Article beginning on page 355.
Psyche 3:355-358, 1880.
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Authors and societies are requested to forward their works to the editors as soon as published. The date of publication, given in brackets [ 1, marks the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier date of publication is known to recorder or editor. Unless otherwiss stated each record is made di- rectly front the work that is noticed.
Corrections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. Caulfield, Frank Butler. Food habits of the longicorns. (Can. entom., March 1881, v. 13, p. 60.)
On the habits of pogonocherus mixtzts and gawotes cyanipennis. G: D. (2801)
Cement of the tussah cocoon. (Journ. applied sci., 1 Dec. 1880, v. 11, p. 186, 12 cm.) Major G. Coussmaker reports that chemical analysis of the cement of the cocoon of the tnssah silk-worm \atlacus Chambers, Vactor Tousey. On a larva of
(Can. entom., Aug. 1881, v. 13, p.
Notes on the habits and food of the larvae of mfirdeIia. A. K. D. (2803)
Clay, Cassius M. The borer and sapsucker- (Land and home, 1 Jan. 1880, v. 1, p. 139, col. 4, 13 cm.)
Habits of [fsaperda 'bivittata] and [fspwa icusvariu.~ B: f. M. (2804
Clifford, J. R. S. Insect lights and insect sounds. London, Wesleyan conference office, [l88O]. 94 [ + adv.] p., 10 X 12, t 11 X 8.5. el. Popular work with illustrations. A. K, D. (2805) Cochineal production on the Canaries.
remedies, Aug. 1881, v. 10, p. 256, 4 cm.) Statistics of cochineal exports from the Canary Islands to different countries, during 1878-1880. G: D. (2SOG) Codling moth (The). (Can. entom., Aug. 1881, v. 13, v. 176.)
Brief note on caqwoeapsa pomoneZla. A. K. D. (2807) Cook, Albert J: Carbolic acid as a preventive of insect ravages.
(Can. entom., Sept. 1881,
v. 13, p. 189-191.) ,
Describes a method of destroying insects by means of a mixture of carbolic acid, soft soap and water. Paper read before the'subsection of entomology of the Amer. assoc. advanc. science. at its Cincinnati (1881) meetiner. Coquillett, Daniel W:
On the early stages of
hypena scabra, Fabr. (Can. entom., July 1881, v. 13, D. 137-138.)
. -
Describes egg, mode of oviposition, larva (which feeds on trifolium, pratense) and chrysalis; gives length of time in the different stages.. A. I<. D. (2809) Cori, Eduard. Ueber die apis dorsata.
(Deutscher Bienenfreund, 1 April 1881, jahrg. 17, p. 98-100.)
Contains a letter from Frank Benton in which the four kinds of honey-bees of Ceylon are mentioned and their hah- its described. Two species, a. indica and a. dorsata, are especially mentioned as suitable for raising for econom- ical purposes. G: D. (2810)
Cori, Eduard. Die apis dorsata ist aufgefuu- den.
(Deutscher Bienenfreund, 15 July 1881,
jahrg. 17, p. 211-214.)
Quotes letter from Frank Benton announcing the cap- ture of four coloniesof a. dorsata. Remaikson the subject. G: D. (2811)
Cultivation of py~ethrum (The) and manufac- ture of the powder.
(Amer. Bat., 1881, v. 15:
July, p. 560-572 ; Sept., p. 744-746; Oct., p. 817-819.)
General account of how to raisepjrethrum and to make and use the insect-powder from it. G: D. (2812) Dalla Torre, Karl W. Alphabetisches Ver- zeichniss der in den Jahren 1809-1879 auf- gestellten Genus-Namen der Hymcnopteren. (Entom. Nachrichten, 1 Dec. 1881, jahrg. 7, p. 330-344.)
Contains alphabetic list of new generic names for hymenoptera (from 1869-1879), citation of locality where described, and family to which each genus belongs. G: D. (2813)
Dan [pseud.]. Indian honey. (Journ. applied sci., June 1881, v. 12, p. 90-91, 74 em.) Notes on wild honey-bees of India and their honey. G: D. (2814)
Day, L. T. Notes on sciomyzidae with descrip- tions of new species.
(Can. entom., May 1881,
v. 13, p. 85-89.)
