Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 344.
Psyche 3:344-346, 1880.

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Authors and societies urv requested to forward their works to the editors as soon us )%vHished.
The date of $utflicatioiit given in brackets [I, marks the time at which the wrk was received, unless an earlier date of'&;blicaiioa is known to recorder or editor. Unless otherwise stated fach record is made directly from the work that is noticed. '-Buffalo gnnt" of the Miqsissi pi valley he).
wi. ainer., 211 May 1882, r. 46, p.
309, col. 3, 5 ~111.).
"Notes on a species of siwdiuttt itrid nica~is to use iigai~lqt it. G: a. (2740)
Crow (The). (Sci, ainer.. 8 April 1882, v. 46. p. 216, coi. 2, 10 cm.)
Defends ramis ainfnciinnt because of its insectivo. roua habits. 6: 0. {qp)
Delpino, Federico. Nettarii estranuzinli. (Rivista botanka, 1880, p. 23-24.)
Abstract nF W: Treleaae's "Nectar, itsnnturc, occur rence and uses" . . , f Rvc., 24751. W: T. (3751) Dei Vaulx, J. P. Plaisirs et profits de
I'tjleveur d'abeilles. Deuxifeme edition. Lille et Paris, J. Lefort, 1877. t.-p. cover, 180 p. 18 X 12, t 12.5X 7.4. pap. I fr. 50 c. Popular general work no sipiculture, G: D, (2752) Dilar in North America. (Amer. nat., Oct. 1881, v. 35, p. 822.)
Xote on di'iur am^ficn~tft^ G: D. (273)
Do bees injure grapeh? (Sci, amer.. 21; Feb. 1882. v. 46. p. i21, col 3. 4 tin.)
Bees, it ie decided, do not puncture the skin of grapes. G: D, (3754)
Domestic bilk growing, (Sei. ainer., i I Feh. i8S2. v. 46, p. 84, col. 2-3, ifi c~n.)
Notice of the first exhibition [sf the 'W-omen's Silk Culture A~sneistinri. in Fhikadvlphiti; statistics on silk cultnrf. (S: D. (zj,;,;)
Double hybrid worm-proof cotton. (Sci.
amer.. 7 Jan. 1882. v. 46, p. 6, col. 3. i; cm.) Notice af a varnity of mttnn pht said t<h resist the attacks of worms. G: D, (wi.5)
Ernst, A. Fertilization of rubom petddi- fera [Rec., 23951.
Notice, (Amer. nat., Sept. 1880. v. 14,
P, 669.1
Crit. re\. of notice. by A. Ernst. in his .The lac insect" (Anier. nat.. Mar. 1831, v. I;;, p. 235) [Rec,. 27601. G: D. (27.59) Farrer, T. H.
On the manner of fertiliza-
tion of the scarlet runner and blue lobelia. (Ann. and mag. nat. hist.. Oct. 1868, wr. 4, v. 2, p. 255-363 ; 2 fig.)
Straw's the adaptation of the flowers of kasCvht~ and tokttft to crossing by insect fluency, andnotes tlie be- havior of insects wlrite visiting them. #bhervations on the rioral stmctnrc of fafff/aw/f^i and fnsiff~t' are }tddecL W: T, (3761)
Wer, Andrew S., sfi' li~sxhr WOHM (The) . . . 1 ttcc . zw].
Q-y, Aaa, sw PACKARD, A. S.,j'r., Moths entrapped l~v An nsclcpiad plant . . . [Rw., ifqi]. Griffith. H. G. Can.ivoroiis habits of I#/+


