Article beginning on page 359.
Psyche 3:359-360, 1880.
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UNFAV~RABLE WEATHER and insects are said to have done tnuch damage to the hop plant this year.
THE FIFTY-FIFTIZ meeting of the German
naturalists and doctors takes place 18 to 24 Sep- tember, this year, at Eisenach.
DESTITUTION IS reported by the daily press as existing in Bolivia, in June, owing to the dea- truction of the crops by loulists.
MR. X. F. GRAVES, President of the K, Y, State Banking Co., Syrftcuse, S. Y., has alibray of over 10,000 volumes of books which is "open to all students aud professional iiud scientific men."
Five COLORADO beetles {Dur?yphora decemliti- eute) were found, iiccording to reports in the newspapers, on board the Wisconsinat Liverpool recently, and, by wder of the privy council, were killed and sent to Lmdon.
LOCUSTS ARB devastating the United States of Columbia and notice has been given to Cuba to take measures to prevent their being conveyed in cattle ships to Cuba and thence to the United States.-Springjteld daily republican, 12 Aug. 1882. BULLETIN NO. 7 of the United States Entom- ological commission, compiled by Dr. A. S. Pack- ad, jr., on "Insects injurious to forest and shade trees," a stout pamphlet of 275 pages find 100 figures, was issued in March 1882. Only 2000 copies were printed.
MR. WILLIAM T. DAVIS lias found the earwig Anisdabis mm-ltimii (Boii,) very abunrlitiit under stones on the sea shore at Staten Island, X. Y. According to ISeinIder's Synopsis this species, which has spread over ft large part of the world, has never hem found before in tins country, north of North Carolina.
PROP. CYRCES 'I?HOMAS, of Carbondale, Ill., lifts resigned his position as state entomologist of Illiiiois, after publishing six annual reports, and Prof. Stephen Alfred Forbes, director of the lili- nois state laboratory of natural history, at Nor- mal, Ill., has been appointed state entomologist, dating his commission from 1 July 188;i. Two K'EW ptirasitk protozoans from the larva of Melohnlha vtdgaris and one from the Sarva of Onjctes nnsicorvlis were announced by ,J. Kiinst- ler, 14 Aug., in the French Academy. One of the protozoans from the Iurvn of M uu/qnni is elongated nud h a six fiupllun~a, the other is more gloliular and Ims only fonr flagellme. THE TIXIRS part of the third volume of the Proceedings of the Davenport academy of natu- rat sciences is to be made a memorial of the late president of the academy, Joseph Duncan Put- nam, and will contain, amongst other matters, his unfinished work on the solpugidtie, which has been arranged for publication by Prof. Herbert Osbornc, of Allies College, Ames, Iowa.
THE VIGOROUS measures taken for the destrue- tion of the locust plague in Cyprus have resulted, in the belief of the authorities, in the destruction of fully seven-eighths of the whole quantity of locusts with which the island is infested. It is feared, however, that the survivors are still nume- rous enough to inflict much damage upon the wheat and other late crops.-Colonies and India, fl June 18%.
WE CAF.L especial attention of the secretaries of the entomological sociutic~s in Sortit America to our column of "Society meetings." Those secretaries who litive already sent as the dates of meeting for 1882-1883 are asked to examine the lists and see if the dates are uorrect, and the secretaries who have not yet sent us notices for the societies which they represent arc hereby requested to do so. P
Tiit: AUV~~RTI~EB~BXTS~~ PSYCHE will be fewer hereafter than heretofore, while the space dcvu- ted to items will be increased; all for the benefit of our subscribers, who are therefore requested to forward interesting items and new sub~crip tiow. The attention of subscribers is asked to the mailing tag of this numero, the date of which is the date of the last nmnero paid for. Tags without a date indicate exchange or free copies. CHA~LES GOOFRETT SI~~WEBS, of Newport, Ky., who has written articles on entomological sub- jects for the American naturalist, Canadian mio- molwfia, and other periodicals, died G +pt. 1882, at 5 p.m., at his residence in Sewport. He wits born 2-1 May 1815 on
the island of Santa
Cruz in the Danish West Indies, and was a son
360 PS YCHE.
of the Rev. Henry Frederick Siewers, a mission- ary of the Moravian church. He leaves a widow, four sons, and a daughter.