Notes on tetanocera, sepedon and dryomysa. New spe- . , cies described: t, pubescens (Wash. %IT.), t. montana A. ED. (2808) ('Wyoming'), and t. lineata (Conn.). G: D. (2815)
Deutscher Bieaenfreund. Zeituug f iir
pffiktiache Eianenzucht. Al lgeineines Organ fiir dentache Bienmmirthe nud Organ cles unter fiein alhrli6clisten Proteetorat Sr. Maj. des Khiga Albert stehenden bienenwirt1;- s~l~nftliclicn IIittipt~ereins in1 IiOnigriiklie Snclwen, alps bifnc'nwirtIi=c.tiaftlielifi ITiinptver- eins tier 1'mvhm Saclwii, c1eq IIewortlintiis Anhnlt und fiir Tliikingen wad (If* h?rI~ii- wirtlwchafilieI~cn II.iiiptvtireins im rå´lro4icre ogtbum Saclisen-ft'cimar. Herausgc~lwn
von L. Kranclier. Kiter Jahrganc. ISSO.
Criinmitschnn, 0: Gray. [4] + XU p., 2.5.5 X 17, t 20 X 13.0.
M. n.
A aeinimithly journal devoted to braising. G: D, (2810)
Dewltz, H. Besclireibung der Larve und
Puppe von Siponeura lire~iroatiris Low, Dipteran- familie bkphu~o~dae. (Beri. entom. Zcitarlir., 1W1, T. 25, p. (n4,fig. S-16 of pl. 4.)
Notice. (Amer. nat., July lKO, v. 15, p. 667.)
Extttd matomy of larva and pupa of l. breviivsii'fs. G: 1}. (2417)
Dewitz, H. Dipterenlarven, welelie wie Elut- epel kriechen, (Sitzuujpber. d. Gescllsch. nnturf. Frennde m Berlin, 19 July 1881, no. 7, p. 102-lOfi, fig.)
Mode of locomotion and other peculiarities of the larvae of !~wupis p~tefiwrm~. G: a. psis)
Dewitz, H. TJeber die Flugelbildiing bei Phrypinidet) und Lepidopteren, (Berl. entom. Zpitsclir., 1881, v. 25, p. i~3-00, pi. 3, ant1 fig. 1-3 of pi. 4.)
Diiuaaion of the developmental stages of the wings of pJini,f~ftWw and. of lfpidoptera, baaed in part, oil studies of t~s~ f-t^lvol(lpmm+ of the wiry9 in trfcbstfffift 2 OTVT ftimt in def;cp/ItIa cvphwhiw. C.: D, (2811)
Dewitz, Hermann. Vergleichende Untersueh- imficn iiber Ban md Entwickelung dea Staeh- el- (lpr Honighicne unrl der Legeacheide der (a-iinen Heti-sclirecke. Inaugural-Dissertation . . . ZII Kitnipberg behuh Erianffnng des 1)oc- torgrade? . . . Kfhigsberg, 1874. SO [+2J p,, 21 X 16, t 16 X 8.5.
Notice. (Bericht . . . der Entomologie, 187% 1871s p. 121.)
Structure and development of tile atingof apis meUifrn and of the ovipositor of Iwweia wiridtssima. G: J), (W) Dodge, C: Richards. A new hickory runer. (Lsufl and home, 1 Sna. 1880, v. 1, p, 189, col, 2-3, ?(?era., fig.)
Editors' table.
(Amer. nat., April 1881, v
15, p, 302-305.)
Edwards, W: H: Coenonymplia ett-o. (Can. ditoin., Murch 1881, v. 13, p. 67-58.)
Deacriptlon of 1 nmv ~pecifl~ of diurnal lepid h a from Kevmlft. G:%. (2824;
Edwards, W: H. Description of preparatory stages of ayruulis vaniihe, Liimaeus.
entoin., July 1880, Y. 12, p. 121.)
DeacrilKssegg, stages of larva (Mch h d a oupas~wa~ and chrywlia. G: 0. (2%)
Edwards, W: H: Description of preparatory stages of lic/ic~~.'o rlistrilonia, Linu. (CUD. entom., Aug. 1881, T, 3, p. 158-IG2.)
IteBi~ibe* egg, lurra in different stiigcs, clirytalis and no& dittation oi the different stsges.A. K. D. (WIG)
Edwards, W: H; Description of the prepara- tory stages of afiattira .flora, lidw. [Crtll. cntorn., :May 1S31, v. 13, p. 81-85.)
