Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 370.
Psyche 3:370, 1880.

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Authors and itociaties are requested to forward their works to the editors ot man as published. The
date of publication, given in brackets [ 1, marks lie time at which the work was received, unless an earikr date of publication is hiom to rwvder or editor. Unless dierwiss stated eath recurd is made di- rectty^fi'om the work that is n&d,
Corrections oferrors and notices of amissimvi are Ila el All [pswd.},
Antwort auf die Bemer-
kmqen gegen Ila el Ali.
(Deutscher Bienen-
freund, 15 April 1881, jahrg. 17, p, H&-121.) Crit. rev., ly Sanppe, entitled "Der cypri- sche Entiuheidungsknmpf.''
(on. cit., 16 'May
1881, jftlirg. IT, p. 154-166.)
Annwer to Sauppe'~ "Der c ' he Entacheldungs- Itarn~if" top. dl., la March IS81 j z 1 7 , p. S3-8t) [Ree., %GI in -1 to the vnlnv of
G: D. (2810)
IIÌ el Ali [ petd.1. Apis dorsata. (Deutscher Eienenfwund, 1 March 1881, jahrg. 17, p. 67.) In rtigarfl to the =arch for a. dorsatu and for a. ads tn Katftvira, G: D. (ff671i
X h el All [pseud.].
0, welche W&en im
eypriselim li'ntscheidungskftmpfe ! (Deutsclier BicneufmimJ, 1 July 1831, jahrg. 17, p. 200- 202.)
Crit. rev., by Sauppe, entitled, "Zum cypris- then Entecheid ungs'kftmpf e, Iieber Freund Lsnge." {op. cit., 1 Aug. 1881, jahrg. 17, p. 234-237.1
Answer to hip "D̤ cyprischt KntBcheidunp y 1% jabrg. 17, p. 164156) Rfc
kampf" top. ait., Is
20~71. On Cyprian lws,
f;: V. (mi)
Krancher, Oskm Paul. Der Bau der Stip
mcn 'bpi cipn Auuleaten, mit beaonderer Beruck- ~iclitigniig derjenigen von apk meuifica. (Dent- echer Ei(m?at'reund, Jan. 1883, jahrg. 18, p. 33-29, 1 fig.)
Skip& of ffffslealu especially those of apis Wi/lea, ot which un abdomiiiftl'ntigma ia figured ; wunds rwlnced by R. mcRififl, c:& (2873)
Kraneher, Oskar Paul, Ikr Ban der Stig-
men lwi den Ittacktan. Inaugnral.Dieserta'tion zur Erlangung der Doktorwiirde einer holien pliilosopIiischen Facaltiit der IJniversitit Leip zig Nit 2 Tnfeln. (SeparnGAbdnick aua
der Zeit~chr. fiir wissensfh. Zool., 1881, lid. 3, S. 605-574, Tnf. 28-29.] Leipzig, W. Engel- snftnn, 1Wl. t.-p , p. 505-574 +I], 2S X 14, 1, 18 x 10 6; 2 col. pi., 23 x 41.
Historical and general remarkn upon the stigm&tA of In- imcts snd upon the appitrstua which cl~m thpm i ddp- tions of ttese parts IU speciei chtnen from the dilfetent orders of iumta. G: D. VW4)
Krancher, Oskw Paul. Die Thierstaaten
be? den Insecten. Deutscher Bienenfreund, 1
1881, iahrg, 17: 15
ug.,p. 243-246; 1 Sept.,
p. 20&-204; 15 Sept., p. 274-27s; 1 Oel., p. 28&-291; 16 Oct., p. 305-1309 ; 1 HOT., p. 321- SK, 15 Nov., p. S.JS-340.)
Compiliition on the wid lUe of bmh, ti- piilisfss, /m~ ,so, tcmes and fipis,
Q: d. (9,875)
Saoppe, -. Der cyprieche Entseheidunp
kaiwif. (Deutacher Bienenfreund, 15 March 1881; jahra. 17, p. 83-84.)
Crit. rev., by Ha el All [pseud.], entitled, Antwort" . . . im. cit., 15 April 1881, jahrg. . .
17, p. 119-121.) ' '
On the merits of Cyprian bwe. 13: D. (2576) Sauppe, -. Der cyprkche Entscheidungs-
ksmpf. (Deutscher Bienenfreund, 15 May
1881, jahrg. 17, p. 16-1-L-iG.)
Crit. rev., by lift cl Ali [pseud.], entitled, " 0, welche Waffen im eypnechcn Entwhei- dunmkamnfe ! " (OD. cd.. 1 July 1881, iahrg. " > . .- -
17, p. 200-203.)
Crit. rev,, by J. Stohala, entitled, " Meine Abschied~worte nach dem cvnrischen Krieee!' (op. ck, 1 July 1881, jfthrg. 'I?, p. ~02-206.7 Anwer to Us PI All's "Antwort '' . . . (op. rit., 13 April 1SS1,jnlirf. 17, p. llS-131) me., 38701, on the meritt. of Cypnrtn beef^ G:S, V2K77)
Sauppe, -. Zum cypri~chen Entsuhei-
duii~~kampfe, Iieber Freund Lange. (Bmit- wlwr Bienenfreund, 1 Aug. 1881, jiihrg. 17, p. 234-937.)
ADSTTCT to J. Stahda'f "Mdne Abechiedsworte nacli detn cyrriaclien Ki-iege " (op. tit. I Jdy 1S81, j~hr~. IT, p. 202- .) [Itt't.,, ?CT'1J, and to lia'el All's "0, wrtcha Wnffeo im c~pnaclirn Entsche~lnng8kampfn i " (dp. fit. 1 Jnlv 1?H, ahi; 17, p. 'SM-SK) \h., '2~721. Oil merits of 6, rim b<Wi G: I>, (~78)
Statiala,rJch. Meine Abschiedeworte nnch dem wprwhen Kriege. (Deutscher Biencn-
freiind, 1 July 1881, jahrg. 17, p. 202-206.) Crit. rev., by Smippe, entitled "Xiirn cypris- chen EntEcheidun~kampfe, liehr Frpund
Lange." (op. tit-, 1 Aug. 1881, jnhrg. 17, p. 231-237.)
Answer to Ban "Der, pride EDtacheid~itiga- hmpf ?' (op. cU.~ Pky Wl, I&. 17, p. 354-166) h c 257 J. On Cyprian bees.
G: I>, (2S74


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