Article beginning on page 347.
Psyche 3:347, 1880.
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wE ARE sorry to note the ~isco,,timisuse TUB REGULAR Meetings of the Cambridge
of the Sct'enw advocate, which bus been pub- Entomological Club will be held at 7.45 p.m., listled at Atco, N. J.
on the days following:-
PROF. K. L. BRIMSON of Ekaterinorinv,
14 Oct. tSSi.
to Mar. 1882.
11 Nov. " , 14 Apr. '.
Russia, has sent to the CAMBRIDGE ENTO- 9 Dec. *' [?May "' MOLOGICAL CLUB, a lid of duplicate coleo- 13 &ail.+ I!?. 9 June '$ ptera, hy menoptera, diptera and lepidoptera, TO -eb
B : PICKMAX MANN. Secretary.
which he offers in exchange for North Amer- -
ican lepidoptera. Members of the Ciub re- siding at a distance may see i he list by send- ing prepayment of postage to the Secretary. Those who wish to exchange are requested to send lists of duplicates to Pro!'. Brainson. THE COLLECTIOS of insects belonging to
the' University of Kansas conhtins stbout 6000 species of coleoptera and 2000 of lepidoptera and 2000 of the remaining orders.
Prof, I?,
!A. Snow. who has charge of it, has donated to the University everything he has ever col- lected or obtained in exchange.
DR. F. A. W. THOMAS of Ohrdruf, Ger-
many, has published in Just's
fafiresbericfit, from year to vent-, reviews of the literature of plant-gall^, !;ince 1875 [we Rec., 1285]. The review for 1879 is noticed in the Awricau naturalist, March 1882, v. r0, p. 246-247. by Dr. C : V. Riley, who says '*the most important contribution of theyear 1879 seems to have been L. Cotirchet's 'Etude sur les galles produites par les aphidiens.' " THE OTTAWA field naturalists' club, organ- ized in March 1879, of which James Fletcher is president and W: Hague Harrington is
secretary, aims
to promote in a $y&inatie
manner, the stud? of the natural history of Ottawa, Ontario. It will soon publish the third numero of its transactions.
have been appointed in the several branches of natural history, to assist the members in the collection and determination of specimens. A prize is offered in each branch for the best , collection of specimens and a special prize THC RKWLAR meetings of the Entomologi-
cal Section of the Boston Society of Natural History will be held at N. W. corner of Berkc- ley and Boyiston Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.45 p.m.. on the days following : -
26 Oct. 1881. 22 Feb. 1882.
23 Nov. -' 22 Mar. *'
28 Dec. -+ 26 Apr. .'
25 Jhn. 1882. 24 yay ''
R: PICKMAK MA?.'<, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomolog-
ical Section of the Academy of Natural Sci- ences. of ~hiladel~hia, Pit., will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sth., on the day* following :-
14 Oct. i8S1. 10 Mill-. 1832.
11 Nov. 14 Apr. 6i
9 Dec. +, li Ma\- "
q Jan, 1882- 9 June 1c
10 Feb.
THE SEM~-ANNUAL meetings of the Arner-
ican Entomological Society will be held at S. W. corner of 19th nnd Race Sts., Phitadel- phia, Pa., on the days following:-
is Dec. 1881. isJune 1882.
TUB REGULAR monthly meetings of the
Montreal Branch of the Entomological So- ciety of Ontario, will be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, on the days following:-
6 Sept. 1881. 3 Jan. 1882.
4 Oct. 7 Feb. -'
I Nov. &' , 7Mar.
6 Dec. 4 Apr. I'
G: H. BOWLBS, Secretary,
for-the moht important additions to any list -
already published in the club's transactions. PRIZE ESSAYS.
The leaders in
are W, H, Har-
D L ~ 1 j OCT. 1882.-Life-histories of Sd.+ ~os/o~ua syn awus and of Sf~oftgihs $er~ra- rington and J. B. Tyrell.
ctii's. see PSYCHE, v. 3, p, 59.
Volume 3 table of contents