Beacrilwseug different stages of larva (which feeit? on cdf i*), and chry&lis of tlie abow species. G: E, (2827)
Edwards, W H: Descri tion of the prepar- atory Ftnges of /i& fhco Irclinmifti, Kirtland. (&a. entom., Kov. hl, v. 13, p. 336-329.) Describes egg, larvae in different ~tagea, chrytnlii, nsd figures ijnaji^o; length of time in passing turcmgh Vie dU- tarfnt. ststgfa, timci of appearance of immgo nnd lsirvae. A. K. V. 128281
. ,
Edwards, W: II: Uescriptiou of the prcpar- Mory ntdees of papiiia pa!an~edcs,Um~,
v!w, Fnb. (Can. entom., June 1881, v. 13, p. II9-123.1
DpucribeB egg, different 8- of larva, and chrysali9. G: D. (BS29)
Edwards, W: H: Description of the prepar- atory stnges of tei't'as nicim~, Cremer. {Can. entom., April 1881, v. IS, p. 61-63,)
Demrilws c^ larva (which ffreds on m8iu w ZariflTieff),
iind c~irye~~ia mt ti wia/?p.
GT. (2~3~)
Fernald, C: H: Illustrations of typical spec- linen's of Iepidoptera heterocera in tlie fcolleo- tion of the British museum. Part 4. Korth American tortn'vidae, By Lord Wdshgliarn. London: rimer! hy order of the trustees, I S79. to, . ant? 17 plates. (~uton~. mo. mag., Sept. 1880, v. 17, p. fi5-96.)
Drive nway mosquitoes (To). (New remedies, Fish, C: Pterophoridae. (Can, entom., April Sept. 1881, v. 10, p. 285, 6 cm.)
Wl, v. 13, p. 70-74.)
Eecipe tor a ptil and fw B waaL to keep awn mlw. G: 5. (2822)
Deiwritet 10 new a&=, all from the United States. e: v. (Zm)
Forbes, Stephen Alfred. The english sparrow in Illinois.
(Amer. nat., May 1831, v. 15, p.
Reliiiivfl umomjt of insect wS of other food found in stomach of pmr domestimu. 0: B. (2S3S)
French, R: Hasten. Correspondence. (Can. entom., July 1880, v. 12, p. 140.)
C-tion to W: H: Elwnrtis' "On certain species Of suI?!~w.*'' (Cen. entmi. June 18SO v. 1" p. 103-115) [h 18171. ~uftteqtlons id reiinrd ton. f?: Coflnillett78 "0; dewribinr lirvm" (Cnn. ipntom., June 1880, v. 12 p. 108) [RPC., ~mj. G:A ( 2 s ~
Fren.c&, G: Haaen. Larvae of cenwa occiden- tal;.$ Lint., and c. iiorealis, Bd. (Can, entom., July 131, v. 13, p. 144-145.)
"Dfiaeribca larva of c. occidefdutis and of e. bo?m?is. A. K. I>. (2S3S)
French, R; Hnzcn. Sotes on some noctuid
larvae. (Can. entom., Feb. 1881, T. 13, p. 22-25,)
Nok on larvae at mawesti-a irtfiiii, pmdwIff Ki~teaidlu mri Irtwdv. pw^rrgyrift. G: D. (2836)
French, G: Hazen. Notes on the pre aratory stages of j~upilio cres/iAontes, Cram. (Can. en- ton),, Sept. lWl, v. 13,p. 177-179.)
DescrilH'n em, larva in different stages, and chrysalis ; gi~m pupal period at fifteen ~pecimens. At Kt D. (å´!å´i Garman, W. H. The egg-case and Iarva of
li!/rf~ophilui, trimyidan's Say. (Amer. nat., Aug. lSW, v. 15, p. 6W13tl3, fig. 1-3.)
DPwribes and figurn egc-caae nnd larva of the above specu?? ; on stiicfiaata and trache-FHi of the lma, G: D. (2838)
Ctauckler, H. Misbildung von acrvngcta
(iceris.] (Entom. hckhten, 16 July 1881, j~hf~. 7, p. 21B.)
Fo^tf-rior wing8 and abdomen deformed in fl. vce^s, G: a. (2839)
[Ganchler, H,] Von ehem verbeseerten vn- ~teilhnren Spannbrett. (Entom. .Kuuhrieh.teii, IF> Jm. I W1, jahrg. 7, p. 3.)
Note on a new spreading board for lepidopteru. (7:D. (W)
Goulct & CO. Fertilizer and insect extermin- ator. (Florida agriculturist, July 1881, v. 4, p. Gi, 72,)
Advertiflement and taethnoniala; tliifl ~ubktante in solu- fcim nuid to qtefltroy tffl&da?. 3: P.M. (2841) DE Grev. T:, å£or( Wcilsinqham, Illustrations The review i~ essentially the aume as that furnished by the reviewer to PCI-CHE, nnd published in no. 78 Oct. IBM [Tab. 1?61], V. 3, p. P29. (N)
Grote, A: Radcliffe.
a. r/r'-o/or.l (Bull. BTI
1877 [March 1P91], v. 3, no. 6, p. 212.) Points out the ~pwLflc distinctions between the tfl o spe" cica. B: P. St. (2844)
Grate, A: KaduliEe. [ Catowia frederici. ] (Bull. Buffalo soc. nat, HA., Aug. 1877 [March 1PP1],v.S,no.5,p.317.)