THE FRENCH Association for the advancement of the sciences holds its annual congress for 1882 at La Rochelle (Charente-Inf6rikure ), beginning 24 August. The section of zoology is under the presidency of Dr. Jousset de Bellesme, Professor of physiology at the medical scliool in Xantes, and among the interesting objects for observation to which he calls attention in the circular announ- cing the congress are the termites and their nests, which may be seen at Roehefort and in certain parts of La Rochelle.
FETT AUS MAIKAFERN. The " Wiener land-
wirthschaftlicher Zeitung " gives, apropos of the description of an occurrence of may-beetles, amongst other ways of utilizing may-beetles, the following : " If may-beetles, which are tied in a bag, are boiled, a rather strong layer of a yel- low, butter-like fat of good taste will collect on the surface of the bag, and this fat, like any other fat, can be utilized, and, for instance, quite good soap can be made from it.-From Deutsch-Amer. Apotheker-Zeitunq, 1 July 1882, jahrg. 3, p. 231, col. 3.
A NEW VESICANT. From Dr. Jose Amengue,
The author describes a beetle, Oenas
afer, which occurs in enormous numbers in southern Spain and therefore can be prepared more cheaply than cantharides. The applica- tion, moreover, is painless('!). As far as the author knows, the insect, administered internally, has no effect upon the genito-urinary organs. The author draws his conclusions from experi- ments on himself and on his scholars. (Brit. Med. Journ.)-From Dentsch-her. Apotheker-Zeit- unq, 1 July 1882, jahrg. 3, p. 231, col. 2. SOCIETY MEETINGS.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Cambridge En- tomological Club will be held at 7.45 p. in., on
the days following : -
13 Oct. 1882.
9 Mar. 1883.
10 Nov. " 13 Apr. "
8 Dec. " 11 May "
12 Jan. 1883. 8 June "
9 Feb. "
W: TKELEASE Secretary.
THE REGULAR nleetings of the Entomologica. Section of the Boston Society of Natural History will be held at N. W. corner of Berkeley and Boylston Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.45 p.m., on the days following : -
25 Oct. 1882. 28 Feb. 1883.
2-4 Nov. '' 28 Mar. "
27 Dec. " 25 Apr. "
24 Jan. 1883. 23 May "
-- Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, Pa., will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts., on the days following: - 14 Oct. 1881. 10 Mar. 1882.
11 Nov. " 14 Apr. "
9 Dec. " 12 May "
13 Jan. 188-2. 9 June "
10 Feb. "
THE SEMI-ANNUAL meetings of the American Entoinological Society will be held at S. W. cor- ner of 19th and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., on the days following : -
12 Dee. 1881. 12 June 1882.
JAMES H. RIDINGS, Recording Secretary.
THE REGULAR monthly meetings of the Mon- treal Branch of the Entomological Society of Ontario, will be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, on the days following: -
3 Get. 1882. 6 Fob. 1883.
7 Xov. " 6Mar. "
5 Dec. " 3 Apr. "
9 Jan. 1883. 1 May "
G : J. BOWLES, Secretary.
TIIE REGULAR meetings of the Brooklyn
Entomological Society will be held at 9 Broad- way, Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y., on the days fol- lowing :-
28 Oct. 1882. 31 Mar. 1883.
25 Sov. " 28 Apr. "
30 Dec. " 26 May "
27 Jan 1883. 30 June "
24 Feb. "
F. G. SCHAUPP, Secretary.
No. 97 was issued 19 Aug. 1882.
Volume 3 table of contents