to decide this point. Dr. Hagen then discussed larval characters in some species of fifilio, especially in P. mac~aon.
Mr. G : Dimmock believed that larvae of
Aftms $olybhe/izm could pupate, if driven by hunger, before the last larval stage, and mentioned that he had a number of dwarf co- of the entomological section of the Boston society of natural history, and which Mr. Kingsley called 5. ryderi. It seemed to be closely allied to, if not the same as, Packard's is. americma.
Dr. H. A. Hagen called attention to the
similarity between the fossil, considered thy- sanuran by Mr. Scudder, mentioned at the last meeting, and the early stages of Hyd~acJt- 92a.
Dr. H. A. Hagen mentioned the longevity
of the larvae of Prodoxus, he having larvae now which have been living since 1879.
Voted that when we adjourn it should be
until the regular date of meeting in October. 13 OCT. 1882.-86th meeting. Mi. S : H.
Scudder called attention to the three plates of Buckton's "Monograph of the British aph- ides" on which are figures of fossil species, including those from amber.
Dr. H. A. Hagen recommended that the
author's attention be called to the collection of insects from amber, possessed by Kunow, of Konigsberg, Germany.
Dr. H. A. Hagen called attention to the
tracks made by the larvae of gom- .
fitdae. These tracks consist of two
series of foot-prints due to the dif- .
ferent distances of the feet from the
median line. Dr. Hagen thought . .
. .
. .
that he had seen similar marks on rocks. [See Nature, 21 Dec. 1882, v. 27, p. 173. for further details.]
Mr. G: Dimmock showed eggs, cocoons
and imagos of Eq-ofiia al?zz'aria, and made remarks on the earlier stages of this species. Mrs. A. K. Dimmock exhibited leaves of
-the syringa, Philudel/h/~s coro?zai~z'z~s, which had been mined by the larva of a dipteran, of which pupae and imagos were shown.
The mines were characterized by a peculiar arrangement of the excrement of the larvae in little curves. and were very abundant about Cambridge.
Dr. 13. A. Hagen, spoke of mines caused
by dipterous larvae in the leaves of nastur- tium (Tro'paeohnn'), and Mr. Dimmock of


coons produced by keeping the larvae hungry. Larvae of TAyrws a&botii, of which both di- morphic larval forms are common in Carn- btidge, possibly sometimes drop one larval stage.
Mr. G : Dimmock was elected secretary and Mr. B: P. Mann treasurer, in place of Mr. W : Trelease, whose resignation of the office of secretary-treasurer was announced.
to Nov. 1882.-87th meeting. . -
Dr. H. A. Hagen called attention to the
subject of acceleration of development in the larvae of lepidoptera, and especially to its occurrence where many larvae are crowded to* gether. After referring to some cases men- tioned in his paper "On some insect defonn- ities" (Memoirs Mus. coinp. zool., May 1876, v. a, no 9), Dr Hagen said that Pieris me- napia sometimes so hastens the process of pupation, when crowded, that the pupa lacks the usual encitcling thread and is only sus- pended by the tip of the abdomen, and, in one case the process was SO hurried that only the anterior part of the chrysalis was formed. Mr G : Dimmock exhibited dwarf cocoons
of Attatis polyfhemus. the dwarfing of
which was produced by starving the larvae. The average weight of the ten dwarf cocoons exhibited was r.2 grams, while the average weight of nine cocoons from larvae reared in similar circumstances, but not starved, was 3.8 grams.
It ifi possible to make the
larva of A. julypliemus spin a cocoon when it is only between 2.5and 3 cm. long, by gradually diminishing its food-supply ;
formation of dwarfs by starvation IE not pofc- sible, to the same marked extent, with larvae of A cecro$ia, A. pfometheu or A- luau,
The lightest weight of any cocoon of A.
polyfhemws possessed by Mr. Dimmock was
0.2 grnni, but this cocoon WBS occupied
by a dead larva. Next in weight was one
which weighed 0.3 grain, aixt which con- tained a cocoon of an ichneumon. Para-
sitism usually reduces the weight of cocoons. The most promising dwarf cocoon was one
weighing 1.8 grams, which wa6 very fiensi- tive to disturbance, the pupa within it writli- ing about on slight touch. The pupn of
A. hna are usually much more sensitive
than those of A. folypJiemtts; their weight is generally less, however; the average
weight of seven well-developed cocoons of A. tuna was only i grains. The weights of all the above-mentioned cocoon6 are probn- bly slightiy less than they would be if the larvae had been reared in the open air.
Dr. H. A. Hagen showed a very large
specimen of the ~johoscid~te, probably a new species, which had been found on a
swallow. Its length was one centirnetre; it had no ocelli; its wings were rudiinentnry, not broken off, as is usually the case with the females of hQ$oboscidan, and the round- ed rudiments of wings had veins and a
marginal fringe. Dr. Hagen alluded further to the number of species of the family and to the wide distribution of each species.
Dr. H. A. Hngen exhibited egg-shells of
a hemipterous insect, which were found on a grape-vine in California. At first sight the eggs would be mistaken for those of home species of bombycidas, being white banded with brown, and barrel-formed. The first larval skin remained within the eggs togeth- er with alittle three-pointed egg-burster. Dr. Hftgen then described the modes by which some larvae with sucking mouth-parts es-cnpe from the egg, drawing especial attentinn to the cephalic saw by which the larva of Cfiry- sopa and of other /inmerahidftrextricate thetii- selves from their eggs.
Mr. R. Thaxter showed a larva of Pti/i/tii cres$ho~~tes taken by Mr. K. Coleinnn, in Berlin, Conn., 13 Oct. 1882. Thib species has been found a few years past about Berlin, Conn.
Mr. G : Diin~i~ock mentioned that out of about a dozen pupae of Thyreus abbotii
which he attempted to carry to Germany, in 1879~ not a single specimen survived the voyage. Dr. Hagen remarked on the modes
of packing best suited for carrying pupae on oceanic voyages.