Specimen exiilhited, with speeirnms of other species and its fipecifle c~inxnctiirs piuted out. B: P. St.
Grote, A: Radcliffe.
List of Korth American
liomfyciae of. Fhh~er.
(Can. entoin., July 1881,
v. 13, p. 151-1 52.)
Uet, with localities of cftpture, A. K. D. (M) Grote, A: Endcliffc and Colcmnn Townsend Robinson.
List of the tepidoptera of North
America. 1. Phil., Atner. eutom. soc,, Sept. 1MN t.-p, cover, t.-p. + 16 p., W X 17.
LKt of spK wffldae, aegei-Kdae, tii!ft-!'due, syyaevtidae and bon~h~fhic of North America north of Mcx~on. Index of geiwrpi-. B: P. M. (W)
Grate, A: RadclifEe, Now noctuidae. with list of the species of peri,qruphu.
{Can. cntom.,
June ISHI, v. 13, p. 131-IT%.)
Describes 4 new species or u ofis 1 of x$imige8 '2 of ' bmift/wh+ mid 1 of cfeilifieft ; 6t of the 5 species of jpeG grvphfs. from the V~lltpd States. G: JJ. (284s) Grote, A; Rndclit'te.
North American nohi-
dae in the Zutraege. Fourth and fifth hn- dreds. (Can. entom., May 1881, v. 18, p. 90-92.)
Ii-lmtiflcation aa tar EH pouailile of the specie& men- tionrrt in Jacob '~hbner's "~utr~fl' zur Saniinlung MO- titles' $chrnetteriin~" . . . [.w? risigen, Bibl. eutom. r. 1, p, 391.
G: J). (2.49)
Grote, A; Radcliffe. The Kortli American species of mfiiiirstra, Ouhs, (Can. entoiii.,June 1W1, v, 13, p. 12ft-130.)
Cstdog of the North Atucrican species of mawestT~. (iucl. rfiniithaecia) with uotea on liabltat, synnn y and iifitnftir'i. G: Pw1
Grote, A: lladcliffe. Note on Siadardiia. (Can. entom., Sept. 1881, v. 13, p. 195.) Xotes on iehtionship of saxe aperb of fnwlmcfio. A. K. I), (2851)
Grote, A: Raduliffe.
Note on hemm-is h~~ffido-
(Cnn. e tit om,, hug. 1S81, v. 13, p. 176.) Diseuafics validity of tlic species, A. If. I>. (%%) Grate* A: Rudciiffe. Notes 011 cruutlw. (Can, entom., April 1W1, v. 13, p. 00-07.1
Notes BH 5specienand their distribution. G: D. (2853)
Hagren, Hcrmann August.
Entoinologn'al Honey crop (The). (Piiciflc rural press, 2 July n o . (Can. entom., Feb. 1681, v. 13:p. h7.) IS", v. 22, p. å´I col. 4, 8 cm.)
Nowa upon a species of ceeidowyia and upon larva of Statistics of the homey crop in Sim Bernardino co Ca],
, pay'Cir>p/n!enor, th found on arisla!w/t~f~ mpho; and B: P. St. "(2~63) upon larvafl of neisawa crichni famnd on lurli europaea [rtw.; ; dl fnu~ Cmnlirirle*, MUM.
ff,. D, i-JsfW
Horn, G; H:
Contributions to it knowledge of
tire cifrcviiwiidae of the United States. (Proc.
Hagen, vermann August. EntomolW~. (hr-
Anlei-. philos. soc., 19 Sept. 1873, v. 13, p. 407- vnrd register, Fcb. 1881, v, 3, p. 7579,100 cm. ) 4fi9 1
E-timatcs of tho number of species of insects ; arrniige- ment of injects Ju the Mus&nm of. couiparativc mIo{rv at Cambrids?, Xu-.; flout* of the collections which it, con- tftiii'i : tlu7 bf,iloErica! cnlTwtion of i~~wt* w a *pet-iftlty of thii innwwn : dcwr'lhw iii bo\ t(n't11wlratemT~ p ovwfiu in the 1~iftloqicul colletim. f: J). fW?',) Hagen, Hennaim August. List of X. Airier- icim mithoiuyidiie, examined by R. It. Mefide, ~ q . , Rritdfor~l, England. (Can. entom., March Wl, v. 12, p. -tS-,')l.)
