Article beginning on page 371.
Psyche 3:371-372, 1880.
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GEEE'S TRADE-REPORT for September notes
that this vcar'a (1882) croD of cmitharidcs ia re- . . *
THE MINIBTEE of public works in Mexico has ported to be much smaller than last year's, and, , issued a circular encouraging silk growing in as on1 y small quantities of last year's crop remain the republic, , on hand the price is certain to rise. The erop of THE DAILY press for 11 xov, 1882 reports se- Dalmatian insect-powder flowers (Jyrilinon) has rioua complaints, from Mansorah, Egypt, of been very large this year, and a^i a large amount worms in the cotton.
is still on hand from last year's crop and the demand is not very great, the price is likely to MR. 3. A. WATSOS reports, in The {ntomohiyist be lower than ever before.
for Kovember 1882, a case of parthenogene~i~ in , Ana,+ta wtifl;, an English species dwc&dae, TEE L~A~B~WORTH TIMES teils a story which is calculated to diake tlie public faith in its MALEBRA~~X ~ECLAB'ES that he puts the
truthfulness, to the effect that in blasting a large observation of an insect nbove all the history limestone rock at Kniporia lately, a small cavity of Greece and Home.-Barnard's Jonrn. of ed- was disclosed which was found to contain a little vcation, v. 30, p. 721.
worm apparently bleached white and lifeless. Ms. J+ E. TAYMR. a note in AraLu%
But it is now fast developing into a butterfly, is 1882, writes that he thinks the wings of pttropho- half an inch long, is of a brownis11 color and dae mimic the down or pappi of the seeds of ribbed across the back, and "is doing some live- thistles or of other compasitae.
ly wiggling." The block of stone was quarried MR. ISRAEL C. CABFEKIER, of Cherry I&&,
about 20
below the surface.-Sprin@d
Chautauqua Co., N. Y., LM rendered a service to SO Se~t-
iilk-growers in this country by mamifactwing a The (lb0W nonsense, tiAW at randoTlI froin a good quality of prf orated paper for use in trims- considerable number of 'Xuall~ absurd state ferring the worms from tray to tray.
merits clipped from newspapers, convinces us that scientific editors are too little employed WE ARE glad to publish in this aurnero an in tfia country. G: D,
nrticle by one of our German subscribers, Dr. 0. Krancher, and hope that other correspondentsin AT meeting of the foreign ~mintrfes as $1 as at home will remcm- Ent"mO1Ogical 'lub ^Se Dimmock woa
her that PSYCHB is open to n1i coinmmications elected secretary and Mr. B. ?ickman Mann of a like high class.
treasurer, Mr. Wiliiam Trelcase, the late secre- tary-treasurer, having resigned on account of his Ms. CHAS. SPIEBS, apothecary, Porrentruy, removal to Madison, Wisconsin. The election Switzerland, would be glad to exchange tole- of a separate secretary And treasurer, instead of optera and Ic~idoptera of Europe, especially of one person holding both offices &cs heretofore, Switzerland, for kmrican and tropical Cole- will give these officers time to do much more for optera. Many alpine Vecies for diWsl, all in the Club.
The Club will take steps toward in-
excellent, condition.
Please send lists of dupli-
creasing its activity and usefulness during 1883. cates.
Among other projects concerning which all the THE^^ HAS just been published
elaborate membera will ~oon recieve circulars is the issuing work on the present state of silk-worm culture of a printed annual report for 188% which will jn southern ~~~~i~ and T ~ ~ ~ - c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , giving cont"n the constitution, by-laws, list of mem- '
an accurate description of the whole of the cul- md of
the Pernjanent Pub
tnre, and a. complete bibliography of works on kati0" md, and many other matters of interest the subject that have appeared since 1703. It is the published in connection with the Moscow Exhib- AT THE regular quarterly mecing of the Board ition, by the Moscow Agricultural Society, with of StateHorticultural Commissioners of Califor- many plates of drawings.-hblviv, 7 Sept. 1889, nia, 28 Sept. 18P2 . . . a communication was read p. 471.
from the Viticultural Cotntmssion refominend-
3 72 PSYCHE.
