Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 367.
Psyche 3:367, 1880.

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PSYCHE. ' 867
been obtained sufficiently perfect to decide the question. Dr. Riley, however, informs roe that the study of H specimen bred, in 1873, from the blossom of the buckeye,
which specimen he finds specifically identi- cal with mine, renders it certain that, the insect is not Prateotcms aesculanum.
Dr. Riley has very kindly allowed me to
see his notes on, and figures of P. uescu- Ia?~unt. which riliow several points in which that species markedly differs from the ape- cies which I reared/ These points are as follows :- ,
1. The larva here described bores the
leaf-stalk of the biwkeye and only once
have I found a specimen in the terminal
twig. P. aescul~trtam bores the terminal twig as well as the leaf-stalk.
2. P. aesculanuin bores the terminal
twigs of maple {Awr das'ycaiyum}. I lmve never seen a specimen of rile insect here des- cribed on a maple nor have I seen a maple twig or leaf showing indications of its pres- ence.
P. aesculunum often forms a swell-
ing or pseudogall on the stem.
The species
here alluded to never forms a gall.
A. P. aexulanum lives in the gall ap-
pfirently through almost its whole larval stage. The iwecst here described, however, quits the leaf-atalk at the end of two or three days and lives in a rolled-up leaf. 5. P. aesculanwm bores the stein to a
depth of from IS to 50 mm. The insect
here alluded to seldom or never exceeds
13 mm. iu its boring.
I may add here a few words from a re-
cent letter from Dr. Riley. He writes :
14 You are safe in changing the determi- nation of your species, for it certainly is not Sericaris Instrutana, Clem.
You are
safe in saying the species is close to P. ws- culavm but nevertheless different, not only in structure and in some of the details
of its markings but more particularly in having shorter and more acuminate front- wings. But it is impossible to cliaracterize it either pnerically or specifically until you get absolutely perfect specimens."
In conclusion I must express my indeb
ednesa to Pi'of. Feruald and Dr. Riley for the trouble they have taken and the help they have given me. It is only right, also, to add, as an excuse for the imperfect state of this paper, that the doubt, concerning the identity of the insect did not ariseuntil the greater part of the paper was in type. This doubt cannot be removed until the
brood for 1883 ie obtained. In the mean- whileProf. Fernald has referred the insect, pmvisionaily, to the genus Stegumptpha,
Stephens (1834). under the name S. clay- polema.
BY LAFAYETTE WASHINGTON GOODELL, AMHERST, MASS. Deilepkila lineata is the most common
I have seen the half-grown
of all the sphhgidae here.
I have never larvae crawling about on the ground as found the lawae on anything but purslane, late as 10 NOT., in search of their food- Poriulaca olerucea, om of the worst of our plant which had been destroyed by early weeds, and on the cultivated species, P. frosta. It is not uncommon to see the
grandifiora ; and OD these they are found, moths on wing in midday, and often in the in ail stage8 of growth, from June to full sunshine. The moths are particularly


fond of the petunia and verbena, and so Our moat common Snaeri'nthua is S. ex- abundant, are they this month (Sept.) that caecwtus, occuring in July and August.
.hundreds of them can ba seen in an even- A female taken 15 July and confined in a ing hovering over fields of these flowers, box deposited 331 eggs from 15 to 20 July, The moths from the winter chrysalids first about 30 being laid each evening at dusk appear early in June, and those from the and the same number in the morning.
first brood of larvae early in August.
This was done quite regularly, no eggs
Scarcely less abundant than D. lineata
being laid at. any other time. The eggs are is Ddba kglaeua which occurs from June cylindrical, flattened, 2.5 mm. in diameter, to September. Xext in abundance comes and grass-green in color. The larvae be- Sphinx gordius, from May to September. gan to appear 23 July and all were hutched S. kalmiae is common from the first part by 28 July. The young larvae measure
of June to August, and 8. drupiferarum 4.7 to 5 mm. in length, and are yellowish through June. 8. erentitus is common green with a darker dorsal line. Head from the middle of June to the middle of pale green, and twice as wida aa the body. , August. Sarapsa choerilus is common Caudal horn long, dull red. from the middle of June to the middle of Among the rarest of our sphingidcie, July.
Philumpelua uciie~non and P. satel- of which I have taken but one or two Mia are rather common from the latter specimens each in nine years of collecting, part. of June to August. Sfacrosila pin,- are Smerinthus modestus (22 June and 20 quemaculata is very common from June July), 8. gemi?toftts (3 Aug.), Sphinx to September, but M. carolina, is rather lwitiosa (20 June), Thyreus abbotii (in rare. The same remark will apply to
May), ffeilephila cl~unzaenerii (2 June), Sphinx chersis.
The larvae of Cerutomia Choerocampa term (15 July), Dai-ctpsa wnyiitor feed on the elm (Uimtts) and on vefsicolor (8 July), EUema haTrisii (2 the white birch (Setula alba), but are not June). ' common. Amherst, 13 Sept. 1882.
MUMMY OF A WASP.-la Maspcro and
specimen of a mummy of a wasp.
Brugsch's work ('La trouvaille de Deir-el- De Rho&, in his 66R&sum& chronolog-
Bahari " (1 881) is given, according to fi ique de 1'histoire d'Egypte," places the note presented by M. Van Segvclt in the
accession of Thoutmes I, the successor
July meeting of the Socitite cntftmologique of Amenophis I, to the throne in 1668 B. de Belgique, a notice of u, wasp found C. This insect therefore died 3550 years preserved in the coffin of Arnenopliis I, ago, and is probably the only insect the illustrious king of Egypt.
The wasp,
of which the date of death was of aach
attracted probably by the flowers with
remote antiquity md is so certainly recor- which the mummy of the kingwas wrapped
The name of the species is not
previous to interment, had entered the cof- given. fin and thus furnished us probably the only


Volume 3 table of contents