Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 380.
Psyche 3:380, 1880.

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380 PS7CSE.
destroyed and shipped to eastern markets quaik. It can readily be sees ihat these from points west of Saint Louis, Mo. young insects, no larger when first hatched "The next spring, when the egga of the
than a grain of rye would soon have
locusts began to Iiatch out, it was discov- been exterminated had that quantity wed, too late, that there were no birds to of birds been preserved for the purpose ; devour the insects that were so rapidly instead of which, from an apparent necea- growing, and must subsist upon the crops sity, the birds were destroyed and come- until able to fly to other localities.
quently the total crops of the state of Kau- "It is safe to estimate that a gill [about aas and western Missouri, Nebraska and 0.12 litre] of young locusts, from one day part of Iowa were also desthyed. to two weeks old, will number 1000.
"1s it not time some
protection, was
ft gilt would be a small day's ration for a afforded these feathered friends? B.'' prairie fowl, or half that amount for a A 4 0-N A HABIT OF SGOLOPESDHA MORSITANS.
The note by Mr. J. W. Freese, on page pion's poison apparently acting on the neigh- 290 of the present volume of PSYCHS, upon boring nervous centers, but in a few minutes the habit observed iu a species of Phalanx- the myriapod recovered the use of ita legs, qium, or harvest-man, of patting a woun- and was only 'killed after repeated serious ded part of its leg to its mouth, reminds tearing of its body by the scorpion's sting. me of an analogous habit of Swlopendra It is possible that. the Scolopendra traits- morsitana.
few much of the scorpion's poison from
Last March, while at Banfills-sur-mer, the wounds to its stomach, or even that in the eastern Pyrenees, I took advantage some curative fluid is poured upon them of the abundance of S. å´nw~sita.w in that to neutralize the scorpion's poison, but it region to see what would be the result of seems more likely that the process is one combats between that poisonous myriapod of simple cleaning such as the Scolopendra and Buthits accitarws, a, scorpion not rare would employ if any extraneous matter in the same region. Without detailing
was put upon the surface of its body, the their mode of fighting it suffices to say here pain of the wounds only serving to direct that the Scolopendra was usually badly immediate attention to them. The same
lacerated by the violent strokes of the reault would probably follow the applica- ating of the Buthus, the latter animal always tion of any irritant upon the Scolopendra, being victor. After receiving a stroke
and with less rapidity if any viscid fluid from the scorpion the myriapod immediate- was daubed upon its body. Many mandib- ly, in fact with apparent haste, began work- date insects cleanse their limbs with their ing at the wound with its mouth-parts, mouth-parta, and I have often seen Swh- seeming to eat the fluids exuded from its pendra use its mouth-parts to clean its an- body.
For a time the legs of the myriapod tennae, legs, and the surface of ita body, were paralyzed near the wound, the SCOT- Cambridge, 27 Nov. 1883,


Volume 3 table of contents