Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 382.
Psyche 3:382, 1880.

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382 p880-28911 PS YCHE.
Authors and societies are requested to fvmrd their works to the editors w siwn as published. The
dale of publication, givw in brackets [ 1, marks the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier date of psblicatwn is horn to recorder or editor. Unless otherwise stated each rewd is made di- rtdiy fmit the work that is noticed.
Corrections of errms and notices of omissions are solicited. Bell, James Thompson. Collection notes' for 1F80. (Can. entom.. March 1881, v. 13. D. .
58-00.) '
Crit. notice by J: L. LeConte. (Can. entam., Aprit 1881, v, 13, p. 80.1
Notes of new captures around Belleville, Ontario Can- ada; mogtiy colwptera.
Q: D. (~ssI))
Hubbard, H: Guernsey. Description of the lam* of microina~thus debilk, Lee. (Proc. Amcr. phioa. sou., IS April 1878, v. IT, p. 66% 608, p1.'4.)
Larva found in the toft crumbling wood of so old 1% at Detroit Mirh. Imago larv dad magnified parte figured. ~rti~li"iin?or~tftl with J%. Monte's "The colroptcra of Mkliigan'' . . . [Rep., iÌöS91 IT: W. T. (-2bSI) Hubbard, H; Giaernaey and Eugene Amandas Schwarz. Contribution to a list of the
eolwp~waof the lower peninsula of Michigan. (PFO{,. Amer. philos. SOL, 38 April 1878, v. 17, n. (Xi-0813.)
Locnlitv of capture noted in moat caws. Article incor- porated with .k ~.hfiouta's "Thecoleoptent nt h1lcBlf;au~~ . . . [RW., !!sfs]. ~t: IT. T. (am)
Hubbard, H: Guernsey and Eugene Amandus
Schwarz. List of <:oleo tern, found in the Lakr Superior region [of %ichi&~]. (Proc. Ainer. philos. soc., 18 April 1978, v. 17, p.627- 643 i
6ra'lity ot ca tare mted in mmt cases. Article ineor- porated with J: I! LsConte'a " The caleoptera d Miehi@nn . . . [Rcr., 2869]. ft: V. T. (2853)
Hnber, L. Kumthonig. (Deutseher Bienen-
frenini, 15 Aug. 1881, jahrg. 17, p. 247.) Inquiries in regard to American artificial hone in the comb. G: />, (W)
Jnswt powder. (New remedies, July 1881, v. 10, p. 221, 3 cm.)
Botucea at dwyuwiifwmsni and pyrethrum owder. 8.-D. (2SSSå´
Jotmson, James Smith. Early appearan& of cntorftlas. (Can. entom,, July 1830, v. 12, p. 1 27-1 :it i
--. ", ,
K n h on the flnt ffpeciea at eatoimla that apm each xasoii, alxnit Pbiliiifilpliift, to., and the numtifr of inili- vidu.da of each, speciet tnk̤n 6: I). (NO) Kelllcott, 35: Simori~. Notes on aqeria phi. (Cm. entom., Anp. 1881, v. 13, p. 1b7.1
Iiiffcreticesi hetween the sew; leaah of time employed by a pfd in passing throa~li its diffeirnt tian~foria~on~. A. If. TI. CJSST)
LB Conte, J: Lawrence. [On afavÌ gw?ops.] (Can. entom., April 1881, v. 13, p, 80.) Answer, by J. T. Bell, entitled " [On alms]!' (Can. enrom., May 1881, T. 13, p. 11B.)
Think8 thftfc the a. garyopa recorded from Ca^qd& In J. 1. Wl's " Cntlectwn nohu for 1880" (Cm. entom March 18~1, v. 13, i), 584) [Re*., 28801 mu& be a. omioih. Gd. (2888)


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