Hercules beetle (The). (Sci. amer., 4 March 1882, v. 46, p. 135, cot. I, 23 cm.)
Notes OD habits of. and figure nf scarabaeus hercules. Fmm Zrfi nature. G: D. (2765)
Hndebrand, ~riedhch. Expcrirncnte zur
Dichogamie und zum Dimorphisimis. (Bot.
Zeituns;, 1865, v, 23 : 6 Jan., p. 1-6; 13 Jan. p- 13-15 ; 27 Jan. p. 36, 3 cm.)
Dcscr'itMis the structure of the flowers ofyw~~lailtm prfffeuw, tff<fift?is futrpwea nnd p/m^nffriu oflcinaifs, notm* the ijehfivior d insects w en visiting them, And fi ink the re's~ih of cxpCTimciits on their artihcial! fcr- 131initron. W: T. WWj
Hildebrand, Friedrich. F. Delpino's Wei- lerc Beoliachtungen iiber die Dichogainie im Pflanxenreich, rait Zusiitssen und Illus- Erationen. (Bot. Zeitung, 1870: 16 Sept., c. sS<i-w, 23 Scpt., c. &I-fiog; 30 Sept., c. 617-625; 7 Oct., c. 633-641; 14 Oct., c. 649-(179; 21 Oct., c. 665-675, pi. 10.)
Translation of the greater part of F. Dtilpinds "UI. tcriort 07-wviizioni uuliu dicopiinia . . . Pnrte ia Rcc ANI], will1 comnwnta, TEw iirticis is iltnstnttcd by lithogr-.tpliic plate of 30 gone! figmcs by the translator. 1r: T. (37d7,
Hoffmami, H. Zur Kenntnis8 der Garten-
bohnen. (Bot. Zeitiing, 1874, v. 32: 1
May, c. 373-283 ; 8 Mny, c. 289-302, pi. 5.) , Experiiniints on the vnrtiltion indiic(?rt in phaseolu.~ iJI#/^y/i'wl$ andJ^. wa/grtr/.? 7) crossing" showed tlwt both species sin.; self-~firtile, thelntter trr n greater degree thrill Hie former. Experiments in artificifll crossing of virictt~~ paw chictts rtcqnriw result*, froan wliich the- writer conrhides tlsxt i^rw<:ne is imprisqihlc, or nt !cast vCrv fimblfn1. Rcti~!rxinc(.' i". made In 1.hc litcr~iinre nil in& .i~rtLl~fflition of tin? specie- or fihmeohts (c. aog- 29G). 11'; (27fhJ
Howard, Leland 0. Strange habits of met+ ufadius femorattts Fab. (Amer. nat., July 1S2, v. 16, p. 597-598.)
Af. fewiorafw hiings up the empty skins of Iurunc of lmcftftin wtipttuctm, from which it has sucked the juice%, on the crotches of the stems of may-weed [faantfa wtufn]. G: D. (3760)
How to get rid of water bugs. (Sci. amer., I April 1882, v. 46, p. 193, col. 3, 3 cm.) Recommend equal parts of powdered borax and sugar for writer bugs [eclfff^iitgerwffnica]. G: D. (2770)
Kabaall, W. Anatomische und physiolo-
gische Beobachtungen uber die Reizbsirkeit der Gcschlccl~tsorgane. (Bot. Zeitung,
1861, v. 19: 35 Jan., p. 25-29; I Feb., p. 3-7-37, ~ 1 - 1.1
Considers the irrittible organs of n number of genera. In the ci/~d?mtprotandry ricccssitatcs the aid of insects or other rifents in fertilization. W: T. (1771) Kidder, J. H. Note on the first insect from Wrangel! Island. (Amer. nat., Mny 1882,
v. 16, p. 40s-#. )
An undcscribed species of erigone and ft larva, tloulitfully Itrpidoptcrous, from Wrangfill island, G: D. (~772)
Lac. (Sci. amer., 8 April 1882, v. 46, p. 217, col. 1-3, 83 cm.)
General notes on lac; its source coccus Zocw), qual- itics, clwmicnl constitution, m& of
re ration,
tccT~ilicrt1 uses, crnplovmfint as mfidicnic. 8 J^i (2773) Locusts in Angora. ("London [Engl. ] tel- egrnph" . . . ) (Sci. amer., 20 May 1882, v. 46, p. 310-3fl, 22 cm-)
Notes on means attempted to destroy the locusts in Ancipra, Asia Minor. G: D- (2774)
Looust probnbillties for 1882.
(Amer. nat.,
Fell. 1882, v, 16, p. 153.
Notes on the ,locusts of the western United Stiitta, from Itttfir by Lawrence Bmncr. G:D. (1775) Lubbook, J : "Blumen und Insecten in ihrer Wechselbeziehung dargestellt. Nach der
ae Auflage. Bed., Borntriiger, 1877. Svo." Rev., by [Ernst] K[rause]. (Kosmos,
June 1877, v. I, p. 375, 18 crn.)
Germ. tr., by A. %sow of Lubbock's "On British wild flowers conaidcttwl in $lation to insects" . . . [Rcc., ->s^J. w: T. K377.5)
Mdgoin, P. Les parasites et les maladies prasitairee cbez I'homme, les animnux
domestiqiies et les animaux sauvages nvec Icsqueis ils peuvent Hire en contact. In- eectes, arachtiides, crustacds. Avfc 61, fiq- urcs dans la texte et un atlas de 26 planches dessin&a par I'auteur. Texte, Pm-is, G.
hhsson, 18%. 1.-p. cover, [6+] 478 p.
23x14~ t 17X9.5. il. Pap., with atIns,%ofr. Atlas-
t.-p. cover, [4 p.], 36 pi., each
with p. of explanations.
23X 15.
Crit. rev. (Bericht . . . der Entoin., 1879, p. 7 7 64"65~ 69,)
General work on the arthropods parasiticon man and domestic animals : p. 6- I, diptern; p. jz-56, liemiptera ; p. iiphiiniptera and colenptera, inctudin~ here the &cidae nnrl p/tity/ISy//idtif; p. 73-104, ''cpimTqucs," in- clndiii~" thcpfdsrdd~~ Knd mdhffbffga; p. 10 -.+m am. rinx: p. +p.+~fi, cmswcc:L; 457.45g, afiLiCJx, errat*, ctc . p. 46^ 47\, :iEpInIietic an s-y-tcmetic indc~. Difw-2%- cq 211~x-i bv pamsitcs, :in^ rcmetlicfi tor ~hon; pncrni notes nccokpdiiv lhc iIe^criptio~h of llnl'. AH thc figure? En tl1f1 iulw rare of ncnriiia. G: D. (37~) MlUer, W: Bees as fertilizing agents. (Gard. chronicle, t Feb. 1879, n. s., v. I I, p. 173- . .
- .
States that bees art profitabl
introduced into peach
~OIIEC- to effect pollination of the flowers. W: T. (1778)
Mimicry in fungi.
(Amcr. nat., Jan. 1882,
v. 16, p. 42,)
From Greuiliea, Fungi not rarely imitatevegctabic, animal, or cxcrcmcntitious substances,either as regards external appearance or as regard< &I, mas to attract insects. G: D. (3770)
Moore, S. Le M. Notes on Mascarene or-
.chidology. (Journ. of batan 1876, v. 14, S., V. 5, p. 289-392, pi. 181.)'
Shows the mcthodft for cnsurlng cross.fcrtilizntion in dngTincuw and its niliea, in tistrasiachys fescata~iasa an in cparcliis. The visits of insects are not men! tTonwi, bf: T. (ff-t)



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