ing the Chief Executive Horticultural Officer THE REGULAE meetings of the Entomological Matthew Cooke] to enforce the necessary rules Section of theBoston Society of Natural History for the protection of trcosfroin curculio and 0th- will be held at N. W. corner of Berkeley and er noxious insects which may lie introduced on Boyiston St%, Boston, Mass., at 7.45 p.m., on the . nursery stock.
days following : -
Mr. Coukc said that lie had decided to enforce 26 22 Oct Nov. 1882. "
28 28 Feb. Mar. 1883. "
the horticulture laws, and to hnve inspectors ap- 27 Jhc. Si5Apr. " pointed at Siicraiiiento, Stockton, Los Angele?, 24 .Un. 1883.
22 May
Oakland and San Francisco to attend to nud en- EDWARD BUROESS, Secretary.
force the disinfection of all fruit trees imported -
during the ensuing year.
TIIE EEOOLAK meetings of the Entomological The Secretary [J: 11. Wheeler] read a report Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of on the codiing moth [Carpcapfa pamo~>~I~t] by Philadelphia, Pa., will be held at S. W, corner of Felix Gillct, of Sevadii City, in which was de- 19th and Race Sts., oil the days following: - tailed his successful conquest against this iuseet 14 Oct. 1881. 10 Mar. 1882.
by the use of bands of ciotli about the trees, to 11 Nov. "
14 A r. 'I
be -removed and cleaned of insects lodging therein 9 Dec. I' 12 &
13 Jan. 1882. !l June "
at stated periods, la-sides scraping and cleaning 10 Feb. <' the trees well to destroy larvae and eggs. Mr. JAMES H. Rtmires, Recorder.
Gillet further reported on the successful use of -
sulph0-carbonate of pot~ssium [K2CSgl in fight- SEM12AHKIIA~ meetings of the American
ing the apple-tree root-louse [Scl~~onetWUhfi@er~ Entomological Society will be held at S. W. cot- an young trees and nursery stock.
ner of 19th and Bace Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., OD Some discussion arose as to how often the the days following: -
hamils or traps set for the larvae of the codling 12 Dec. 1881. 12 June 1882.
moth shonld becleaned. Gillet'~ experience was JAMES H. RIDINGS, Becordiny Secretory.
that the worm developed in 15 days; Cooke'u, -
8 days ; Dr. [S. I?.] Chapin'&, 19 days. THB REGULAR monthly meetings of the Mm-
Mr. [C. 11.1 Ilwiuelle reported that efficient freal Branch of the Entomolo@cnl Society of work was being done by Colonel HoUister, of Ontario, will be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, Santa Barbara, in fighting the cottony cushion- on the days following: -
scale, Zceyap~wtA(rsI, with hot water. . . . -Mod- 3 Oct. 1883. 6 Feb. 1883.
ifled from Pacific ruralpress, 7 Oct. 1883. 7 KOY. 6 Mar. " 6Dec. 't 3 Apr. "
9 Jan. 1883. 1 May "
G : J. Bowms, Secretary.
TEE RBUVLAR meetings of the Cambridge En- BEGTJLAB meetings of file ~ ~ ~ ~ k l ~ ~ tornological Club will be held at 7-45 P- m., on Entomological Society wilt lie held at 0 Broad- the days following :-
way, Brooklyn, E. D., S. Y., on the days fol- 13 Oct. 1882. 9 Mar. 188% lowing :-
10 Nov. :: 13 Apr. "
8 Dec. 11 May "
28 Oct. 1882. 31 Mar. 1883.
13 Jw. 1883. 8 June '<
25 Kov. " 28 Apr.
9 F&. " SO Dee. t'
28 May
27 Jan 1883. 30 June $'
G: DIMMOCK, Secretary. 24 Feb. tc
F. G. SCHATTTF, Secretary-
THS SEW YOHK Entomological Club meets
twice monthly, except in June, July and August, -
but no special date is fixed for caeh meeting. HEXKT EDWA~DS, Secretary, -So, 98 was issued 18 Oct. 1882.
Volume 3 table of contents