Abstract, entitled, "Sort11 American miho- m iadae," (Amer. cat., May 1881, v. 15, p. *A,
^. --,
Etmmenites the specie8 wliich me iu the Museum of cowpariitive zoology at CiBibtidge, Mass., with locniitiesof cnptmv md t?tln?r uutcs. 0: 7>. (?ED)
Hagen, Hermann August. List of X. Amer-
irm wirco ~hyidae, exftmiiicd by R. It. Meade, q., ~iriidford, ~ n g ~ a n ~ (Can. entom., ~u~y 1W1, v. IS, p. 14C-130,)
Li-it of the sarrophvgiiise in the ituseurn nt comparati~a moln~y at Clunbrid~e, Mwa., with notes on bynon ~v and locality of c~ptnrp. A. K. I? w ~ ~ l
Hagen, Hermann August. A new enemy of
tin- black spruce, abies ;@-a.
(Ciw, entom.,
July 1W0, v. 13, 121.)
L?rwof Kwidw, o z k undetw~mined q ~ ~ i e , which dovouru the parfinchymk of the leaves of a. nigrfi, c;: a. yesis)
Hagen, Hcrmunn August. On st11t1dt~ni. (Can. emom., July IBS!, v. IS, p. 150-151.)
Nutea on larva, pupa and imago of sirn?tiir~m. A. K. D. (BS53)
Hammond, Arthur. On tlie thorax of the
htow-fly, wiinca vamitoria. (Jonrn. roc Linn. ^
soc., ZooE., March 1880, v. 15, p. Ld, pi. 1-2.) Discueacs inaiuly the homo1 y d the hard parts, d- vide* the $abject into: general remarhi and deactiptive anatomy, consi<ierntlms of niiolo~i't in flivnrx inserti evidence from rlwdnpmmtd rhang? wad fvi~lmre twin the inn-culnr (inrt nei wtia parts. G: 3\ (23CO) Heller, Arnold. Die Suh~nnrotzer init beson- dwer .Beruckriciitigung der fur den Mensdien wiclitigun. Mit 7-1 Holzsclniitten und ciner Iinrte in F~rbcsitlrtick. ( I)ie Sntitrkrsif te, Line naturwisi~'nscti~ftliclie Volksbibliotliek, brt. 30.) Mnnchen tnid Leipzig, I?. Olden- hourg, 1880. t.-p.cover,lG+2:<0 I+ adr.1 p. il. pap., 3 M.
(1enerEil pojwhr work on parasites, including imwts as pa-rasite~ mnd 'pm-aaites of iusecta. G: D. (2861 j Heutte, Caroline Elissa.
Notes on ft parasite
of pyranwis cnrdui.
(Can. entom., July 1881,
v. 13, p. 143-144.)
Ichnmmm ntjlveÌöfrf ^imisjtic on tlrclarvaof cfirrfui.
11. K. D: (2BSZ)
Horn, G: 11: Critical notes on the species of sdencipftonis of the United Status. (l'ror. Amer. pliiloa. aw:., 5 Nov. 1880, v. 19, p. 17% 193 1
- .,
J'tpifribes one nev, species, s. brtviitsculiis. It: W. 2'. (tl8GS)
Horn, G: I*
A monograpliic revision of tlit;
species of cremnsfochiius of the United States. (Pye, Amci-, pliilos. sot;., 19 Dee. 1870, v. 18, p. .>?22iW, pi, 4, tic. 1-11.)
Desuritiia 1 new npecica, c. ic#slitoadi. U: W. T. (28%)
Horn, G: It: A review of the species of om's- od(~ay/!ts inhabiting tlie United States. (Proc. Anier. philos. sou., 5 SOY. 18W, v. lEI, p. If!-'-17s 1
- -
Dc-icrilKBi n. pihaus, a, irnn~(inf8, a. ̤4uiiii- = 3 UPU e . p cies.. Synohymy aud bibliigrrq~liy given. It: W. T. (2.467)
Horn, G: H: Revision of tlie species of several genera of mdoidr(e of the United States. (Proc. Anier. philos. sou., 21 Feb. 1873, v. 13, p. 88- ..* >
Rev., by G: H: Horn.
(6th am. rcpt. tnis-
tees Peabody wad. sui., for 1873, 1874, p. 98.) Rev., by E. C, Rye.
(Zool. Tee. for 1873. . .
Van Voorst, Loud , 1875, v. 10, p. 2M.}
DeiHsribai tire genera MI(! speciira and fifes a noptic tables of mnm~lw&, cpic~~ut(i, r^tl.~~th(wh and ,wiiiphvIfttfa. oceru. S: If.
Describes the new Qenw fetwati'wera :uid 113 new me-
Volume 3 table of contents