Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 354.
Psyche 3:354, 1880.

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Cororntt$~icatiam, excha~igm ami editors'mufcs shwVl be arfih-wsed ~~KUITOBS OF FMCtm.Cfl.mbridge, was. EDITORIAL.
The undersigned, who has been hindered by absence from the country and by pursuit of other occupations from taking active port in the editorial management of this paper, wishes to record his sinenest thanks to those editors, assis- tant editors and other friemis of PBYCFIE ~lio have, during his absence, attended to the various duties connected with its publication.
Among those to whom especial thmiks are due is the late Eliwin C. Prentiaa of Brighton, Mass., whose death it was a painful duty to aisnomice in our nuinero for October 18W, who, in ~Kldition to the composition of PSYCHE, making it ready for the press and nmiliiig it, added often, as grn- tnitous labor in the interest of the paper, work belonging strictly to its editorial department, faithful, persevering and accurate, he removed much of the care of PSYCHB from the under- signed, who mourns his early death, caused by disease coiltrfu'ti'tl while in the defense of OUT country ill the uonth, rather as that of a. perso- nal friend than as that of ail ~tmploy6. - .
The accuracy of PSYCHE, upon which we are' often complimented, ie in a great measure due to the careful supervision of Mr. B. P. Maim, who has had not only the editorship of the bib- liograpiiical record,
but has had most of the
burden of the general editorship of the whole paper. In n~sisnrsing the inanfigernont of PM'CHE, the undersigned wishes to acknowledge Mr. Mann's services especially, without which it would htive been impossible to contiinte the paper, and to announce that hereafter the respon- sibility fop the general management rests upon himself.
During the past three years many books, psm- phlets and periodicals liavc been received as gifts or in extihmgc, and the editors will now strive to have these, as far os they pertain to entomological subjects, properly noticed in otir bibliographical record, and, in such cases as may seem best, reviewed.
The nuinem of PSYCHE for each of the years 1880 and 1881 contained-to make a comparison readily perceptible to persons not fainiliiir with printers' noineuclaturc~exclusive of title-pages and advertisements, matter cqtiivalent to more than 227 pages of reading matter of volume one or two. To this will be added, at the end of volume three, an indexmuch larger tlinii that of volume one. It is unnecessary to mid tttnt Fsrcn~ never has piiid its cost. For volume three it would be necessary to have a few more thnn double the present number of sulincribers to make it pay its cost, exclusive of excliangea received. As the present publisher, who under- took the pnblirotiun of PSYCHE in order to give the Cambridge Entomological Clubthe foun- (let of the magazine-time to accumulate a publication fund, will be obliged soon,under the pressure of other duties find responsibilities, to return the publication to the hands of its parent awiety, it is not, perhaps, improper here to solicit co~tribiitii~is to the publication fund of the society.
G: Dimmock.
Mr. S. H, Scudder has published his paper, "Fragments of the coarser anatomy of diurnal lepidoptera," wiiieli appeared in the columns of our minwros for Out. 1881 to April 1882, in book form. The book, which is somewhat novel in design and very neat in typography, ia printed with wide margins on excellent paper. It con- tains 83 pagw of 10.5 by 8 cm., type n~-asurc- ment, wliile the Look measures 19.5 by 12.5 cm. G: D.


Volume 3 table of contents