Mr. G. Dimmock stated that. in seven Dr. Hagen said that, on tile contrary, there hours, collecting near Mt. Wachnsett (in were really three pair of ganglia in each seg- Princeton, Mass.), 26 Aug. 1882, he had ment. taken 06 larviic of iepidoptera belonging to Mr. G: Dimmock exhibited dwarfs, ff 44 species; among these were 18 larvae (9 Coiiasphilodice (extreme possible expanseof species) of geometridae. In one hour'& col- wing, 37 mm.), Papitio potyxeae.~ (same mea- lecting, near Waverly, Mass., 30 Aug. 1882. surement, 65 mw.), and Pyameis hitniera
he had taken 19 specimens (9 species) of (same measurement, 50 mm,). The dwarf of lepidopteroiis larvae. In both cases many WiIio fioiyxenes was produced by keeping specimens had been rejected as undesirable. Dr. H. A. Hagen called attention to Prof. J. D. Wliitney's new work, entitled "The climatic changes of later geoiogicai times". - . Cambridge (Memoirs Mus. comp. zooL, v.
7, no> 2, part, 3) 1882, as showing how, after mt:ch had been written concerning the inflii- ence of the great glacial sheet, that was sup- posed to have once covered North America, upon the distribution of insects, that, in the opinion of Prof. Whitne~, the glaciaS sheet itself had never existed to the extent that had been supposed.
18 DEC. 1882.-88th meeting. Mr. W : H.
Ashmead, of Jacksonville, Ha. ; Prof. R : E. Cali, of David City, Neb, ; Mr. S : E. his- sino, of Boston, Mass. ; nnd Mr. C : Fish, of Brunswick, Me. were elected active ineni- bers.
Dr. H. A. Hagen said that he had long
thought that the thorax of insects is divided into more parts than had been generaily
supposed, that is, that each of its three seg- inen ts was divisible into three smaller parts- Entomologists would object to this view of the larva and pupa in a dry room. It
emerged from pupa 27 March 1871. The
Colitisf/tiloSice was @aid by Dr. Hagen to be the form described by Fitch as C. sadas; it was taken in Springfield, Mass.
Mr. Wyllis A. Sillim~n remarked that a
species of whi te a11 t ( CaUoterisesfia v/co//i.s?) collected at Bnnyiils-sur-mer, Pyidndes-Orien- tales, France. is infested with the same organisms that Prof. Joseph Leidy has re- cently described (Proc. Acad. nat. ed.,
Philad,, 1880, ser. 2. v. 8, p. 425-447. pl. si-sa) from the intestine of Teri~es fiavipes of this country. Altho in doubt as 60 the position of these forms in the scale of life, Mr. Sillirnan thought that several ofthem are only stages of one species, mid that the so-called -' Viirio iermifis" of Leidy is the spermiitozoon of Pyrso~ym/ka agilis. In
fact, the "pliaryngeal sac" (Leidy) of the latter species is always filled with '"Vibrios," which are seen to escape, under pressure, from an anterior orifice. P. agilif has no stomach, but the protoplasm of the posterior pnrt of the body carries on an intracellular the s-tructiire of the th~rax on nwount of digestion. development. In Balfonr's Coinparative ern- Mr. G. Dimmock brieflv described the bryology we find that author regaids ances- general appearance of a very large species of ti-al forms HS better indicated in the larvae, gregarina which he had found abundantly is1 especially if the larval life is long, than in the intestine of Scolofteudra faoffiitt~s, the egg. This, removes objections. Dr. during March, April, and May, 1882. about Hagen had corresponded with Dr. Fritz Ban vuls - snr - msr, Pydnees-Orientplen, in Miiller, who would now, perhaps, extend France. The full-grown parasite!, were from this subdivision of the segments to those of six to eight inillimetres in length, and had a the abdomen. In answer to a question if psuulinrly formed cross-piece at the larger the ganglionic arrangement of the
nervous end ; the smaller end tapered gradually to ;I system was not an objecton to these views, point as it does in many species ot'grega~ir.:i.


Volume 3 table of contents